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//  Purpose:
//     Cryptography Primitive.
//     Fixed EC primes

#if !defined(_PCP_ECPRIME_H)
#define _PCP_ECPRIME_H

#include "owndefs.h"
#include "pcpbnuimpl.h"

// Recommended (NIST's) underlying EC Primes
extern const BNU_CHUNK_T secp112r1_p[]; // (2^128 -3)/76439
extern const BNU_CHUNK_T secp112r2_p[]; // (2^128 -3)/76439
extern const BNU_CHUNK_T secp128r1_p[]; // 2^128 -2^97 -1
extern const BNU_CHUNK_T secp128r2_p[]; // 2^128 -2^97 -1
extern const BNU_CHUNK_T secp160r1_p[]; // 2^160 -2^31 -1
extern const BNU_CHUNK_T secp160r2_p[]; // 2^160 -2^32 -2^14 -2^12 -2^9 -2^8 -2^7 -2^2 -1
extern const BNU_CHUNK_T secp192r1_p[]; // 2^192 -2^64 -1
extern const BNU_CHUNK_T secp224r1_p[]; // 2^224 -2^96 +1
extern const BNU_CHUNK_T secp256r1_p[]; // 2^256 -2^224 +2^192 +2^96 -1
extern const BNU_CHUNK_T secp384r1_p[]; // 2^384 -2^128 -2^96 +2^32 -1
extern const BNU_CHUNK_T secp521r1_p[]; // 2^521 -1

extern const BNU_CHUNK_T tpmBN_p256p_p[]; // TPM BN_P256

// Recommended (SM2) underlying EC Prime
extern const BNU_CHUNK_T tpmSM2_p256_p[]; // TPM SM2_P256

#endif /* _PCP_ECPRIME_H */