// [The "BSD licence"] // Copyright (c) 2006-2007 Kay Roepke 2010 Alan Condit // All rights reserved. // // Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without // modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions // are met: // 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright // notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. // 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright // notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the // documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. // 3. The name of the author may not be used to endorse or promote products // derived from this software without specific prior written permission. // // THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE AUTHOR ``AS IS'' AND ANY EXPRESS OR // IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES // OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. // IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, // INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT // NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, // DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY // THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT // (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF // THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. #import "UnbufferedCommonTreeNodeStream.h" #import "UnbufferedCommonTreeNodeStreamState.h" #import "BaseTree.h" #import "Token.h" #define INITIAL_LOOKAHEAD_BUFFER_SIZE 5 @implementation ANTLRUnbufferedCommonTreeNodeStream @synthesize root; @synthesize currentNode; @synthesize previousNode; @synthesize treeAdaptor; @synthesize tokenStream; @synthesize nodeStack; @synthesize indexStack; @synthesize markers; @synthesize lastMarker; @synthesize currentChildIndex; @synthesize absoluteNodeIndex; @synthesize lookahead; @synthesize head; @synthesize tail; - (id) initWithTree:(CommonTree *)theTree { return [self initWithTree:theTree treeAdaptor:nil]; } - (id) initWithTree:(CommonTree *)theTree treeAdaptor:(CommonTreeAdaptor *)theAdaptor { if ((self = [super init]) != nil) { [self setRoot:theTree]; if ( theAdaptor == nil ) [self setTreeAdaptor:[CommonTreeAdaptor newTreeAdaptor]]; else [self setTreeAdaptor:theAdaptor]; nodeStack = [[NSMutableArray arrayWithCapacity:5] retain]; indexStack = [[NSMutableArray arrayWithCapacity:5] retain]; markers = [[PtrBuffer newPtrBufferWithLen:100] retain]; // [markers insertObject:[NSNull null] atIndex:0]; // markers is one based - maybe fix this later lookahead = [NSMutableArray arrayWithCapacity:INITIAL_LOOKAHEAD_BUFFER_SIZE]; // lookahead is filled with [NSNull null] in -reset [lookahead retain]; [self reset]; } return self; } - (void) dealloc { [self setRoot:nil]; [self setTreeAdaptor:nil]; [nodeStack release]; nodeStack = nil; [indexStack release]; indexStack = nil; [markers release]; markers = nil; [lookahead release]; lookahead = nil; [super dealloc]; } - (void) reset { currentNode = root; previousNode = nil; currentChildIndex = -1; absoluteNodeIndex = -1; head = tail = 0; [nodeStack removeAllObjects]; [indexStack removeAllObjects]; [markers removeAllObjects]; // [markers insertObject:[NSNull null] atIndex:0]; // markers is one based - maybe fix this later [lookahead removeAllObjects]; // TODO: this is not ideal, but works for now. optimize later int i; for (i = 0; i < INITIAL_LOOKAHEAD_BUFFER_SIZE; i++) [lookahead addObject:[NSNull null]]; } #pragma mark ANTLRTreeNodeStream conformance - (id) LT:(NSInteger)k { if (k == -1) return previousNode; if (k < 0) @throw [NSException exceptionWithName:@"ANTLRTreeException" reason:@"-LT: looking back more than one node unsupported for unbuffered streams" userInfo:nil]; if (k == 0) return BaseTree.INVALID_NODE; [self fillBufferWithLookahead:k]; return [lookahead