Copyright 2016 Marek Vavrusa <mvavrusa@cloudflare.com>

Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
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Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
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See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
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local ffi = require('ffi')
local bit = require('bit')
local has_syscall, S = pcall(require, 'syscall')
local M = {}

ffi.cdef [[
struct bpf {
	/* Instruction classes */
	static const int LD   = 0x00;
	static const int LDX  = 0x01;
	static const int ST   = 0x02;
	static const int STX  = 0x03;
	static const int ALU  = 0x04;
	static const int JMP  = 0x05;
	static const int ALU64 = 0x07;
	/* ld/ldx fields */
	static const int W    = 0x00;
	static const int H    = 0x08;
	static const int B    = 0x10;
	static const int ABS  = 0x20;
	static const int IND  = 0x40;
	static const int MEM  = 0x60;
	static const int LEN  = 0x80;
	static const int MSH  = 0xa0;
	/* alu/jmp fields */
	static const int ADD  = 0x00;
	static const int SUB  = 0x10;
	static const int MUL  = 0x20;
	static const int DIV  = 0x30;
	static const int OR   = 0x40;
	static const int AND  = 0x50;
	static const int LSH  = 0x60;
	static const int RSH  = 0x70;
	static const int NEG  = 0x80;
	static const int MOD  = 0x90;
	static const int XOR  = 0xa0;
	static const int JA   = 0x00;
	static const int JEQ  = 0x10;
	static const int JGT  = 0x20;
	static const int JGE  = 0x30;
	static const int JSET = 0x40;
	static const int K    = 0x00;
	static const int X    = 0x08;
	static const int JNE  = 0x50;	/* jump != */
	static const int JSGT = 0x60;	/* SGT is signed '>', GT in x86 */
	static const int JSGE = 0x70;	/* SGE is signed '>=', GE in x86 */
	static const int CALL = 0x80;	/* function call */
	static const int EXIT = 0x90;	/* function return */
	/* ld/ldx fields */
	static const int DW    = 0x18;	/* double word */
	static const int XADD  = 0xc0;	/* exclusive add */
	/* alu/jmp fields */
	static const int MOV   = 0xb0;	/* mov reg to reg */
	static const int ARSH  = 0xc0;	/* sign extending arithmetic shift right */
	/* change endianness of a register */
	static const int END   = 0xd0;	/* flags for endianness conversion: */
	static const int TO_LE = 0x00;	/* convert to little-endian */
	static const int TO_BE = 0x08;	/* convert to big-endian */
	/* misc */
	static const int PSEUDO_MAP_FD = 0x01;
	/* helper functions */
	static const int F_CURRENT_CPU    = 0xffffffff;
	static const int F_USER_STACK     = 1 << 8;
	static const int F_FAST_STACK_CMP = 1 << 9;
	static const int F_REUSE_STACKID  = 1 << 10;
	/* special offsets for ancillary data */
	static const int NET_OFF          = -0x100000;
	static const int LL_OFF           = -0x200000;
/* eBPF commands */
struct bpf_cmd {
	static const int MAP_CREATE       = 0;
	static const int MAP_LOOKUP_ELEM  = 1;
	static const int MAP_UPDATE_ELEM  = 2;
	static const int MAP_DELETE_ELEM  = 3;
	static const int MAP_GET_NEXT_KEY = 4;
	static const int PROG_LOAD        = 5;
	static const int OBJ_PIN          = 6;
	static const int OBJ_GET          = 7;
/* eBPF helpers */
struct bpf_func_id {
	static const int unspec               = 0;
	static const int map_lookup_elem      = 1;
	static const int map_update_elem      = 2;
	static const int map_delete_elem      = 3;
	static const int probe_read           = 4;
	static const int ktime_get_ns         = 5;
	static const int trace_printk         = 6;
	static const int get_prandom_u32      = 7;
	static const int get_smp_processor_id = 8;
	static const int skb_store_bytes      = 9;
	static const int l3_csum_replace      = 10;
	static const int l4_csum_replace      = 11;
	static const int tail_call            = 12;
	static const int clone_redirect       = 13;
	static const int get_current_pid_tgid = 14;
	static const int get_current_uid_gid  = 15;
	static const int get_current_comm     = 16;
	static const int get_cgroup_classid   = 17;
	static const int skb_vlan_push        = 18;
	static const int skb_vlan_pop         = 19;
	static const int skb_get_tunnel_key   = 20;
	static const int skb_set_tunnel_key   = 21;
	static const int perf_event_read      = 22;
	static const int redirect             = 23;
	static const int get_route_realm      = 24;
	static const int perf_event_output    = 25;
	static const int skb_load_bytes       = 26;
	static const int get_stackid          = 27;
/* BPF_MAP_STACK_TRACE structures and constants */
static const int BPF_MAX_STACK_DEPTH = 127;
struct bpf_stacktrace {
	uint64_t ip[BPF_MAX_STACK_DEPTH];

