# Standard e2fsprogs prologue....

srcdir = @srcdir@
top_srcdir = @top_srcdir@
VPATH = @srcdir@
top_builddir = ..
my_dir = ext2ed


PROGS=		ext2ed
MANPAGES=	ext2ed.8

DOC_DIR		=	$datadir/doc/ext2ed

LIBS		=	-lncurses $(LIBEXT2FS)

SRCS=	$(srcdir)/main.c $(srcdir)/init.c $(srcdir)/general_com.c       \
	$(srcdir)/inode_com.c $(srcdir)/dir_com.c $(srcdir)/super_com.c \
	$(srcdir)/disk.c $(srcdir)/win.c $(srcdir)/group_com.c          \
	$(srcdir)/file_com.c $(srcdir)/blockbitmap_com.c                \
	$(srcdir)/ext2_com.c $(srcdir)/inodebitmap_com.c

OBJS=	main.o init.o general_com.o inode_com.o dir_com.o super_com.o    \
	disk.o win.o group_com.o file_com.o blockbitmap_com.o ext2_com.o \

DOCS=   doc/ext2ed-design.pdf doc/user-guide.pdf doc/ext2fs-overview.pdf \
	doc/ext2ed-design.html doc/user-guide.html doc/ext2fs-overview.html

	$(CC) -c $(ALL_CFLAGS) $< -o $@

.SUFFIXES: .sgml .ps .pdf .html

	mkdir -p doc
	sgmltools -b ps $< 
	-mv `echo $< | sed -e 's/.sgml$$/.ps/'` $@

	mkdir -p doc
	sgmltools -b pdf $< 
	-mv `echo $< | sed -e 's/.sgml$$/.pdf/'` $@

	mkdir -p doc
	sgmltools -b onehtml $< 
	-mv `echo $< | sed -e 's/.sgml$$/.html/'` $@

all:: $(PROGS) $(MANPAGES) ext2ed.conf 

docs: $(DOCS)

ext2ed: $(OBJS)
	$(CC) $(ALL_LDFLAGS) -o ext2ed $(OBJS) $(LIBS)

ext2ed.8: $(DEP_SUBSTITUTE) $(srcdir)/ext2ed.8.in
	$(SUBSTITUTE_UPTIME) $(srcdir)/ext2ed.8.in ext2ed.8

ext2ed.conf: $(DEP_SUBSTITUTE) $(srcdir)/ext2ed.conf.in
	$(SUBSTITUTE_UPTIME) $(srcdir)/ext2ed.conf.in ext2ed.conf

	$(RM) -f ext2ed $(OBJS) $(DOCS) ext2ed.conf ext2ed.8
	-rmdir doc

install: ext2ed
	install -d $(root_sysconfdir)
	install -m 755 ext2ed $(sbindir)
	install -m 644 $(srcdir)/ext2.descriptors $(datadir)
	install -m 644 ext2ed.conf $(root_sysconfdir)
	install -m 644 ext2ed.8 $(man8dir)

# +++ Dependency line eater +++
# Makefile dependencies follow.  This must be the last section in
# the Makefile.in file
main.o: $(srcdir)/main.c $(srcdir)/ext2ed.h
general_com.o: $(srcdir)/general_com.c $(srcdir)/ext2ed.h
inode_com.o: $(srcdir)/inode_com.c $(srcdir)/ext2ed.h
dir_com.o: $(srcdir)/dir_com.c $(srcdir)/ext2ed.h
super_com.o: $(srcdir)/super_com.c $(srcdir)/ext2ed.h
disk.o: $(srcdir)/disk.c $(srcdir)/ext2ed.h
win.o: $(srcdir)/win.c $(srcdir)/ext2ed.h
group_com.o: $(srcdir)/group_com.c $(srcdir)/ext2ed.h
file_com.o: $(srcdir)/file_com.c $(srcdir)/ext2ed.h
blockbitmap_com.o: $(srcdir)/blockbitmap_com.c $(srcdir)/ext2ed.h
ext2_com.o: $(srcdir)/ext2_com.c $(srcdir)/ext2ed.h
inodebitmap_com.o: $(srcdir)/inodebitmap_com.c $(srcdir)/ext2ed.h