# Release automation script for Linux builds.  This should be run
# first.  Must be run from the top-level conscrypt directory.

set -e

if [ -z "$1" ]; then
  echo "Usage: $0 <version>"
  exit 1

# Replace the last numerical component of the release with and x, so
# 1.2.3 becomes 1.2.x
BRANCH=$(echo "$1" | sed -E 's/([0-9]+[.][0-9]+[.])[0-9]+/\1x/')

git checkout "$BRANCH"

# Update the build.gradle file for the new version
sed -i 's/version = ".*"/version = "'"$1"'"/' build.gradle

# Commit the build.gradle, tag the release, and push upstream
git commit -a -m "Preparing version $1"
git tag -a "$1" -m "Version $1"
git push upstream "$BRANCH"
git push upstream "$1"

# Build and start the Docker container
docker build -t $CONTAINER_TAG release
CONTAINER_ID=$(docker run -itd $CONTAINER_TAG)

# Copy the relevant files from the host machine into the container
docker exec $CONTAINER_ID mkdir /root/.gradle
docker cp ~/.gnupg $CONTAINER_ID:/root/
docker cp ~/.gradle/gradle.properties $CONTAINER_ID:/root/.gradle/
docker cp "$(grep signingKeystore ~/.gradle/gradle.properties | cut -d= -f2)" $CONTAINER_ID:/root/certkeystore

# Run the release automation script for the docker container
docker exec $CONTAINER_ID scl enable llvm-toolset-7 "/conscrypt/release/docker $1"