/** \file * This OBJC source file was generated by $ANTLR version 3.4 * * - From the grammar source file : /Users/acondit/source/antlr/code/antlr3/runtime/ObjC/Framework/examples/fuzzy/Fuzzy.g * - On : 2012-02-16 17:34:08 * - for the lexer : FuzzyLexer * * Editing it, at least manually, is not wise. * * ObjC language generator and runtime by Alan Condit, acondit|hereisanat|ipns|dotgoeshere|com. * * */ // $ANTLR 3.4 /Users/acondit/source/antlr/code/antlr3/runtime/ObjC/Framework/examples/fuzzy/Fuzzy.g 2012-02-16 17:34:08 /* ----------------------------------------- * Include the ANTLR3 generated header file. */ #import "Fuzzy.h" /* ----------------------------------------- */ /* ============================================================================= */ /* ============================================================================= * Start of recognizer */ /** As per Terence: No returns for lexer rules! */ @implementation Fuzzy // line 330 + (void) initialize { [BaseRecognizer setGrammarFileName:@"/Users/acondit/source/antlr/code/antlr3/runtime/ObjC/Framework/examples/fuzzy/Fuzzy.g"]; } + (NSString *) tokenNameForType:(NSInteger)aTokenType { return [[self getTokenNames] objectAtIndex:aTokenType]; } + (Fuzzy *)newFuzzyWithCharStream:(id<CharStream>)anInput { return [[Fuzzy alloc] initWithCharStream:anInput]; } - (id) initWithCharStream:(id<CharStream>)anInput { self = [super initWithCharStream:anInput State:[RecognizerSharedState newRecognizerSharedStateWithRuleLen:30+1]]; if ( self != nil ) { SEL synpred9_FuzzySelector = @selector(synpred9_Fuzzy_fragment); SEL synpred2_FuzzySelector = @selector(synpred2_Fuzzy_fragment); SEL synpred7_FuzzySelector = @selector(synpred7_Fuzzy_fragment); SEL synpred4_FuzzySelector = @selector(synpred4_Fuzzy_fragment); SEL synpred8_FuzzySelector = @selector(synpred8_Fuzzy_fragment); SEL synpred6_FuzzySelector = @selector(synpred6_Fuzzy_fragment); SEL synpred5_FuzzySelector = @selector(synpred5_Fuzzy_fragment); SEL synpred3_FuzzySelector = @selector(synpred3_Fuzzy_fragment); SEL synpred1_FuzzySelector = @selector(synpred1_Fuzzy_fragment); } return self; } - (void) dealloc { [super dealloc]; } /* ObjC Start of actions.lexer.methods */ /* ObjC end of actions.lexer.methods */ /* ObjC start methods() */ /* ObjC end methods() */ - (id<Token>) nextToken { while (YES) { if ( [input LA:1] == CharStreamEOF ) { return [CommonToken eofToken]; } state.token = nil; state.channel = TokenChannelDefault; state.tokenStartCharIndex = input.index; state.tokenStartCharPositionInLine = [input getCharPositionInLine]; state.tokenStartLine = [input getLine]; state.text = nil; @try { NSInteger m = [input mark]; state.backtracking = 1; /* means we won't throw slow exception */ state.failed = NO; [self mTokens]; state.backtracking = 0; /* mTokens backtracks with synpred at backtracking==2 and we set the synpredgate to allow actions at level 1. */ if ( state.failed ) { [input rewind:m]; [input consume]; /* advance one char and try again */ } else { [self emit]; return state.token; } } @catch (RecognitionException *re) { // shouldn't happen in backtracking mode, but... [self reportError:re]; [self recover:re]; } } } - (void)memoize:(id<IntStream>)anInput RuleIndex:(NSInteger)ruleIndex StartIndex:(NSInteger)ruleStartIndex { if ( state.backtracking > 1 ) [super memoize:anInput RuleIndex:ruleIndex StartIndex:ruleStartIndex]; } - (BOOL)alreadyParsedRule:(id<IntStream>)anInput RuleIndex:(NSInteger)ruleIndex { if ( state.backtracking > 1 ) return [super alreadyParsedRule:anInput RuleIndex:ruleIndex]; return NO; } /* Start of Rules */ // $ANTLR start "IMPORT" - (void) mIMPORT { // /* ruleScopeSetUp */ /* ruleDeclarations */ @try { NSInteger _type = IMPORT; NSInteger _channel = TokenChannelDefault; CommonToken *name=nil; // /Users/acondit/source/antlr/code/antlr3/runtime/ObjC/Framework/examples/fuzzy/Fuzzy.g:5:2: ( 'import' WS name= QIDStar ( WS )? ';' ) // ruleBlockSingleAlt // /Users/acondit/source/antlr/code/antlr3/runtime/ObjC/Framework/examples/fuzzy/Fuzzy.g:5:4: 'import' WS name= QIDStar ( WS )? ';' // alt { [self matchString:@"import"]; if ( state.failed ) return ; [self mWS]; if ( state.failed ) return ; NSInteger nameStart31 = input.index; [self mQIDStar]; if ( state.failed ) return ; name = [[CommonToken newToken:input Type:TokenTypeInvalid Channel:TokenChannelDefault Start:nameStart31 Stop:input.index-1] retain]; name.line = self.line; // /Users/acondit/source/antlr/code/antlr3/runtime/ObjC/Framework/examples/fuzzy/Fuzzy.g:5:29: ( WS )? // block NSInteger alt1=2; NSInteger LA1_0 = [input LA:1]; if ( ((LA1_0 >= '\t' && LA1_0 <= '\n')||LA1_0==' ') ) { alt1=1; } switch (alt1) { case 1 : ; // /Users/acondit/source/antlr/code/antlr3/runtime/ObjC/Framework/examples/fuzzy/Fuzzy.g:5:29: WS // alt { [self mWS]; if ( state.failed ) return ; } break; } [self matchChar:';']; if ( state.failed ) return ; } /* token+rule list labels */ state.type = _type; state.channel = _channel; } @finally { // /* ruleScopeCleanUp */ } return; } /* $ANTLR end "IMPORT" */ // $ANTLR start "RETURN" - (void) mRETURN { // /* ruleScopeSetUp */ /* ruleDeclarations */ @try { NSInteger _type = RETURN; NSInteger _channel = TokenChannelDefault; // /Users/acondit/source/antlr/code/antlr3/runtime/ObjC/Framework/examples/fuzzy/Fuzzy.g:10:2: ( 'return' ( options {greedy=false; } : . )* ';' ) // ruleBlockSingleAlt // /Users/acondit/source/antlr/code/antlr3/runtime/ObjC/Framework/examples/fuzzy/Fuzzy.g:10:4: 'return' ( options {greedy=false; } : . )* ';' // alt { [self matchString:@"return"]; if ( state.failed ) return ; do { NSInteger alt2=2; NSInteger LA2_0 = [input LA:1]; if ( (LA2_0==';') ) { alt2=2; } else if ( ((LA2_0 >= 0x0000 && LA2_0 <= ':')||(LA2_0 >= '<' && LA2_0 <= 0xFFFF)) ) { alt2=1; } switch (alt2) { case 1 : ; // /Users/acondit/source/antlr/code/antlr3/runtime/ObjC/Framework/examples/fuzzy/Fuzzy.g:10:38: . // alt { [self matchAny]; if ( state.failed ) return ; } break; default : goto loop2; } } while (YES); loop2: ; [self matchChar:';']; if ( state.failed ) return ; } /* token+rule list labels */ state.type = _type; state.channel = _channel; } @finally { // /* ruleScopeCleanUp */ } return; } /* $ANTLR end "RETURN" */ // $ANTLR start "CLASS" - (void) mCLASS { // /* ruleScopeSetUp */ /* ruleDeclarations */ @try { NSInteger _type = CLASS; NSInteger _channel = TokenChannelDefault; CommonToken *name=nil; // /Users/acondit/source/antlr/code/antlr3/runtime/ObjC/Framework/examples/fuzzy/Fuzzy.g:14:2: ( 'class' WS name= ID ( WS )? ( 'extends' WS QID ( WS )? )? ( 'implements' WS QID ( WS )? ( ',' ( WS )? QID ( WS )? )* )? '{' ) // ruleBlockSingleAlt // /Users/acondit/source/antlr/code/antlr3/runtime/ObjC/Framework/examples/fuzzy/Fuzzy.g:14:4: 'class' WS name= ID ( WS )? ( 'extends' WS QID ( WS )? )? ( 'implements' WS QID ( WS )? ( ',' ( WS )? QID ( WS )? )* )? '{' // alt { [self matchString:@"class"]; if ( state.failed ) return ; [self mWS]; if ( state.failed ) return ; NSInteger nameStart81 = input.index; [self mID]; if ( state.failed ) return ; name = [[CommonToken newToken:input Type:TokenTypeInvalid Channel:TokenChannelDefault Start:nameStart81 Stop:input.index-1] retain]; name.line = self.line; // /Users/acondit/source/antlr/code/antlr3/runtime/ObjC/Framework/examples/fuzzy/Fuzzy.g:14:23: ( WS )? // block NSInteger alt3=2; NSInteger LA3_0 = [input LA:1]; if ( ((LA3_0 >= '\t' && LA3_0 <= '\n')||LA3_0==' ') ) { alt3=1; } switch (alt3) { case 1 : ; // /Users/acondit/source/antlr/code/antlr3/runtime/ObjC/Framework/examples/fuzzy/Fuzzy.g:14:23: WS // alt { [self mWS]; if ( state.failed ) return ; } break; } // /Users/acondit/source/antlr/code/antlr3/runtime/ObjC/Framework/examples/fuzzy/Fuzzy.g:14:27: ( 'extends' WS QID ( WS )? )? // block NSInteger alt5=2; NSInteger LA5_0 = [input LA:1]; if ( (LA5_0=='e') ) { alt5=1; } switch (alt5) { case 1 : ; // /Users/acondit/source/antlr/code/antlr3/runtime/ObjC/Framework/examples/fuzzy/Fuzzy.g:14:28: 'extends' WS QID ( WS )? // alt { [self matchString:@"extends"]; if ( state.failed ) return ; [self mWS]; if ( state.failed ) return ; [self mQID]; if ( state.failed ) return ; // /Users/acondit/source/antlr/code/antlr3/runtime/ObjC/Framework/examples/fuzzy/Fuzzy.g:14:45: ( WS )? // block NSInteger alt4=2; NSInteger LA4_0 = [input LA:1]; if ( ((LA4_0 >= '\t' && LA4_0 <= '\n')||LA4_0==' ') ) { alt4=1; } switch (alt4) { case 1 : ; // /Users/acondit/source/antlr/code/antlr3/runtime/ObjC/Framework/examples/fuzzy/Fuzzy.g:14:45: WS // alt { [self mWS]; if ( state.failed ) return ; } break; } } break; } // /Users/acondit/source/antlr/code/antlr3/runtime/ObjC/Framework/examples/fuzzy/Fuzzy.g:15:3: ( 'implements' WS QID ( WS )? ( ',' ( WS )? QID ( WS )? )* )? // block NSInteger alt10=2; NSInteger LA10_0 = [input LA:1]; if ( (LA10_0=='i') ) { alt10=1; } switch (alt10) { case 1 : ; // /Users/acondit/source/antlr/code/antlr3/runtime/ObjC/Framework/examples/fuzzy/Fuzzy.g:15:4: 'implements' WS QID ( WS )? ( ',' ( WS )? QID ( WS )? )* // alt { [self matchString:@"implements"]; if ( state.failed ) return ; [self mWS]; if ( state.failed ) return ; [self mQID]; if ( state.failed ) return ; // /Users/acondit/source/antlr/code/antlr3/runtime/ObjC/Framework/examples/fuzzy/Fuzzy.g:15:24: ( WS )? // block NSInteger alt6=2; NSInteger LA6_0 = [input LA:1]; if ( ((LA6_0 >= '\t' && LA6_0 <= '\n')||LA6_0==' ') ) { alt6=1; } switch (alt6) { case 1 : ; // /Users/acondit/source/antlr/code/antlr3/runtime/ObjC/Framework/examples/fuzzy/Fuzzy.g:15:24: WS // alt { [self mWS]; if ( state.failed ) return ; } break; } do { NSInteger alt9=2; NSInteger LA9_0 = [input LA:1]; if ( (LA9_0==',') ) { alt9=1; } switch (alt9) { case 1 : ; // /Users/acondit/source/antlr/code/antlr3/runtime/ObjC/Framework/examples/fuzzy/Fuzzy.g:15:29: ',' ( WS )? QID ( WS )? // alt { [self matchChar:',']; if ( state.failed ) return ; // /Users/acondit/source/antlr/code/antlr3/runtime/ObjC/Framework/examples/fuzzy/Fuzzy.g:15:33: ( WS )? // block NSInteger alt7=2; NSInteger LA7_0 = [input LA:1]; if ( ((LA7_0 >= '\t' && LA7_0 <= '\n')||LA7_0==' ') ) { alt7=1; } switch (alt7) { case 1 : ; // /Users/acondit/source/antlr/code/antlr3/runtime/ObjC/Framework/examples/fuzzy/Fuzzy.g:15:33: WS // alt { [self mWS]; if ( state.failed ) return ; } break; } [self mQID]; if ( state.failed ) return ; // /Users/acondit/source/antlr/code/antlr3/runtime/ObjC/Framework/examples/fuzzy/Fuzzy.g:15:41: ( WS )? // block NSInteger alt8=2; NSInteger LA8_0 = [input LA:1]; if ( ((LA8_0 >= '\t' && LA8_0 <= '\n')||LA8_0==' ') ) { alt8=1; } switch (alt8) { case 1 : ; // /Users/acondit/source/antlr/code/antlr3/runtime/ObjC/Framework/examples/fuzzy/Fuzzy.g:15:41: WS // alt { [self mWS]; if ( state.failed ) return ; } break; } } break; default : goto loop9; } } while (YES); loop9: ; } break; } [self matchChar:'{']; if ( state.failed ) return ; if ( state.backtracking == 1 ) { NSLog(@"found class %@", (name!=nil?name.text:nil)); } } /* token+rule list labels */ state.type = _type; state.channel = _channel; } @finally { // /* ruleScopeCleanUp */ } return; } /* $ANTLR end "CLASS" */ // $ANTLR start "METHOD" - (void) mMETHOD { // /* ruleScopeSetUp */ /* ruleDeclarations */ @try { NSInteger _type = METHOD; NSInteger _channel = TokenChannelDefault; CommonToken *name=nil; // /Users/acondit/source/antlr/code/antlr3/runtime/ObjC/Framework/examples/fuzzy/Fuzzy.g:20:5: ( TYPE WS name= ID ( WS )? '(' ( ARG ( WS )? ( ',' ( WS )? ARG ( WS )? )* )? ')' ( WS )? ( 'throws' WS QID ( WS )? ( ',' ( WS )? QID ( WS )? )* )? '{' ) // ruleBlockSingleAlt // /Users/acondit/source/antlr/code/antlr3/runtime/ObjC/Framework/examples/fuzzy/Fuzzy.g:20:9: TYPE WS name= ID ( WS )? '(' ( ARG ( WS )? ( ',' ( WS )? ARG ( WS )? )* )? ')' ( WS )? ( 'throws' WS QID ( WS )? ( ',' ( WS )? QID ( WS )? )* )? '{' // alt { [self mTYPE]; if ( state.failed ) return ; [self mWS]; if ( state.failed ) return ; NSInteger nameStart158 = input.index; [self mID]; if ( state.failed ) return ; name = [[CommonToken newToken:input Type:TokenTypeInvalid Channel:TokenChannelDefault Start:nameStart158 Stop:input.index-1] retain]; name.line = self.line; // /Users/acondit/source/antlr/code/antlr3/runtime/ObjC/Framework/examples/fuzzy/Fuzzy.g:20:25: ( WS )? // block NSInteger alt11=2; NSInteger LA11_0 = [input LA:1]; if ( ((LA11_0 >= '\t' && LA11_0 <= '\n')||LA11_0==' ') ) { alt11=1; } switch (alt11) { case 1 : ; // /Users/acondit/source/antlr/code/antlr3/runtime/ObjC/Framework/examples/fuzzy/Fuzzy.g:20:25: WS // alt { [self mWS]; if ( state.failed ) return ; } break; } [self matchChar:'(']; if ( state.failed ) return ; // /Users/acondit/source/antlr/code/antlr3/runtime/ObjC/Framework/examples/fuzzy/Fuzzy.g:20:33: ( ARG ( WS )? ( ',' ( WS )? ARG ( WS )? )* )? // block NSInteger alt16=2; NSInteger LA16_0 = [input LA:1]; if ( ((LA16_0 >= 'A' && LA16_0 <= 'Z')||LA16_0=='_'||(LA16_0 >= 'a' && LA16_0 <= 'z')) ) { alt16=1; } switch (alt16) { case 1 : ; // /Users/acondit/source/antlr/code/antlr3/runtime/ObjC/Framework/examples/fuzzy/Fuzzy.g:20:35: ARG ( WS )? ( ',' ( WS )? ARG ( WS )? )* // alt { [self mARG]; if ( state.failed ) return ; // /Users/acondit/source/antlr/code/antlr3/runtime/ObjC/Framework/examples/fuzzy/Fuzzy.g:20:39: ( WS )? // block NSInteger alt12=2; NSInteger LA12_0 = [input LA:1]; if ( ((LA12_0 >= '\t' && LA12_0 <= '\n')||LA12_0==' ') ) { alt12=1; } switch (alt12) { case 1 : ; // /Users/acondit/source/antlr/code/antlr3/runtime/ObjC/Framework/examples/fuzzy/Fuzzy.g:20:39: WS // alt { [self mWS]; if ( state.failed ) return ; } break; } do { NSInteger alt15=2; NSInteger LA15_0 = [input LA:1]; if ( (LA15_0==',') ) { alt15=1; } switch (alt15) { case 1 : ; // /Users/acondit/source/antlr/code/antlr3/runtime/ObjC/Framework/examples/fuzzy/Fuzzy.g:20:44: ',' ( WS )? ARG ( WS )? // alt { [self matchChar:',']; if ( state.failed ) return ; // /Users/acondit/source/antlr/code/antlr3/runtime/ObjC/Framework/examples/fuzzy/Fuzzy.g:20:48: ( WS )? // block NSInteger alt13=2; NSInteger LA13_0 = [input LA:1]; if ( ((LA13_0 >= '\t' && LA13_0 <= '\n')||LA13_0==' ') ) { alt13=1; } switch (alt13) { case 1 : ; // /Users/acondit/source/antlr/code/antlr3/runtime/ObjC/Framework/examples/fuzzy/Fuzzy.g:20:48: WS // alt { [self mWS]; if ( state.failed ) return ; } break; } [self mARG]; if ( state.failed ) return ; // /Users/acondit/source/antlr/code/antlr3/runtime/ObjC/Framework/examples/fuzzy/Fuzzy.g:20:56: ( WS )? // block NSInteger alt14=2; NSInteger LA14_0 = [input LA:1]; if ( ((LA14_0 >= '\t' && LA14_0 <= '\n')||LA14_0==' ') ) { alt14=1; } switch (alt14) { case 1 : ; // /Users/acondit/source/antlr/code/antlr3/runtime/ObjC/Framework/examples/fuzzy/Fuzzy.g:20:56: WS // alt { [self mWS]; if ( state.failed ) return ; } break; } } break; default : goto loop15; } } while (YES); loop15: ; } break; } [self matchChar:')']; if ( state.failed ) return ; // /Users/acondit/source/antlr/code/antlr3/runtime/ObjC/Framework/examples/fuzzy/Fuzzy.g:20:69: ( WS )? // block NSInteger alt17=2; NSInteger LA17_0 = [input LA:1]; if ( ((LA17_0 >= '\t' && LA17_0 <= '\n')||LA17_0==' ') ) { alt17=1; } switch (alt17) { case 1 : ; // /Users/acondit/source/antlr/code/antlr3/runtime/ObjC/Framework/examples/fuzzy/Fuzzy.g:20:69: WS // alt { [self mWS]; if ( state.failed ) return ; } break; } // /Users/acondit/source/antlr/code/antlr3/runtime/ObjC/Framework/examples/fuzzy/Fuzzy.g:21:8: ( 'throws' WS QID ( WS )? ( ',' ( WS )? QID ( WS )? )* )? // block NSInteger alt22=2; NSInteger LA22_0 = [input LA:1]; if ( (LA22_0=='t') ) { alt22=1; } switch (alt22) { case 1 : ; // /Users/acondit/source/antlr/code/antlr3/runtime/ObjC/Framework/examples/fuzzy/Fuzzy.g:21:9: 'throws' WS QID ( WS )? ( ',' ( WS )? QID ( WS )? )* // alt { [self matchString:@"throws"]; if ( state.failed ) return ; [self mWS]; if ( state.failed ) return ; [self mQID]; if ( state.failed ) return ; // /Users/acondit/source/antlr/code/antlr3/runtime/ObjC/Framework/examples/fuzzy/Fuzzy.g:21:25: ( WS )? // block NSInteger alt18=2; NSInteger LA18_0 = [input LA:1]; if ( ((LA18_0 >= '\t' && LA18_0 <= '\n')||LA18_0==' ') ) { alt18=1; } switch (alt18) { case 1 : ; // /Users/acondit/source/antlr/code/antlr3/runtime/ObjC/Framework/examples/fuzzy/Fuzzy.g:21:25: WS // alt { [self mWS]; if ( state.failed ) return ; } break; } do { NSInteger alt21=2; NSInteger LA21_0 = [input LA:1]; if ( (LA21_0==',') ) { alt21=1; } switch (alt21) { case 1 : ; // /Users/acondit/source/antlr/code/antlr3/runtime/ObjC/Framework/examples/fuzzy/Fuzzy.g:21:30: ',' ( WS )? QID ( WS )? // alt { [self matchChar:',']; if ( state.failed ) return ; // /Users/acondit/source/antlr/code/antlr3/runtime/ObjC/Framework/examples/fuzzy/Fuzzy.g:21:34: ( WS )? // block NSInteger alt19=2; NSInteger LA19_0 = [input LA:1]; if ( ((LA19_0 >= '\t' && LA19_0 <= '\n')||LA19_0==' ') ) { alt19=1; } switch (alt19) { case 1 : ; // /Users/acondit/source/antlr/code/antlr3/runtime/ObjC/Framework/examples/fuzzy/Fuzzy.g:21:34: WS // alt { [self mWS]; if ( state.failed ) return ; } break; } [self mQID]; if ( state.failed ) return ; // /Users/acondit/source/antlr/code/antlr3/runtime/ObjC/Framework/examples/fuzzy/Fuzzy.g:21:42: ( WS )? // block NSInteger alt20=2; NSInteger LA20_0 = [input LA:1]; if ( ((LA20_0 >= '\t' && LA20_0 <= '\n')||LA20_0==' ') ) { alt20=1; } switch (alt20) { case 1 : ; // /Users/acondit/source/antlr/code/antlr3/runtime/ObjC/Framework/examples/fuzzy/Fuzzy.g:21:42: WS // alt { [self mWS]; if ( state.failed ) return ; } break; } } break; default : goto loop21; } } while (YES); loop21: ; } break; } [self matchChar:'{']; if ( state.failed ) return ; if ( state.backtracking == 1 ) { NSLog(@"found method %@", (name!