-- Compatibility: ljsyscall doesn't have support for BPF syscall
if not has_syscall or not S.bpf then
	error("ljsyscall doesn't support bpf(), must be updated")
	local strflag = require('syscall.helpers').strflag
	-- Compatibility: ljsyscall<=0.12
	if not S.c.BPF_MAP.LRU_HASH then
		S.c.BPF_MAP = strflag {
			UNSPEC           = 0,
			HASH             = 1,
			ARRAY            = 2,
			PROG_ARRAY       = 3,
			PERCPU_HASH      = 5,
			PERCPU_ARRAY     = 6,
			STACK_TRACE      = 7,
			CGROUP_ARRAY     = 8,
			LRU_HASH         = 9,
			LPM_TRIE         = 11,
			ARRAY_OF_MAPS    = 12,
			HASH_OF_MAPS     = 13,
			DEVMAP           = 14,
			SOCKMAP          = 15,
			CPUMAP           = 16,
	if not S.c.BPF_PROG.TRACEPOINT then
		S.c.BPF_PROG = strflag {
			UNSPEC           = 0,
			SOCKET_FILTER    = 1,
			KPROBE           = 2,
			SCHED_CLS        = 3,
			SCHED_ACT        = 4,
			TRACEPOINT       = 5,
			XDP              = 6,
			PERF_EVENT       = 7,
			CGROUP_SKB       = 8,
			CGROUP_SOCK      = 9,
			LWT_IN           = 10,
			LWT_OUT          = 11,
			LWT_XMIT         = 12,
			SOCK_OPS         = 13,
			SK_SKB           = 14,
			CGROUP_DEVICE    = 15,
			SK_MSG           = 16,

-- Compatibility: metatype for stacktrace
local function stacktrace_iter(t, i)
	i = i + 1
	if i < #t and t.ip[i] > 0 then
		return i, t.ip[i]
ffi.metatype('struct bpf_stacktrace', {
	__len = function (t) return ffi.sizeof(t.ip) / ffi.sizeof(t.ip[0]) end,
	__ipairs = function (t) return stacktrace_iter, t, -1 end,

-- Reflect cdata type
function M.typename(v)
	if not v or type(v) ~= 'cdata' then return nil end
	return string.match(tostring(ffi.typeof(v)), '<([^>]+)')

-- Reflect if cdata type can be pointer (accepts array or pointer)
function M.isptr(v, noarray)
	local ctname = M.typename(v)
	if ctname then
		ctname = string.sub(ctname, -1)
		ctname = ctname == '*' or (not noarray and ctname == ']')
	return ctname

-- Return true if variable is a non-nil constant that can be used as immediate value
-- e.g. result of KSHORT and KNUM
function M.isimmconst(v)
	return (type(v.const) == 'number' and not ffi.istype(v.type, ffi.typeof('void')))
		or type(v.const) == 'cdata' and ffi.istype(v.type, ffi.typeof('uint64_t')) -- Lua numbers are at most 52 bits
		or type(v.const) == 'cdata' and ffi.istype(v.type, ffi.typeof('int64_t'))

function M.osversion()
	-- We have no better way to extract current kernel hex-string other
	-- than parsing headers, compiling a helper function or reading /proc
	local ver_str, count = S.sysctl('kernel.version'):match('%d+.%d+.%d+'), 2
	if not ver_str then -- kernel.version is freeform, fallback to kernel.osrelease
		ver_str = S.sysctl('kernel.osrelease'):match('%d+.%d+.%d+')
	local version = 0
	for i in ver_str:gmatch('%d+') do -- Convert 'X.Y.Z' to 0xXXYYZZ
		version = bit.bor(version, bit.lshift(tonumber(i), 8*count))
		count = count - 1
	return version

function M.event_reader(reader, event_type)
	-- Caller can specify event message binary format
	if event_type then
		assert(type(event_type) == 'string' and ffi.typeof(event_type), 'not a valid type for event reader')
		event_type = ffi.typeof(event_type .. '*') -- Convert type to pointer-to-type
	-- Wrap reader in interface that can interpret read event messages
	return setmetatable({reader=reader,type=event_type}, {__index = {
		block = function(_ --[[self]])
			return S.select { readfds = {reader.fd} }
		next = function(_ --[[self]], k)
			local len, ev = reader:next(k)
			-- Filter out only sample frames
			while ev and ev.type ~= S.c.PERF_RECORD.SAMPLE do
				len, ev = reader:next(len)
			if ev and event_type then
				-- The perf event reader returns framed data with header and variable length
				-- This is going skip the frame header and cast data to given type
				ev = ffi.cast(event_type, ffi.cast('char *', ev) + ffi.sizeof('struct perf_event_header') + ffi.sizeof('uint32_t'))
			return len, ev
		read = function(self)
			return self.next, self, nil

function M.tracepoint_type(tp)
	-- Read tracepoint format string
	local fp = assert(io.open('/sys/kernel/debug/tracing/events/'..tp..'/format', 'r'))
	local fmt = fp:read '*a'
	-- Parse struct fields
	local fields = {}
	for f in fmt:gmatch 'field:([^;]+;)' do
		table.insert(fields, f)
	return string.format('struct { %s }', table.concat(fields))

return M