// Copyright 2006-2012 Adobe Systems Incorporated
// All Rights Reserved.
// NOTICE:  Adobe permits you to use, modify, and distribute this file in
// accordance with the terms of the Adobe license agreement accompanying it.

/* $Id: //mondo/dng_sdk_1_4/dng_sdk/source/dng_utils.cpp#3 $ */ 
/* $DateTime: 2012/08/12 15:38:38 $ */
/* $Change: 842799 $ */
/* $Author: tknoll $ */


#include "dng_utils.h"

#include "dng_area_task.h"
#include "dng_assertions.h"
#include "dng_bottlenecks.h"
#include "dng_exceptions.h"
#include "dng_host.h"
#include "dng_image.h"
#include "dng_flags.h"
#include "dng_point.h"
#include "dng_rect.h"
#include "dng_safe_arithmetic.h"
#include "dng_tag_types.h"
#include "dng_tile_iterator.h"

#if qMacOS
#include <TargetConditionals.h>
#include <MobileCoreServices/MobileCoreServices.h>
#include <CoreServices/CoreServices.h>
#endif  // qMacOS

#if qiPhone || qMacOS
// these provide timers
#include <mach/mach.h>
#include <mach/mach_time.h>

#if qWinOS
#include <windows.h>
#include <sys/time.h>
#include <stdarg.h> // for va_start/va_end


#if qDNGDebug


#if qMacOS
	#define DNG_DEBUG_BREAK __asm__ volatile ("int3")
#elif qWinOS
	#if qDNG64Bit
		// no inline assembly on Win 64-bit, so use DebugBreak
		#define DNG_DEBUG_BREAK DebugBreak()
		#define DNG_DEBUG_BREAK __asm__ volatile ("int3")
#elif qiPhone
	// simulator is running on Intel
	#if qiPhoneSimulator
		#define DNG_DEBUG_BREAK __asm__ volatile ("int3")
		// The debugger doesn't restore program counter after this is called.
		//   Caller must move program counter past line to continue.
		// As of iOS5/xCode 4.2, recovery may not be possible.
		#define DNG_DEBUG_BREAK __asm__ volatile ("bkpt 1")
#elif qAndroid
	#define DNG_DEBUG_BREAK __asm__ volatile ("bkpt 1") 
#elif qLinux
	#define DNG_DEBUG_BREAK __asm__ volatile ("int3")


bool gPrintAsserts   = true;
bool gBreakOnAsserts = true;


void dng_show_message (const char *s)
	#if qDNGPrintMessages
	// display the message
	if (gPrintAsserts)
		fprintf (stderr, "%s\n", s);
	#elif qiPhone || qAndroid || qLinux
	if (gPrintAsserts)
		fprintf (stderr, "%s\n", s);
	// iOS doesn't print a message to the console like DebugStr and MessageBox do, so we have to do both
	// You'll have to advance the program counter manually past this statement
	if (gBreakOnAsserts)
	#elif qMacOS
	if (gBreakOnAsserts)
		// truncate the to 255 chars
		char ss [256];
		uint32 len = strlen (s);
		if (len > 255)
			len = 255;
		strncpy (&(ss [1]), s, len );
		ss [0] = (unsigned char) len;
		DebugStr ((unsigned char *) ss);
	 else if (gPrintAsserts)
		fprintf (stderr, "%s\n", s);
	#elif qWinOS
	// display a dialog
	// This is not thread safe.  Multiple message boxes can be launched.
	// Should also be launched in its own thread so main msg queue isn't thrown off.
	if (gBreakOnAsserts)
		MessageBoxA (NULL, (LPSTR) s, NULL, MB_OK);
	else if (gPrintAsserts)
		fprintf (stderr, "%s\n", s);



void dng_show_message_f (const char *fmt, ... )
	char buffer [1024];
	va_list ap;
	va_start (ap, fmt);

	vsnprintf (buffer, sizeof (buffer), fmt, ap);
	va_end (ap);
	dng_show_message (buffer);




uint32 ComputeBufferSize(uint32 pixelType, const dng_point &tileSize,
						 uint32 numPlanes, PaddingType paddingType)

	// Convert tile size to uint32.
	if (tileSize.h < 0 || tileSize.v < 0)
		ThrowMemoryFull("Negative tile size");
	const uint32 tileSizeH = static_cast<uint32>(tileSize.h);
	const uint32 tileSizeV = static_cast<uint32>(tileSize.v);
	const uint32 pixelSize = TagTypeSize(pixelType);
	// Add padding to width if necessary.
	uint32 paddedWidth = tileSizeH;
	if (paddingType == pad16Bytes)
		if (!RoundUpForPixelSize(paddedWidth, pixelSize, &paddedWidth))
			  ThrowMemoryFull("Arithmetic overflow computing buffer size");
	// Compute buffer size.
	uint32 bufferSize;
	if (!SafeUint32Mult(paddedWidth, tileSizeV, &bufferSize) ||
		!SafeUint32Mult(bufferSize, pixelSize, &bufferSize) ||
		!SafeUint32Mult(bufferSize, numPlanes, &bufferSize))
		ThrowMemoryFull("Arithmetic overflow computing buffer size");
	return bufferSize;


real64 TickTimeInSeconds ()
	#if qWinOS
	// One might think it prudent to cache the frequency here, however
	// low-power CPU modes can, and do, change the value returned.
	// Thus the frequencey needs to be retrieved each time.
	// Note that the frequency changing can cause the return
	// result to jump backwards, which is why the TickCountInSeconds
	// (below) also exists.