=nil?name.text:nil)); } } /* token+rule list labels */ state.type = _type; state.channel = _channel; } @finally { // /* ruleScopeCleanUp */ } return; } /* $ANTLR end "METHOD" */ // $ANTLR start "FIELD" - (void) mFIELD { // /* ruleScopeSetUp */ /* ruleDeclarations */ @try { NSInteger _type = FIELD; NSInteger _channel = TokenChannelDefault; CommonToken *name=nil; // /Users/acondit/source/antlr/code/antlr3/runtime/ObjC/Framework/examples/fuzzy/Fuzzy.g:26:5: ( TYPE WS name= ID ( '[]' )? ( WS )? ( ';' | '=' ) ) // ruleBlockSingleAlt // /Users/acondit/source/antlr/code/antlr3/runtime/ObjC/Framework/examples/fuzzy/Fuzzy.g:26:9: TYPE WS name= ID ( '[]' )? ( WS )? ( ';' | '=' ) // alt { [self mTYPE]; if ( state.failed ) return ; [self mWS]; if ( state.failed ) return ; NSInteger nameStart261 = input.index; [self mID]; if ( state.failed ) return ; name = [[CommonToken newToken:input Type:TokenTypeInvalid Channel:TokenChannelDefault Start:nameStart261 Stop:input.index-1] retain]; name.line = self.line; // /Users/acondit/source/antlr/code/antlr3/runtime/ObjC/Framework/examples/fuzzy/Fuzzy.g:26:25: ( '[]' )? // block NSInteger alt23=2; NSInteger LA23_0 = [input LA:1]; if ( (LA23_0=='[') ) { alt23=1; } switch (alt23) { case 1 : ; // /Users/acondit/source/antlr/code/antlr3/runtime/ObjC/Framework/examples/fuzzy/Fuzzy.g:26:25: '[]' // alt { [self matchString:@"[]"]; if ( state.failed ) return ; } break; } // /Users/acondit/source/antlr/code/antlr3/runtime/ObjC/Framework/examples/fuzzy/Fuzzy.g:26:31: ( WS )? // block NSInteger alt24=2; NSInteger LA24_0 = [input LA:1]; if ( ((LA24_0 >= '\t' && LA24_0 <= '\n')||LA24_0==' ') ) { alt24=1; } switch (alt24) { case 1 : ; // /Users/acondit/source/antlr/code/antlr3/runtime/ObjC/Framework/examples/fuzzy/Fuzzy.g:26:31: WS // alt { [self mWS]; if ( state.failed ) return ; } break; } if ([input LA:1] == ';'||[input LA:1] == '=') { [input consume]; state.failed = NO; } else { if ( state.backtracking > 0 ) { state.failed = YES; return ; } MismatchedSetException *mse = [MismatchedSetException newException:nil stream:input]; [self recover:mse]; @throw mse; } if ( state.backtracking == 1 ) { NSLog(@"found var %@", (name!=nil?name.text:nil)); } } /* token+rule list labels */ state.type = _type; state.channel = _channel; } @finally { // /* ruleScopeCleanUp */ } return; } /* $ANTLR end "FIELD" */ // $ANTLR start "STAT" - (void) mSTAT { // /* ruleScopeSetUp */ /* ruleDeclarations */ @try { NSInteger _type = STAT; NSInteger _channel = TokenChannelDefault; // /Users/acondit/source/antlr/code/antlr3/runtime/ObjC/Framework/examples/fuzzy/Fuzzy.g:30:5: ( ( 'if' | 'while' | 'switch' | 'for' ) ( WS )? '(' ) // ruleBlockSingleAlt // /Users/acondit/source/antlr/code/antlr3/runtime/ObjC/Framework/examples/fuzzy/Fuzzy.g:30:7: ( 'if' | 'while' | 'switch' | 'for' ) ( WS )? '(' // alt { // /Users/acondit/source/antlr/code/antlr3/runtime/ObjC/Framework/examples/fuzzy/Fuzzy.g:30:7: ( 'if' | 'while' | 'switch' | 'for' ) // block NSInteger alt25=4; unichar charLA25 = [input LA:1]; switch (charLA25) { case 'i': ; { alt25=1; } break; case 'w': ; { alt25=2; } break; case 's': ; { alt25=3; } break; case 'f': ; { alt25=4; } break; default: ; if ( state.backtracking > 0 ) { state.failed = YES; return ; } NoViableAltException *nvae = [NoViableAltException newException:25 state:0 stream:input]; nvae.c = charLA25; @throw nvae; } switch (alt25) { case 1 : ; // /Users/acondit/source/antlr/code/antlr3/runtime/ObjC/Framework/examples/fuzzy/Fuzzy.g:30:8: 'if' // alt { [self matchString:@"if"]; if ( state.failed ) return ; } break; case 2 : ; // /Users/acondit/source/antlr/code/antlr3/runtime/ObjC/Framework/examples/fuzzy/Fuzzy.g:30:13: 'while' // alt { [self matchString:@"while"]; if ( state.failed ) return ; } break; case 3 : ; // /Users/acondit/source/antlr/code/antlr3/runtime/ObjC/Framework/examples/fuzzy/Fuzzy.g:30:21: 'switch' // alt { [self matchString:@"switch"]; if ( state.failed ) return ; } break; case 4 : ; // /Users/acondit/source/antlr/code/antlr3/runtime/ObjC/Framework/examples/fuzzy/Fuzzy.g:30:30: 'for' // alt { [self matchString:@"for"]; if ( state.failed ) return ; } break; } // /Users/acondit/source/antlr/code/antlr3/runtime/ObjC/Framework/examples/fuzzy/Fuzzy.g:30:37: ( WS )? // block NSInteger alt26=2; NSInteger LA26_0 = [input LA:1]; if ( ((LA26_0 >= '\t' && LA26_0 <= '\n')||LA26_0==' ') ) { alt26=1; } switch (alt26) { case 1 : ; // /Users/acondit/source/antlr/code/antlr3/runtime/ObjC/Framework/examples/fuzzy/Fuzzy.g:30:37: WS // alt { [self mWS]; if ( state.failed ) return ; } break; } [self matchChar:'(']; if ( state.failed ) return ; } /* token+rule list labels */ state.type = _type; state.channel = _channel; } @finally { // /* ruleScopeCleanUp */ } return; } /* $ANTLR end "STAT" */ // $ANTLR start "CALL" - (void) mCALL { // /* ruleScopeSetUp */ /* ruleDeclarations */ @try { NSInteger _type = CALL; NSInteger _channel = TokenChannelDefault; CommonToken *name=nil; // /Users/acondit/source/antlr/code/antlr3/runtime/ObjC/Framework/examples/fuzzy/Fuzzy.g:33:5: (name= QID ( WS )? '(' ) // ruleBlockSingleAlt // /Users/acondit/source/antlr/code/antlr3/runtime/ObjC/Framework/examples/fuzzy/Fuzzy.g:33:9: name= QID ( WS )? '(' // alt { NSInteger nameStart326 = input.index; [self mQID]; if ( state.failed ) return ; name = [[CommonToken newToken:input Type:TokenTypeInvalid Channel:TokenChannelDefault Start:nameStart326 Stop:input.index-1] retain]; name.line = self.line; // /Users/acondit/source/antlr/code/antlr3/runtime/ObjC/Framework/examples/fuzzy/Fuzzy.g:33:18: ( WS )? // block NSInteger alt27=2; NSInteger LA27_0 = [input LA:1]; if ( ((LA27_0 >= '\t' && LA27_0 <= '\n')||LA27_0==' ') ) { alt27=1; } switch (alt27) { case 1 : ; // /Users/acondit/source/antlr/code/antlr3/runtime/ObjC/Framework/examples/fuzzy/Fuzzy.g:33:18: WS // alt { [self mWS]; if ( state.failed ) return ; } break; } [self matchChar:'(']; if ( state.failed ) return ; if ( state.backtracking == 1 ) { /*ignore if this/super */ NSLog(@"found call %@",(name!=nil?name.text:nil)); } } /* token+rule list labels */ state.type = _type; state.channel = _channel; } @finally { // /* ruleScopeCleanUp */ } return; } /* $ANTLR end "CALL" */ // $ANTLR start "COMMENT" - (void) mCOMMENT { // /* ruleScopeSetUp */ /* ruleDeclarations */ @try { NSInteger _type = COMMENT; NSInteger _channel = TokenChannelDefault; // /Users/acondit/source/antlr/code/antlr3/runtime/ObjC/Framework/examples/fuzzy/Fuzzy.g:38:5: ( '/*' ( options {greedy=false; } : . )* '*/' ) // ruleBlockSingleAlt // /Users/acondit/source/antlr/code/antlr3/runtime/ObjC/Framework/examples/fuzzy/Fuzzy.g:38:9: '/*' ( options {greedy=false; } : . )* '*/' // alt { [self matchString:@"/*"]; if ( state.failed ) return ; do { NSInteger alt28=2; NSInteger LA28_0 = [input LA:1]; if ( (LA28_0=='*') ) { NSInteger LA28_1 = [input LA:2]; if ( (LA28_1=='/') ) { alt28=2; } else if ( ((LA28_1 >= 0x0000 && LA28_1 <= '.')