/* * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more * contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership. * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0 * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with * the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ options { MULTI=true; NODE_SCOPE_HOOK=true; /* Call methods on entry/exit of node */ } PARSER_BEGIN(MiniParser) package Mini; public class MiniParser { private static Token expr_token; final static void jjtreeOpenNodeScope(Node n) {} final static void jjtreeCloseNodeScope(Node n) {((SimpleNode)n).closeNode();} } PARSER_END(MiniParser) SKIP : /* WHITE SPACE */ { " " | "\t" | "\n" | "\r" | "\f" } /* Single-line Comments */ MORE : { "--" : SINGLE_LINE_COMMENT_STATE } <SINGLE_LINE_COMMENT_STATE> SPECIAL_TOKEN : { <SINGLE_LINE_COMMENT: "\n" | "\r" | "\r\n" > : DEFAULT } <SINGLE_LINE_COMMENT_STATE> MORE : { < ~[] > } /* A program consists of a number of function declarations with a * distinguished function `main' that starts the program. */ void Program() : {} { (FunDecl())* <EOF> } /* "FUN" Ident() "(" NameList() ")" = Expr() */ void FunDecl() : { String s; Token t; } { t = "FUN" { jjtThis.setPosition(t.beginLine, t.beginColumn); } Ident() <LPAREN> [ Ident() (<COMMA> Ident())* ] <RPAREN> <ASSIGN> Expr() /* Body expression */ } void Expr() : { int kind=-1; int un_op=-1; } { IfExpr() | LetExpr() | Term() [kind = AddOp() Expr() { jjtThis.setKind(kind); }] | un_op = UnOp() { jjtThis.setUnOp(un_op); } Expr() } /* * The disambiguating algorithm of JavaCC automatically binds dangling * else's to the innermost if statement. The LOOKAHEAD specification * is to tell JavaCC that we know what we are doing. */ void IfExpr() : { Token t=null; } { t = "IF" { jjtThis.setPosition(t.beginLine, t.beginColumn); } Expr() "THEN" Expr() [ LOOKAHEAD(1) "ELSE" Expr() ] "FI" } void LetExpr() : { Token t=null; } { t = "LET" { jjtThis.setPosition(t.beginLine, t.beginColumn); } (Ident() <ASSIGN> Expr())+ "IN" Expr() } Token FunAppl() : { Token t=null; } { t = Ident() { jjtThis.setPosition(t.beginLine, t.beginColumn); } <LPAREN> [Expr() (<COMMA> Expr())*] <RPAREN> { return t; } } void Term(): { int kind=-1; } { Factor() [kind = MultOp() { jjtThis.setKind(kind); } Term()] { jjtThis.setPosition(expr_token.beginLine, expr_token.beginColumn); } } void Factor() : { int kind=-1; } { Element() [kind = CmpOp() { jjtThis.setKind(kind); } Factor()] { jjtThis.setPosition(expr_token.beginLine, expr_token.beginColumn); } } void Element() #void : {} { /* expr_token is a global variable used to remember the position of an Expr() node */ LOOKAHEAD(2) expr_token = FunAppl() | expr_token = Ident() | expr_token = Integer() | expr_token = <LPAREN> Expr() <RPAREN> } Token Integer() : { int num; Token t; // Contains lexem and line/column number } { t = <INTEGER> { jjtThis.setValue(Integer.parseInt(t.image)); jjtThis.setPosition(t.beginLine, t.beginColumn); return t; } } Token Ident() : { String name; Token t; // Contains lexem and line/column number } { (t = <TRUE> | t = <FALSE> | t = <READ> | t = <WRITE> | t = <IDENT>) { jjtThis.setName(t.image); jjtThis.setPosition(t.beginLine, t.beginColumn); return t; } } int AddOp() #void : { Token t=null; } { (t = <PLUS> | t = <MINUS> | t = <OR>) { return t.kind; } } int MultOp() #void : { Token t=null; } { (t = <MULT> | t = <DIV> | t = <MOD> | t = <AND>) { return t.kind; } } int CmpOp() #void : { Token t=null; } { (t = <EQ> | t = <NEQ> | t = <LEQ> | t = <GEQ> | t = <GT> | t = <LT>) { return t.kind; } } int UnOp() #void : { Token t=null; } { (t = <MINUS> | t = <NOT>) { return t.kind; } } TOKEN : /* Boolean and arithmetic operands */ { < GT : ">" > | < LT : "<" > | < GEQ : ">=" > | < LEQ : "<=" > | < EQ : "==" > | < NEQ : "!=" > | < NOT : "!" > | < FALSE : "FALSE" > | < TRUE : "TRUE" > | < AND : "AND" > | < OR : "OR" > | < PLUS : "+"> | < MINUS : "-"> | < MULT : "*"> | < MOD : "%"> | < DIV : "/"> | < LPAREN : "("> | < RPAREN : ")"> | < ASSIGN : "="> | < COMMA : ","> | < READ : "READ"> | < WRITE : "WRITE"> } /* Has to be and the, otherwise every string wil become an <IDENT> token * Who knows why ... */ TOKEN : /* LITERALS */ { < #DIGIT: ["0"-"9"] > | < #LETTER: ["a"-"z", "A"-"Z"] > | < IDENT: <LETTER> (<LETTER> | <DIGIT> | "_")* > | < INTEGER: (<DIGIT>)+ > | < STRING: "\"" (~["\"", "\n", "\r"])* "\"" > }