	// Just plug in laptop when doing timings to minimize this.
	//  QPC/QPH is a slow call compared to rtdsc.
	#if qImagecore

	// You should be plugged-in when measuring.

	static real64 freqMultiplier = 0.0;

	if (freqMultiplier == 0.0)


		QueryPerformanceFrequency (&freq);

		freqMultiplier = 1.0 / (real64) freq.QuadPart;




	QueryPerformanceFrequency (&freq);

	real64 freqMultiplier = 1.0 / (real64) freq.QuadPart;
	#endif	// qImagecore

	QueryPerformanceCounter (&cycles);

	return (real64) cycles.QuadPart * freqMultiplier;

	#elif qiPhone || qMacOS
	//  this is switching Mac to high performance timer
	//  and this is also the timer for iPhone
	// assume frequency is unchanging, requesting frequency every time call
	//   is too slow.  multiple cores, different frequency ?
	static real64 freqMultiplier = 0.0;
	if (freqMultiplier == 0.0)
		mach_timebase_info_data_t freq; 
		// converts from nanos to micros
		//  numer = 125, denom = 3 * 1000
		freqMultiplier = ((real64)freq.numer / (real64)freq.denom) * 1.0e-9;
	return mach_absolute_time() * freqMultiplier;
	#elif qAndroid || qLinux

	//this is a fast timer to nanos
    struct timespec now;
	clock_gettime(CLOCK_MONOTONIC, &now);
	return now.tv_sec + (real64)now.tv_nsec * 1.0e-9;


	// Perhaps a better call exists. (e.g. avoid adjtime effects)

	struct timeval tv;
	gettimeofday (&tv, NULL);

	return tv.tv_sec + (real64)tv.tv_usec * 1.0e-6;



real64 TickCountInSeconds ()
	return TickTimeInSeconds ();


bool gDNGShowTimers = true;

dng_timer::dng_timer (const char *message)

	:	fMessage   (message             )
	,	fStartTime (TickTimeInSeconds ())



dng_timer::~dng_timer ()
	if (!gDNGShowTimers)

	real64 totalTime = TickTimeInSeconds () - fStartTime;
	fprintf (stderr, "%s: %0.3f sec\n", fMessage, totalTime);



real64 MaxSquaredDistancePointToRect (const dng_point_real64 &point,
									  const dng_rect_real64 &rect)
	real64 distSqr = DistanceSquared (point, 
									  rect.TL ());

	distSqr = Max_real64 (distSqr,
						  DistanceSquared (point, 
										   rect.BL ()));

	distSqr = Max_real64 (distSqr,
						  DistanceSquared (point, 
										   rect.BR ()));

	distSqr = Max_real64 (distSqr,
						  DistanceSquared (point, 
										   rect.TR ()));

	return distSqr;


real64 MaxDistancePointToRect (const dng_point_real64 &point,
							   const dng_rect_real64 &rect)

	return sqrt (MaxSquaredDistancePointToRect (point, 



dng_dither::dng_dither ()

	:	fNoiseBuffer ()

	const uint32 kSeed = 1;

	fNoiseBuffer.Allocate (kRNGSize2D * sizeof (uint16));

	uint16 *buffer = fNoiseBuffer.Buffer_uint16 ();
	uint32 seed = kSeed;

	for (uint32 i = 0; i < kRNGSize2D; i++)

		seed = DNG_Random (seed);

		buffer [i] = (uint16) (seed);



const dng_dither & dng_dither::Get ()
	static dng_dither dither;
	return dither;


void HistogramArea (dng_host & /* host */,
					const dng_image &image,
					const dng_rect &area,
					uint32 *hist,
					uint32 maxValue,
					uint32 plane)
	DNG_ASSERT (image.PixelType () == ttShort, "Unsupported pixel type");
	DoZeroBytes (hist, (maxValue + 1) * (uint32) sizeof (uint32));
	dng_rect tile;
	dng_tile_iterator iter (image, area);
	while (iter.GetOneTile (tile))
		dng_const_tile_buffer buffer (image, tile);
		const void *sPtr = buffer.ConstPixel (tile.t,
		uint32 count0 = 1;
		uint32 count1 = tile.H ();
		uint32 count2 = tile.W ();
		int32 step0 = 0;
		int32 step1 = buffer.fRowStep;
		int32 step2 = buffer.fColStep;
		OptimizeOrder (sPtr,
		DNG_ASSERT (count0 == 1, "OptimizeOrder logic error");
		const uint16 *s1 = (const uint16 *) sPtr;
		for (uint32 row = 0; row < count1; row++)
			if (maxValue == 0x0FFFF && step2 == 1)
				for (uint32 col = 0; col < count2; col++)
					uint32 x = s1 [col];
					hist [x] ++;
				const uint16 *s2 = s1;
				for (uint32 col = 0; col < count2; col++)
					uint32 x = s2 [0];
					if (x <= maxValue)
						hist [x] ++;
					s2 += step2;
			s1 += step1;