||(LA28_1 >= '0' && LA28_1 <= 0xFFFF)) ) { alt28=1; } } else if ( ((LA28_0 >= 0x0000 && LA28_0 <= ')')||(LA28_0 >= '+' && LA28_0 <= 0xFFFF)) ) { alt28=1; } switch (alt28) { case 1 : ; // /Users/acondit/source/antlr/code/antlr3/runtime/ObjC/Framework/examples/fuzzy/Fuzzy.g:38:41: . // alt { [self matchAny]; if ( state.failed ) return ; } break; default : goto loop28; } } while (YES); loop28: ; [self matchString:@"*/"]; if ( state.failed ) return ; if ( state.backtracking == 1 ) { NSLog(@"found comment %@", [self text]); } } /* token+rule list labels */ state.type = _type; state.channel = _channel; } @finally { // /* ruleScopeCleanUp */ } return; } /* $ANTLR end "COMMENT" */ // $ANTLR start "SL_COMMENT" - (void) mSL_COMMENT { // /* ruleScopeSetUp */ /* ruleDeclarations */ @try { NSInteger _type = SL_COMMENT; NSInteger _channel = TokenChannelDefault; // /Users/acondit/source/antlr/code/antlr3/runtime/ObjC/Framework/examples/fuzzy/Fuzzy.g:43:5: ( '//' ( options {greedy=false; } : . )* '\\n' ) // ruleBlockSingleAlt // /Users/acondit/source/antlr/code/antlr3/runtime/ObjC/Framework/examples/fuzzy/Fuzzy.g:43:9: '//' ( options {greedy=false; } : . )* '\\n' // alt { [self matchString:@"//"]; if ( state.failed ) return ; do { NSInteger alt29=2; NSInteger LA29_0 = [input LA:1]; if ( (LA29_0=='\n') ) { alt29=2; } else if ( ((LA29_0 >= 0x0000 && LA29_0 <= '\t')||(LA29_0 >= 0x000B && LA29_0 <= 0xFFFF)) ) { alt29=1; } switch (alt29) { case 1 : ; // /Users/acondit/source/antlr/code/antlr3/runtime/ObjC/Framework/examples/fuzzy/Fuzzy.g:43:41: . // alt { [self matchAny]; if ( state.failed ) return ; } break; default : goto loop29; } } while (YES); loop29: ; [self matchChar:'\n']; if ( state.failed ) return ; if ( state.backtracking == 1 ) { NSLog(@"found // comment %@", [self text]); } } /* token+rule list labels */ state.type = _type; state.channel = _channel; } @finally { // /* ruleScopeCleanUp */ } return; } /* $ANTLR end "SL_COMMENT" */ // $ANTLR start "STRING" - (void) mSTRING { // /* ruleScopeSetUp */ /* ruleDeclarations */ @try { NSInteger _type = STRING; NSInteger _channel = TokenChannelDefault; // /Users/acondit/source/antlr/code/antlr3/runtime/ObjC/Framework/examples/fuzzy/Fuzzy.g:48:2: ( '\"' ( options {greedy=false; } : ESC | . )* '\"' ) // ruleBlockSingleAlt // /Users/acondit/source/antlr/code/antlr3/runtime/ObjC/Framework/examples/fuzzy/Fuzzy.g:48:4: '\"' ( options {greedy=false; } : ESC | . )* '\"' // alt { [self matchChar:'"']; if ( state.failed ) return ; do { NSInteger alt30=3; NSInteger LA30_0 = [input LA:1]; if ( (LA30_0=='"') ) { alt30=3; } else if ( (LA30_0=='\\') ) { NSInteger LA30_2 = [input LA:2]; if ( (LA30_2=='"') ) { alt30=1; } else if ( (LA30_2=='\\') ) { alt30=1; } else if ( (LA30_2=='\'') ) { alt30=1; } else if ( ((LA30_2 >= 0x0000 && LA30_2 <= '!')||(LA30_2 >= '#' && LA30_2 <= '&')||(LA30_2 >= '(' && LA30_2 <= '[')||(LA30_2 >= ']' && LA30_2 <= 0xFFFF)) ) { alt30=2; } } else if ( ((LA30_0 >= 0x0000 && LA30_0 <= '!')||(LA30_0 >= '#' && LA30_0 <= '[')||(LA30_0 >= ']' && LA30_0 <= 0xFFFF)) ) { alt30=2; } switch (alt30) { case 1 : ; // /Users/acondit/source/antlr/code/antlr3/runtime/ObjC/Framework/examples/fuzzy/Fuzzy.g:48:34: ESC // alt { [self mESC]; if ( state.failed ) return ; } break; case 2 : ; // /Users/acondit/source/antlr/code/antlr3/runtime/ObjC/Framework/examples/fuzzy/Fuzzy.g:48:40: . // alt { [self matchAny]; if ( state.failed ) return ; } break; default : goto loop30; } } while (YES); loop30: ; [self matchChar:'"']; if ( state.failed ) return ; } /* token+rule list labels */ state.type = _type; state.channel = _channel; } @finally { // /* ruleScopeCleanUp */ } return; } /* $ANTLR end "STRING" */ // $ANTLR start "CHAR" - (void) mCHAR { // /* ruleScopeSetUp */ /* ruleDeclarations */ @try { NSInteger _type = CHAR; NSInteger _channel = TokenChannelDefault; // /Users/acondit/source/antlr/code/antlr3/runtime/ObjC/Framework/examples/fuzzy/Fuzzy.g:52:2: ( '\\'' ( options {greedy=false; } : ESC | . )* '\\'' ) // ruleBlockSingleAlt // /Users/acondit/source/antlr/code/antlr3/runtime/ObjC/Framework/examples/fuzzy/Fuzzy.g:52:4: '\\'' ( options {greedy=false; } : ESC | . )* '\\'' // alt { [self matchChar:'\'']; if ( state.failed ) return ; do { NSInteger alt31=3; NSInteger LA31_0 = [input LA:1]; if ( (LA31_0=='\'') ) { alt31=3; } else if ( (LA31_0=='\\') ) { NSInteger LA31_2 = [input LA:2]; if ( (LA31_2=='\'') ) { alt31=1; } else if ( (LA31_2=='\\') ) { alt31=1; } else if ( (LA31_2=='"') ) { alt31=1; } else if ( ((LA31_2 >= 0x0000 && LA31_2 <= '!')||(LA31_2 >= '#' && LA31_2 <= '&')||(LA31_2 >= '(' && LA31_2 <= '[')||(LA31_2 >= ']' && LA31_2 <= 0xFFFF)) ) { alt31=2; } } else if ( ((LA31_0 >= 0x0000 && LA31_0 <= '&')||(LA31_0 >= '(' && LA31_0 <= '[')||(LA31_0 >= ']' && LA31_0 <= 0xFFFF)) ) { alt31=2; } switch (alt31) { case 1 : ; // /Users/acondit/source/antlr/code/antlr3/runtime/ObjC/Framework/examples/fuzzy/Fuzzy.g:52:35: ESC // alt { [self mESC]; if ( state.failed ) return ; } break; case 2 : ; // /Users/acondit/source/antlr/code/antlr3/runtime/ObjC/Framework/examples/fuzzy/Fuzzy.g:52:41: . // alt { [self matchAny]; if ( state.failed ) return ; } break; default : goto loop31; } } while (YES); loop31: ; [self matchChar:'\'']; if ( state.failed ) return ; } /* token+rule list labels */ state.type = _type; state.channel = _channel; } @finally { // /* ruleScopeCleanUp */ } return; } /* $ANTLR end "CHAR" */ // $ANTLR start "WS" - (void) mWS { // /* ruleScopeSetUp */ /* ruleDeclarations */ @try { NSInteger _type = WS; NSInteger _channel = TokenChannelDefault; // /Users/acondit/source/antlr/code/antlr3/runtime/ObjC/Framework/examples/fuzzy/Fuzzy.g:55:5: ( ( ' ' | '\\t' | '\\n' )+ ) // ruleBlockSingleAlt // /Users/acondit/source/antlr/code/antlr3/runtime/ObjC/Framework/examples/fuzzy/Fuzzy.g:55:9: ( ' ' | '\\t' | '\\n' )+ // alt { // /Users/acondit/source/antlr/code/antlr3/runtime/ObjC/Framework/examples/fuzzy/Fuzzy.g:55:9: ( ' ' | '\\t' | '\\n' )+ // positiveClosureBlock NSInteger cnt32 = 0; do { NSInteger alt32 = 2; NSInteger LA32_0 = [input LA:1]; if ( ((LA32_0 >= '\t' && LA32_0 <= '\n')||LA32_0==' ') ) { alt32=1; } switch (alt32) { case 1 : ; // /Users/acondit/source/antlr/code/antlr3/runtime/ObjC/Framework/examples/fuzzy/Fuzzy.g: // alt { if ((([input LA:1] >= '\t') && ([input LA:1] <= '\n'))||[input LA:1] == ' ') { [input consume]; state.failed = NO; } else { if ( state.backtracking > 0 ) { state.failed = YES; return ; } MismatchedSetException *mse = [MismatchedSetException newException:nil stream:input]; [self recover:mse]; @throw mse; } } break; default : if ( cnt32 >= 1 ) goto loop32; if ( state.backtracking > 0 ) { state.failed = YES; return ; } EarlyExitException *eee = [EarlyExitException newException:input decisionNumber:32]; @throw eee; } cnt32++; } while (YES); loop32: ; } /* token+rule list labels */ state.type = _type; state.channel = _channel; } @finally { // /* ruleScopeCleanUp */ } return; } /* $ANTLR end "WS" */ // $ANTLR start "QID" - (void) mQID { // /* ruleScopeSetUp */ /* ruleDeclarations */ @try { // /Users/acondit/source/antlr/code/antlr3/runtime/ObjC/Framework/examples/fuzzy/Fuzzy.g:59:5: ( ID ( '.' ID )* ) // ruleBlockSingleAlt // /Users/acondit/source/antlr/code/antlr3/runtime/ObjC/Framework/examples/fuzzy/Fuzzy.g:59:7: ID ( '.' ID )* // alt { [self mID]; if ( state.failed ) return ; do { NSInteger alt33=2; NSInteger LA33_0 = [input LA:1]; if ( (LA33_0=='.') ) { alt33=1; } switch (alt33) { case 1 : ; // /Users/acondit/source/antlr/code/antlr3/runtime/ObjC/Framework/examples/fuzzy/Fuzzy.g:59:11: '.' ID // alt { [self matchChar:'.']; if ( state.failed ) return ; [self mID]; if ( state.failed ) return ; } break; default : goto loop33; } } while (YES); loop33: ; } } @finally { // /* ruleScopeCleanUp */ } return; } /* $ANTLR end "QID" */ // $ANTLR start "QIDStar" - (void) mQIDStar { // /* ruleScopeSetUp */ /* ruleDeclarations */ @try { // /Users/acondit/source/antlr/code/antlr3/runtime/ObjC/Framework/examples/fuzzy/Fuzzy.g:68:2: ( ID ( '.' ID )* ( '.*' )? ) // ruleBlockSingleAlt // /Users/acondit/source/antlr/code/antlr3/runtime/ObjC/Framework/examples/fuzzy/Fuzzy.g:68:4: ID ( '.' ID )* ( '.*' )? // alt { [self mID]; if ( state.failed ) return ; do { NSInteger alt34=2; NSInteger LA34_0 = [input LA:1]; if ( (LA34_0=='.') ) { NSInteger LA34_1 = [input LA:2]; if ( ((LA34_1 >= 'A' && LA34_1 <= 'Z')||LA34_1=='_'||(LA34_1 >= 'a' && LA34_1 <= 'z')) ) { alt34=1; } } switch (alt34) { case 1 : ; // /Users/acondit/source/antlr/code/antlr3/runtime/ObjC/Framework/examples/fuzzy/Fuzzy.g:68:8: '.' ID // alt { [self matchChar:'.']; if ( state.failed ) return ; [self mID]; if ( state.failed ) return ; } break; default : goto loop34; } } while (YES); loop34: ; // /Users/acondit/source/antlr/code/antlr3/runtime/ObjC/Framework/examples/fuzzy/Fuzzy.g:68:17: ( '.*' )? // block NSInteger alt35=2; NSInteger LA35_0 = [input LA:1]; if ( (LA35_0=='.') ) { alt35=1; } switch (alt35) { case 1 : ; // /Users/acondit/source/antlr/code/antlr3/runtime/ObjC/Framework/examples/fuzzy/Fuzzy.g:68:17: '.*' // alt { [self matchString:@".*"]; if ( state.failed ) return ; } break; } } } @finally { // /* ruleScopeCleanUp */ } return; } /* $ANTLR end "QIDStar" */ // $ANTLR start "TYPE" - (void) mTYPE { // /* ruleScopeSetUp */ /* ruleDeclarations */ @try { // /Users/acondit/source/antlr/code/antlr3/runtime/ObjC/Framework/examples/fuzzy/Fuzzy.g:72:5: ( QID ( '[]' )? ) // ruleBlockSingleAlt // /Users/acondit/source/antlr/code/antlr3/runtime/ObjC/Framework/examples/fuzzy/Fuzzy.g:72:9: QID ( '[]' )? // alt { [self mQID]; if ( state.failed ) return ; // /Users/acondit/source/antlr/code/antlr3/runtime/ObjC/Framework/examples/fuzzy/Fuzzy.g:72:13: ( '[]' )? // block NSInteger alt36=2; NSInteger LA36_0 = [input LA:1]; if ( (LA36_0=='[') ) { alt36=1; } switch (alt36) { case 1 : ; // /Users/acondit/source/antlr/code/antlr3/runtime/ObjC/Framework/examples/fuzzy/Fuzzy.g:72:13: '[]' // alt { [self matchString:@"[]"]; if ( state.failed ) return ; } break; } } } @finally { // /* ruleScopeCleanUp */ } return; } /* $ANTLR end "TYPE" */ // $ANTLR start "ARG" - (void) mARG { // /* ruleScopeSetUp */ /* ruleDeclarations */ @try { // /Users/acondit/source/antlr/code/antlr3/runtime/ObjC/Framework/examples/fuzzy/Fuzzy.g:76:5: ( TYPE WS ID ) // ruleBlockSingleAlt // /Users/acondit/source/antlr/code/antlr3/runtime/ObjC/Framework/examples/fuzzy/Fuzzy.g:76:9: TYPE WS ID // alt { [self mTYPE]; if ( state.failed ) return ; [self mWS]; if ( state.failed ) return ; [self mID]; if ( state.failed ) return ; } } @finally { // /* ruleScopeCleanUp */ } return; } /* $ANTLR end "ARG" */ // $ANTLR start "ID" - (void) mID { // /* ruleScopeSetUp */ /* ruleDeclarations */ @try { // /Users/acondit/source/antlr/code/antlr3/runtime/ObjC/Framework/examples/fuzzy/Fuzzy.g:80:5: ( ( 'a' .. 'z' | 'A' .. 'Z' | '_' ) ( 'a' .. 'z' | 'A' .. 'Z' | '_' | '0' .. '9' )* ) // ruleBlockSingleAlt // /Users/acondit/source/antlr/code/antlr3/runtime/ObjC/Framework/examples/fuzzy/Fuzzy.g:80:9: ( 'a' .. 'z' | 'A' .. 'Z' | '_' ) ( 'a' .. 'z' | 'A' .. 