This repository contains data used in various tests :
- ca-cert.pem: Root CA certificate

- ct-server-key-public.pem: Public Key of a test Certificate Transparency log

- cert.pem / cert-key.pem: Certificate issued by ca-cert.pem, and its private key

- cert-ct-poisoned.pem: Same certificate as cert.pem, but with an extra CT Poison extension

- cert-ct-embedded.pem: Same certificate as cert.pem, but with an embedded signed certificate
    timestamp signed by the test CT log

- ct-signed-timestamp-list: TLS-encoded SignedCertificateTimestampList containing one SCT for
    cert.pem signed by the test CT log

- ct-signed-timestamp-list-invalid: TLS-encoded SignedCertificateTimestampList containing one SCT
    signed by the test CT log, but for another certificate

- ct-signed-timestamp-list-unknown: TLS-encoded SignedCertificateTimestampList containing one SCT
    for cert.pem, but signed by a different log

- ocsp-response.der: OCSP response for cert.pem, containing an SCT for cert.pem signed by the test
    CT log

- ocsp-response-sct-extension.der: The extension from ocsp-response.der which contains the SCT