class dng_limit_float_depth_task: public dng_area_task
		const dng_image &fSrcImage;
		dng_image &fDstImage;
		uint32 fBitDepth;
		real32 fScale;
		dng_limit_float_depth_task (const dng_image &srcImage,
									dng_image &dstImage,
									uint32 bitDepth,
									real32 scale);
		virtual dng_rect RepeatingTile1 () const
			return fSrcImage.RepeatingTile ();
		virtual dng_rect RepeatingTile2 () const
			return fDstImage.RepeatingTile ();
		virtual void Process (uint32 threadIndex,
							  const dng_rect &tile,
							  dng_abort_sniffer *sniffer);


dng_limit_float_depth_task::dng_limit_float_depth_task (const dng_image &srcImage,
														dng_image &dstImage,
														uint32 bitDepth,
														real32 scale)
	:	fSrcImage (srcImage)
	,	fDstImage (dstImage)
	,	fBitDepth (bitDepth)
	,	fScale    (scale)


void dng_limit_float_depth_task::Process (uint32 /* threadIndex */,
										  const dng_rect &tile,
										  dng_abort_sniffer * /* sniffer */)
	dng_const_tile_buffer srcBuffer (fSrcImage, tile);
	dng_dirty_tile_buffer dstBuffer (fDstImage, tile);
	uint32 count0 = tile.H ();
	uint32 count1 = tile.W ();
	uint32 count2 = fDstImage.Planes ();
	int32 sStep0 = srcBuffer.fRowStep;
	int32 sStep1 = srcBuffer.fColStep;
	int32 sStep2 = srcBuffer.fPlaneStep;
	int32 dStep0 = dstBuffer.fRowStep;
	int32 dStep1 = dstBuffer.fColStep;
	int32 dStep2 = dstBuffer.fPlaneStep;

	const void *sPtr = srcBuffer.ConstPixel (tile.t,
		  void *dPtr = dstBuffer.DirtyPixel (tile.t,

	OptimizeOrder (sPtr,
	const real32 *sPtr0 = (const real32 *) sPtr;
		  real32 *dPtr0 = (      real32 *) dPtr;
	real32 scale = fScale;
	bool limit16 = (fBitDepth == 16);
	bool limit24 = (fBitDepth == 24);
	for (uint32 index0 = 0; index0 < count0; index0++)
		const real32 *sPtr1 = sPtr0;
			  real32 *dPtr1 = dPtr0;
		for (uint32 index1 = 0; index1 < count1; index1++)
			// If the scale is a NOP, and the data is packed solid, we can just do memory
			// copy.
			if (scale == 1.0f && sStep2 == 1 && dStep2 == 1)
				if (dPtr1 != sPtr1)			// srcImage != dstImage
					memcpy (dPtr1, sPtr1, count2 * (uint32) sizeof (real32));
				const real32 *sPtr2 = sPtr1;
					  real32 *dPtr2 = dPtr1;
				for (uint32 index2 = 0; index2 < count2; index2++)
					real32 x = sPtr2 [0];
					x *= scale;
					dPtr2 [0] = x;
					sPtr2 += sStep2;
					dPtr2 += dStep2;
			// The data is now in the destination buffer.
			if (limit16)
				uint32 *dPtr2 = (uint32 *) dPtr1;
				for (uint32 index2 = 0; index2 < count2; index2++)
					uint32 x = dPtr2 [0];
					uint16 y = DNG_FloatToHalf (x);
					x = DNG_HalfToFloat (y);
					dPtr2 [0] = x;
					dPtr2 += dStep2;
			else if (limit24)
				uint32 *dPtr2 = (uint32 *) dPtr1;
				for (uint32 index2 = 0; index2 < count2; index2++)
					uint32 x = dPtr2 [0];
					uint8 temp [3];
					DNG_FloatToFP24 (x, temp);
					x = DNG_FP24ToFloat (temp);
					dPtr2 [0] = x;
					dPtr2 += dStep2;
			sPtr1 += sStep1;
			dPtr1 += dStep1;
		sPtr0 += sStep0;
		dPtr0 += dStep0;

void LimitFloatBitDepth (dng_host &host,
						 const dng_image &srcImage,
						 dng_image &dstImage,
						 uint32 bitDepth,
						 real32 scale)
	DNG_ASSERT (srcImage.PixelType () == ttFloat, "Floating point image expected");
	DNG_ASSERT (dstImage.PixelType () == ttFloat, "Floating point image expected");
	dng_limit_float_depth_task task (srcImage,
	host.PerformAreaTask (task, dstImage.Bounds ());