'Z' | '_' | '0' .. '9' )* // alt { if ((([input LA:1] >= 'A') && ([input LA:1] <= 'Z'))||[input LA:1] == '_'||(([input LA:1] >= 'a') && ([input LA:1] <= 'z'))) { [input consume]; state.failed = NO; } else { if ( state.backtracking > 0 ) { state.failed = YES; return ; } MismatchedSetException *mse = [MismatchedSetException newException:nil stream:input]; [self recover:mse]; @throw mse; } do { NSInteger alt37=2; NSInteger LA37_0 = [input LA:1]; if ( ((LA37_0 >= '0' && LA37_0 <= '9')||(LA37_0 >= 'A' && LA37_0 <= 'Z')||LA37_0=='_'||(LA37_0 >= 'a' && LA37_0 <= 'z')) ) { alt37=1; } switch (alt37) { case 1 : ; // /Users/acondit/source/antlr/code/antlr3/runtime/ObjC/Framework/examples/fuzzy/Fuzzy.g: // alt { if ((([input LA:1] >= '0') && ([input LA:1] <= '9'))||(([input LA:1] >= 'A') && ([input LA:1] <= 'Z'))||[input LA:1] == '_'||(([input LA:1] >= 'a') && ([input LA:1] <= 'z'))) { [input consume]; state.failed = NO; } else { if ( state.backtracking > 0 ) { state.failed = YES; return ; } MismatchedSetException *mse = [MismatchedSetException newException:nil stream:input]; [self recover:mse]; @throw mse; } } break; default : goto loop37; } } while (YES); loop37: ; } } @finally { // /* ruleScopeCleanUp */ } return; } /* $ANTLR end "ID" */ // $ANTLR start "ESC" - (void) mESC { // /* ruleScopeSetUp */ /* ruleDeclarations */ @try { // /Users/acondit/source/antlr/code/antlr3/runtime/ObjC/Framework/examples/fuzzy/Fuzzy.g:84:5: ( '\\\\' ( '\"' | '\\'' | '\\\\' ) ) // ruleBlockSingleAlt // /Users/acondit/source/antlr/code/antlr3/runtime/ObjC/Framework/examples/fuzzy/Fuzzy.g:84:7: '\\\\' ( '\"' | '\\'' | '\\\\' ) // alt { [self matchChar:'\\']; if ( state.failed ) return ; if ([input LA:1] == '"'||[input LA:1] == '\''||[input LA:1] == '\\') { [input consume]; state.failed = NO; } else { if ( state.backtracking > 0 ) { state.failed = YES; return ; } MismatchedSetException *mse = [MismatchedSetException newException:nil stream:input]; [self recover:mse]; @throw mse; } } } @finally { // /* ruleScopeCleanUp */ } return; } /* $ANTLR end "ESC" */ - (void) mTokens { // /Users/acondit/source/antlr/code/antlr3/runtime/ObjC/Framework/examples/fuzzy/Fuzzy.g:1:39: ( IMPORT | RETURN | CLASS | METHOD | FIELD | STAT | CALL | COMMENT | SL_COMMENT | STRING | CHAR | WS ) //ruleblock NSInteger alt38=12; unichar charLA38 = [input LA:1]; switch (charLA38) { case 'i': ; { NSInteger LA38_1 = [input LA:2]; if ( ([self evaluateSyntacticPredicate:@selector(synpred1_Fuzzy_fragment)]) ) { alt38=1; } else if ( ([self evaluateSyntacticPredicate:@selector(synpred4_Fuzzy_fragment)]) ) { alt38=4; } else if ( ([self evaluateSyntacticPredicate:@selector(synpred5_Fuzzy_fragment)]) ) { alt38=5; } else if ( ([self evaluateSyntacticPredicate:@selector(synpred6_Fuzzy_fragment)]) ) { alt38=6; } else if ( ([self evaluateSyntacticPredicate:@selector(synpred7_Fuzzy_fragment)]) ) { alt38=7; } else { if ( state.backtracking > 0 ) { state.failed = YES; return ; } NoViableAltException *nvae = [NoViableAltException newException:38 state:1 stream:input]; nvae.c = LA38_1; @throw nvae; } } break; case 'r': ; { NSInteger LA38_7 = [input LA:2]; if ( ([self evaluateSyntacticPredicate:@selector(synpred2_Fuzzy_fragment)]) ) { alt38=2; } else if ( ([self evaluateSyntacticPredicate:@selector(synpred4_Fuzzy_fragment)]) ) { alt38=4; } else if ( ([self evaluateSyntacticPredicate:@selector(synpred5_Fuzzy_fragment)]) ) { alt38=5; } else if ( ([self evaluateSyntacticPredicate:@selector(synpred7_Fuzzy_fragment)]) ) { alt38=7; } else { if ( state.backtracking > 0 ) { state.failed = YES; return ; } NoViableAltException *nvae = [NoViableAltException newException:38 state:7 stream:input]; nvae.c = LA38_7; @throw nvae; } } break; case 'c': ; { NSInteger LA38_9 = [input LA:2]; if ( ([self evaluateSyntacticPredicate:@selector(synpred3_Fuzzy_fragment)]) ) { alt38=3; } else if ( ([self evaluateSyntacticPredicate:@selector(synpred4_Fuzzy_fragment)]) ) { alt38=4; } else if ( ([self evaluateSyntacticPredicate:@selector(synpred5_Fuzzy_fragment)]) ) { alt38=5; } else if ( ([self evaluateSyntacticPredicate:@selector(synpred7_Fuzzy_fragment)]) ) { alt38=7; } else { if ( state.backtracking > 0 ) { state.failed = YES; return ; } NoViableAltException *nvae = [NoViableAltException newException:38 state:9 stream:input]; nvae.c = LA38_9; @throw nvae; } } break; case 'f': ; case 's': ; case 'w': ; { NSInteger LA38_11 = [input LA:2]; if ( ([self evaluateSyntacticPredicate:@selector(synpred4_Fuzzy_fragment)]) ) { alt38=4; } else if ( ([self evaluateSyntacticPredicate:@selector(synpred5_Fuzzy_fragment)]) ) { alt38=5; } else if ( ([self evaluateSyntacticPredicate:@selector(synpred6_Fuzzy_fragment)]) ) { alt38=6; } else if ( ([self evaluateSyntacticPredicate:@selector(synpred7_Fuzzy_fragment)]) ) { alt38=7; } else { if ( state.backtracking > 0 ) { state.failed = YES; return ; } NoViableAltException *nvae = [NoViableAltException newException:38 state:11 stream:input]; nvae.c = LA38_11; @throw nvae; } } break; case 'A': ; case 'B': ; case 'C': ; case 'D': ; case 'E': ; case 'F': ; case 'G': ; case 'H': ; case 'I': ; case 'J': ; case 'K': ; case 'L': ; case 'M': ; case 'N': ; case 'O': ; case 'P': ; case 'Q': ; case 'R': ; case 'S': ; case 'T': ; case 'U': ; case 'V': ; case 'W': ; case 'X': ; case 'Y': ; case 'Z': ; case '_': ; case 'a': ; case 'b': ; case 'd': ; case 'e': ; case 'g': ; case 'h': ; case 'j': ; case 'k': ; case 'l': ; case 'm': ; case 'n': ; case 'o': ; case 'p': ; case 'q': ; case 't': ; case 'u': ; case 'v': ; case 'x': ; case 'y': ; case 'z': ; { NSInteger LA38_12 = [input LA:2]; if ( ([self evaluateSyntacticPredicate:@selector(synpred4_Fuzzy_fragment)]) ) { alt38=4; } else if ( ([self evaluateSyntacticPredicate:@selector(synpred5_Fuzzy_fragment)]) ) { alt38=5; } else if ( ([self evaluateSyntacticPredicate:@selector(synpred7_Fuzzy_fragment)]) ) { alt38=7; } else { if ( state.backtracking > 0 ) { state.failed = YES; return ; } NoViableAltException *nvae = [NoViableAltException newException:38 state:12 stream:input]; nvae.c = LA38_12; @throw nvae; } } break; case '/': ; { NSInteger LA38_13 = [input LA:2]; if ( ([self evaluateSyntacticPredicate:@selector(synpred8_Fuzzy_fragment)]) ) { alt38=8; } else if ( ([self evaluateSyntacticPredicate:@selector(synpred9_Fuzzy_fragment)]) ) { alt38=9; } else { if ( state.backtracking > 0 ) { state.failed = YES; return ; } NoViableAltException *nvae = [NoViableAltException newException:38 state:13 stream:input]; nvae.c = LA38_13; @throw nvae; } } break; case '"': ; { alt38=10; } break; case '\'': ; { alt38=11; } break; case '\t': ; case '\n': ; case ' ': ; { alt38=12; } break; default: ; if ( state.backtracking > 0 ) { state.failed = YES; return ; } NoViableAltException *nvae = [NoViableAltException newException:38 state:0 