# Copyright 2016 The Gemmlowp Authors. All rights reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. """.""" _HEADER_COPYRIGHT = ( '''// Copyright 2016 The Gemmlowp Authors. All Rights Reserved. // // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. // You may obtain a copy of the License at // // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and // limitations under the License. ''') def GenerateHeader(cc, header_name, preprocessor_directive): cc.EmitCodeNoSemicolon(_HEADER_COPYRIGHT) cc.EmitHeaderBegin(header_name) cc.EmitPreprocessor1('ifdef', preprocessor_directive) cc.EmitNewline() cc.EmitInclude('<cassert>') cc.EmitInclude('<cstdint>') cc.EmitNewline() def GenerateFooter(cc, message): cc.EmitPreprocessor('else') cc.EmitPreprocessor1('warning', '"%s"' % message) cc.EmitPreprocessor('endif') cc.EmitNewline() cc.EmitHeaderEnd() def GenerateDebugLog(cc, message): cc.EmitPreprocessor1('ifdef', 'DEBUG') cc.EmitPreprocessor1('ifdef', 'DEBUG_METAGEMM_VERBOSE') cc.EmitCode('std::cout << __FILE__ << \"(\" << __LINE__ << \") %s\" ' '<< std::endl << std::flush' % message) cc.EmitPreprocessor('endif') cc.EmitPreprocessor('endif') def _TemplateName(base, params): return '%s<%s>' % (base, ', '.join(map(str, params))) class StreamGenerator(object): """.""" def __init__(self, emitter, name): self.name = name self.emitter = emitter def SpecializeStream(self, in_type, lanes_count, pack_size, leftovers): if callable(getattr(self, 'EmitPack', None)): template_params = [in_type, lanes_count, pack_size, leftovers, self.name] self.emitter.EmitMemberFunctionBegin( 'Stream', [], template_params, 'Pack', [['const %s*' % in_type, 'in'], ['const %s&' % self.name, 'params'], ['%s*' % in_type, 'out']], 'inline void') GenerateDebugLog(self.emitter, '%s::Pack()' % _TemplateName(self.name, template_params)) self.EmitPack(in_type, lanes_count, pack_size, leftovers) self.emitter.EmitFunctionEnd() class MulKernelGenerator(object): """.""" def __init__(self, emitter, kernel_name, output_stream_name): self.kernel_name = kernel_name self.output_stream_name = output_stream_name self.emitter = emitter def SpecializeMulKernel(self, in_type, out_type, kernel_m, kernel_n, pack_size): """Generates the kernel wrapped in a MulKernel template specialization.""" template_params = [ in_type, out_type, self.kernel_name, self.output_stream_name, kernel_m, kernel_n, pack_size ] self.emitter.EmitMemberFunctionBegin( 'MulKernel', [], template_params, 'Multiply', [['const %s*' % in_type, 'lhs'], ['const %s*' % in_type, 'rhs'], [ 'const FusedKernelParams<%s, %s>&' % (self.kernel_name, self.output_stream_name), 'params' ], ['%s*' % out_type, 'result']], 'inline void') GenerateDebugLog(self.emitter, '%s::Multiply()' % _TemplateName(self.kernel_name + self.output_stream_name, template_params)) self.EmitMultiply(in_type, out_type, kernel_m, kernel_n, pack_size) self.emitter.EmitFunctionEnd() class Transform1DKernelGenerator(object): """.""" def __init__(self, emitter, kernel_name): self.kernel_name = kernel_name self.emitter = emitter def SpecializeTransform1DKernel(self, in_type, out_type, kernel_size, leftovers): """Generates the kernel wrapped in a Transform1DKernel specialization.""" template_params = [ in_type, out_type, self.kernel_name, kernel_size, leftovers ] self.emitter.EmitMemberFunctionBegin( 'Transform1DKernel', [], template_params, 'Transform', [['const %s*' % in_type, 'input'], ['const %s&' % self.kernel_name, 'params'], ['%s*' % out_type, 'output']], 'inline void') GenerateDebugLog(self.emitter, '%s::Transform()' % _TemplateName(self.kernel_name, template_params)) self.EmitTransform(in_type, out_type, kernel_size, leftovers) self.emitter.EmitFunctionEnd()