licenses(["notice"]) TEST_HEADERS = [ "test_macros.h", "test_common.h", "class_construction_tracker.h", ] filegroup( name = "test_headers_filegroup", srcs = TEST_HEADERS, visibility = ["//third_party/fruit/tests:__subpackages__"], ) cc_library( name = "test_headers", srcs = [], hdrs = TEST_HEADERS, visibility = ["//third_party/fruit/tests:__subpackages__"], includes = ["."], ) [cc_test( name = filename[:-4], srcs = [filename], deps = [ ":test_headers", "//third_party/fruit", ] ) for filename in glob( ["*.cpp"], exclude = ["include_test.cpp"])] FRUIT_PUBLIC_HEADERS = [ "component", "fruit", "fruit_forward_decls", "injector", "macro", "normalized_component", "provider", ] genrule( name = "fruit_test_config_genrule", srcs = [ "//third_party/fruit", "//third_party/fruit:fruit_headers", ":test_headers_filegroup", ], # Here we copy to work around an issue with py_test where the outputs of a cc_library in the data # attribute of a py_test are not taken into account. outs = [ "", "" ], visibility = ["//third_party/fruit/tests:__subpackages__"], cmd = "" + "FRUIT_HEADERS_LOCATION=`for f in $(locations //third_party/fruit:fruit_headers); do echo \"$$f\"; done | fgrep configuration/bazel/ | head -n 1 | sed 's|configuration/bazel/.*|./|'`;" + "TEST_HEADERS_LOCATION=`for f in $(locations :test_headers_filegroup); do echo \"$$f\"; done | fgrep test_macros.h | sed 's|test_macros.h|./|'`;" + "LIBFRUIT_LOCATION=`for f in $(locations //third_party/fruit); do echo \"$$f\"; done | fgrep | head -n 1 | sed 's||./|'`;" + "cp $${LIBFRUIT_LOCATION}/ $(location;" # The removal of ".*/genfiles" from the location is a bit of a hack, but that's how the path will look like in the py_tests # below. + "LIBFRUIT_COPY_DIR_LOCATION=`dirname $(location | sed 's|.*/genfiles/|./|'`;" + "LIBFRUIT_COPY_LOCATION=`echo $(location | sed 's|.*/genfiles/|./|'`;" + "echo -e \"" + "CXX='g++'\n" + "CXX_COMPILER_NAME='GNU'\n" + "CXX_COMPILER_VERSION='5.0.0'\n" + "FRUIT_COMPILE_FLAGS='$(CC_FLAGS) -std=c++0x -W -Wall -Wno-missing-braces -g -Werror'\n" + "ADDITIONAL_INCLUDE_DIRS=''\n" + "CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=None\n" + "PATH_TO_COMPILED_FRUIT='$${LIBFRUIT_COPY_DIR_LOCATION}'\n" + "PATH_TO_COMPILED_FRUIT_LIB='$${LIBFRUIT_COPY_LOCATION}'\n" + "PATH_TO_FRUIT_STATIC_HEADERS='$${FRUIT_HEADERS_LOCATION}/include'\n" + "PATH_TO_FRUIT_GENERATED_HEADERS='$${FRUIT_HEADERS_LOCATION}/configuration/bazel'\n" + "PATH_TO_FRUIT_TEST_HEADERS='$${TEST_HEADERS_LOCATION}'\n" + "ADDITIONAL_LINKER_FLAGS=''\n" + "RUN_TESTS_UNDER_VALGRIND='0'\n" + "VALGRIND_FLAGS=''\n" + "ENABLE_COVERAGE=False\n" + "\" > $(location", ) py_library( name = "fruit_test_common", srcs = ["", ""], imports = ["."], visibility = ["//third_party/fruit/tests:__subpackages__"], ) load("//third_party/fruit/tests:build_defs.bzl", "fruit_py_tests") fruit_py_tests( srcs = glob(["test_*.py"]), )