stream:input]; nvae.c = charLA38; @throw nvae; } switch (alt38) { case 1 : ; // /Users/acondit/source/antlr/code/antlr3/runtime/ObjC/Framework/examples/fuzzy/Fuzzy.g:1:41: IMPORT // alt { [self mIMPORT]; if ( state.failed ) return ; } break; case 2 : ; // /Users/acondit/source/antlr/code/antlr3/runtime/ObjC/Framework/examples/fuzzy/Fuzzy.g:1:48: RETURN // alt { [self mRETURN]; if ( state.failed ) return ; } break; case 3 : ; // /Users/acondit/source/antlr/code/antlr3/runtime/ObjC/Framework/examples/fuzzy/Fuzzy.g:1:55: CLASS // alt { [self mCLASS]; if ( state.failed ) return ; } break; case 4 : ; // /Users/acondit/source/antlr/code/antlr3/runtime/ObjC/Framework/examples/fuzzy/Fuzzy.g:1:61: METHOD // alt { [self mMETHOD]; if ( state.failed ) return ; } break; case 5 : ; // /Users/acondit/source/antlr/code/antlr3/runtime/ObjC/Framework/examples/fuzzy/Fuzzy.g:1:68: FIELD // alt { [self mFIELD]; if ( state.failed ) return ; } break; case 6 : ; // /Users/acondit/source/antlr/code/antlr3/runtime/ObjC/Framework/examples/fuzzy/Fuzzy.g:1:74: STAT // alt { [self mSTAT]; if ( state.failed ) return ; } break; case 7 : ; // /Users/acondit/source/antlr/code/antlr3/runtime/ObjC/Framework/examples/fuzzy/Fuzzy.g:1:79: CALL // alt { [self mCALL]; if ( state.failed ) return ; } break; case 8 : ; // /Users/acondit/source/antlr/code/antlr3/runtime/ObjC/Framework/examples/fuzzy/Fuzzy.g:1:84: COMMENT // alt { [self mCOMMENT]; if ( state.failed ) return ; } break; case 9 : ; // /Users/acondit/source/antlr/code/antlr3/runtime/ObjC/Framework/examples/fuzzy/Fuzzy.g:1:92: SL_COMMENT // alt { [self mSL_COMMENT]; if ( state.failed ) return ; } break; case 10 : ; // /Users/acondit/source/antlr/code/antlr3/runtime/ObjC/Framework/examples/fuzzy/Fuzzy.g:1:103: STRING // alt { [self mSTRING]; if ( state.failed ) return ; } break; case 11 : ; // /Users/acondit/source/antlr/code/antlr3/runtime/ObjC/Framework/examples/fuzzy/Fuzzy.g:1:110: CHAR // alt { [self mCHAR]; if ( state.failed ) return ; } break; case 12 : ; // /Users/acondit/source/antlr/code/antlr3/runtime/ObjC/Framework/examples/fuzzy/Fuzzy.g:1:115: WS // alt { [self mWS]; if ( state.failed ) return ; } break; } } // $ANTLR start synpred1_Fuzzy_fragment - (void) synpred1_Fuzzy_fragment { /* ruleLabelDefs entry */ // /Users/acondit/source/antlr/code/antlr3/runtime/ObjC/Framework/examples/fuzzy/Fuzzy.g:1:41: ( IMPORT ) // ruleBlockSingleAlt // /Users/acondit/source/antlr/code/antlr3/runtime/ObjC/Framework/examples/fuzzy/Fuzzy.g:1:41: IMPORT // alt { [self mIMPORT]; if ( state.failed ) return ; } } // $ANTLR end synpred1_Fuzzy_fragment // $ANTLR start synpred2_Fuzzy_fragment - (void) synpred2_Fuzzy_fragment { /* ruleLabelDefs entry */ // /Users/acondit/source/antlr/code/antlr3/runtime/ObjC/Framework/examples/fuzzy/Fuzzy.g:1:48: ( RETURN ) // ruleBlockSingleAlt // /Users/acondit/source/antlr/code/antlr3/runtime/ObjC/Framework/examples/fuzzy/Fuzzy.g:1:48: RETURN // alt { [self mRETURN]; if ( state.failed ) return ; } } // $ANTLR end synpred2_Fuzzy_fragment // $ANTLR start synpred3_Fuzzy_fragment - (void) synpred3_Fuzzy_fragment { /* ruleLabelDefs entry */ // /Users/acondit/source/antlr/code/antlr3/runtime/ObjC/Framework/examples/fuzzy/Fuzzy.g:1:55: ( CLASS ) // ruleBlockSingleAlt // /Users/acondit/source/antlr/code/antlr3/runtime/ObjC/Framework/examples/fuzzy/Fuzzy.g:1:55: CLASS // alt { [self mCLASS]; if ( state.failed ) return ; } } // $ANTLR end synpred3_Fuzzy_fragment // $ANTLR start synpred4_Fuzzy_fragment - (void) synpred4_Fuzzy_fragment { /* ruleLabelDefs entry */ // /Users/acondit/source/antlr/code/antlr3/runtime/ObjC/Framework/examples/fuzzy/Fuzzy.g:1:61: ( METHOD ) // ruleBlockSingleAlt // /Users/acondit/source/antlr/code/antlr3/runtime/ObjC/Framework/examples/fuzzy/Fuzzy.g:1:61: METHOD // alt { [self mMETHOD]; if ( state.failed ) return ; } } // $ANTLR end synpred4_Fuzzy_fragment // $ANTLR start synpred5_Fuzzy_fragment - (void) synpred5_Fuzzy_fragment { /* ruleLabelDefs entry */ // /Users/acondit/source/antlr/code/antlr3/runtime/ObjC/Framework/examples/fuzzy/Fuzzy.g:1:68: ( FIELD ) // ruleBlockSingleAlt // /Users/acondit/source/antlr/code/antlr3/runtime/ObjC/Framework/examples/fuzzy/Fuzzy.g:1:68: FIELD // alt { [self mFIELD]; if ( state.failed ) return ; } } // $ANTLR end synpred5_Fuzzy_fragment // $ANTLR start synpred6_Fuzzy_fragment - (void) synpred6_Fuzzy_fragment { /* ruleLabelDefs entry */ // /Users/acondit/source/antlr/code/antlr3/runtime/ObjC/Framework/examples/fuzzy/Fuzzy.g:1:74: ( STAT ) // ruleBlockSingleAlt // /Users/acondit/source/antlr/code/antlr3/runtime/ObjC/Framework/examples/fuzzy/Fuzzy.g:1:74: STAT // alt { [self mSTAT]; if ( state.failed ) return ; } } // $ANTLR end synpred6_Fuzzy_fragment // $ANTLR start synpred7_Fuzzy_fragment - (void) synpred7_Fuzzy_fragment { /* ruleLabelDefs entry */ // /Users/acondit/source/antlr/code/antlr3/runtime/ObjC/Framework/examples/fuzzy/Fuzzy.g:1:79: ( CALL ) // ruleBlockSingleAlt // /Users/acondit/source/antlr/code/antlr3/runtime/ObjC/Framework/examples/fuzzy/Fuzzy.g:1:79: CALL // alt { [self mCALL]; if ( state.failed ) return ; } } // $ANTLR end synpred7_Fuzzy_fragment // $ANTLR start synpred8_Fuzzy_fragment - (void) synpred8_Fuzzy_fragment { /* ruleLabelDefs entry */ // /Users/acondit/source/antlr/code/antlr3/runtime/ObjC/Framework/examples/fuzzy/Fuzzy.g:1:84: ( COMMENT ) // ruleBlockSingleAlt // /Users/acondit/source/antlr/code/antlr3/runtime/ObjC/Framework/examples/fuzzy/Fuzzy.g:1:84: COMMENT // alt { [self mCOMMENT]; if ( state.failed ) return ; } } // $ANTLR end synpred8_Fuzzy_fragment // $ANTLR start synpred9_Fuzzy_fragment - (void) synpred9_Fuzzy_fragment { /* ruleLabelDefs entry */ // /Users/acondit/source/antlr/code/antlr3/runtime/ObjC/Framework/examples/fuzzy/Fuzzy.g:1:92: ( SL_COMMENT ) // ruleBlockSingleAlt // /Users/acondit/source/antlr/code/antlr3/runtime/ObjC/Framework/examples/fuzzy/Fuzzy.g:1:92: SL_COMMENT // alt { [self mSL_COMMENT]; if ( state.failed ) return ; } } // $ANTLR end synpred9_Fuzzy_fragment @end /* end of Fuzzy implementation line 397 */