objectAtIndex:(head+k-1) % [lookahead count]]; } - (id) treeSource { return [self root]; } - (id<TreeAdaptor>) getTreeAdaptor; { return treeAdaptor; } - (void)setTreeAdaptor:(id<TreeAdaptor>)aTreeAdaptor { if (treeAdaptor != aTreeAdaptor) { [aTreeAdaptor retain]; [treeAdaptor release]; treeAdaptor = aTreeAdaptor; } } - (id<TokenStream>) getTokenStream { return tokenStream; } - (void) setTokenStream:(id<TokenStream>)aTokenStream { if (tokenStream != aTokenStream) { [tokenStream release]; [aTokenStream retain]; tokenStream = aTokenStream; } } - (void) setUsesUniqueNavigationNodes:(BOOL)flag { shouldUseUniqueNavigationNodes = flag; } - (id) nodeAtIndex:(NSUInteger) idx { @throw [NSException exceptionWithName:@"ANTLRTreeException" reason:@"-nodeAtIndex: unsupported for unbuffered streams" userInfo:nil]; } - (NSString *) toString { @throw [NSException exceptionWithName:@"ANTLRTreeException" reason:@"-toString unsupported for unbuffered streams" userInfo:nil]; } - (NSString *) toStringWithRange:(NSRange) aRange { @throw [NSException exceptionWithName:@"ANTLRTreeException" reason:@"-toString: unsupported for unbuffered streams" userInfo:nil]; } - (NSString *) toStringFromNode:(id)startNode ToNode:(id)stopNode { @throw [NSException exceptionWithName:@"ANTLRTreeException" reason:@"-toStringFromNode:toNode: unsupported for unbuffered streams" userInfo:nil]; } #pragma mark ANTLRIntStream conformance - (void) consume { [self fillBufferWithLookahead:1]; absoluteNodeIndex++; previousNode = [lookahead objectAtIndex:head]; head = (head+1) % [lookahead count]; } - (NSInteger) LA:(NSUInteger) i { CommonTree *node = [self LT:i]; if (!node) return TokenTypeInvalid; int ttype = [node getType]; return ttype; } - (NSUInteger) mark { ANTLRUnbufferedCommonTreeNodeStreamState *state = [[[ANTLRUnbufferedCommonTreeNodeStreamState alloc] init] retain]; [state setCurrentNode:currentNode]; [state setPreviousNode:previousNode]; [state setIndexStackSize:[indexStack count]]; [state setNodeStackSize:[nodeStack count]]; [state setCurrentChildIndex:currentChildIndex]; [state setAbsoluteNodeIndex:absoluteNodeIndex]; unsigned int lookaheadSize = [self lookaheadSize]; unsigned int k; for ( k = 0; k < lookaheadSize; k++) { [state addToLookahead:[self LT:k+1]]; } [markers addObject:state]; //[state release]; return [markers count]; } - (NSUInteger) getIndex { return absoluteNodeIndex + 1; } - (void) rewind:(NSUInteger) marker { if ( [markers count] < marker ) { return; } ANTLRUnbufferedCommonTreeNodeStreamState *state = [markers objectAtIndex:marker]; [markers removeObjectAtIndex:marker]; absoluteNodeIndex = [state absoluteNodeIndex]; currentChildIndex = [state currentChildIndex]; currentNode = [state currentNode]; previousNode = [state previousNode]; // drop node and index stacks back to old size [nodeStack removeObjectsInRange:NSMakeRange([state nodeStackSize], [nodeStack count]-[state nodeStackSize])]; [indexStack removeObjectsInRange:NSMakeRange([state indexStackSize], [indexStack count]-[state indexStackSize])]; head = tail = 0; // wack lookahead buffer and then refill [lookahead release]; lookahead = [[NSMutableArray alloc] initWithArray:[state lookahead]]; tail = [lookahead count]; // make some room after the restored lookahead, so that the above line is not a bug ;) // this also ensures that a subsequent -addLookahead: will not immediately need to resize the buffer [lookahead addObjectsFromArray:[NSArray arrayWithObjects:[NSNull null], [NSNull null], [NSNull null], [NSNull null], [NSNull null], nil]]; } - (void) rewind { [self rewind:[markers count]]; } - (void) release:(NSUInteger) marker { @throw [NSException exceptionWithName:@"ANTLRTreeException" reason:@"-release: unsupported for unbuffered streams" userInfo:nil]; } - (void) seek:(NSUInteger) anIndex { if ( anIndex < (NSUInteger) index ) @throw [NSException exceptionWithName:@"ANTLRTreeException" reason:@"-seek: backwards unsupported for unbuffered streams" userInfo:nil]; while ( (NSUInteger) index < anIndex ) { [self consume]; } } - (NSUInteger) size; { return absoluteNodeIndex + 1; // not entirely correct, but cheap. } #pragma mark Lookahead Handling - (void) addLookahead:(id<BaseTree>)aNode { [lookahead replaceObjectAtIndex:tail withObject:aNode]; tail = (tail+1) % [lookahead count]; if ( tail == head ) { NSMutableArray *newLookahead = [[[NSMutableArray alloc] initWithCapacity:[lookahead count]*2] retain]; NSRange headRange = NSMakeRange(head, [lookahead count]-head); NSRange tailRange = NSMakeRange(0, tail); [newLookahead addObjectsFromArray:[lookahead objectsAtIndexes:[NSIndexSet indexSetWithIndexesInRange:headRange]]]; [newLookahead addObjectsFromArray:[lookahead objectsAtIndexes:[NSIndexSet indexSetWithIndexesInRange:tailRange]]]; unsigned int i; unsigned int lookaheadCount = [newLookahead count]; for (i = 0; i < lookaheadCount; i++) [newLookahead addObject:[NSNull null]]; [lookahead release]; lookahead = newLookahead; head = 0; tail = lookaheadCount; // tail is the location the _next_ lookahead node will end up in, not the last element's idx itself! } } - (NSUInteger) lookaheadSize { return tail < head ? ([lookahead count] - head + tail) : (tail - head); } - (void) fillBufferWithLookahead:(NSInteger)k { unsigned int n = [self lookaheadSize]; unsigned int i; id lookaheadObject = self; // any valid object would do. for (i=1; i <= k-n && lookaheadObject != nil; i++) { lookaheadObject = [self nextObject]; } } - (id) nextObject { // NOTE: this could/should go into an NSEnumerator subclass for treenode streams. if (currentNode == nil) { if ( navigationNodeEOF == nil ) { navigationNodeEOF = [[TreeNavigationNodeEOF alloc] init]; } [self addLookahead:navigationNodeEOF]; return nil; } if (currentChildIndex == -1) { return [self handleRootNode]; } if (currentChildIndex < (NSInteger)[currentNode getChildCount]) { return [self visitChild:currentChildIndex]; } [self walkBackToMostRecentNodeWithUnvisitedChildren]; if (currentNode != nil) { return [self visitChild:currentChildIndex]; } return nil; } #pragma mark Node visiting - (CommonTree *) handleRootNode { CommonTree *node = currentNode; currentChildIndex = 0; if ([node isNil]) { node = [self visitChild:currentChildIndex]; } else { [self addLookahead:node]; if ([currentNode getChildCount] == 0) { currentNode = nil; } } return node; } - (CommonTree *) visitChild:(NSInteger)childNumber { CommonTree *node = nil; [nodeStack addObject:currentNode]; [indexStack addObject:[NSNumber numberWithInt:childNumber]]; if (childNumber == 0 && ![currentNode isNil]) [self addNavigationNodeWithType:TokenTypeDOWN]; currentNode = [currentNode getChild:childNumber]; currentChildIndex = 0; node = currentNode; // record node to return [self addLookahead:node]; [self walkBackToMostRecentNodeWithUnvisitedChildren]; return node; } - (void) walkBackToMostRecentNodeWithUnvisitedChildren { while (currentNode != nil && currentChildIndex >= (NSInteger)[currentNode getChildCount]) { currentNode = (CommonTree *)[nodeStack lastObject]; [nodeStack removeLastObject]; currentChildIndex = [(NSNumber *)[indexStack lastObject] intValue]; [indexStack removeLastObject]; currentChildIndex++; // move to next child if (currentChildIndex >= (NSInteger)[currentNode getChildCount]) { if (![currentNode isNil]) { [self addNavigationNodeWithType:TokenTypeUP]; } if (currentNode == root) { // we done yet? currentNode = nil; } } } } - (void) addNavigationNodeWithType:(NSInteger)tokenType { // TODO: this currently ignores shouldUseUniqueNavigationNodes. switch (tokenType) { case TokenTypeDOWN: { if (navigationNodeDown == nil) { navigationNodeDown = [[TreeNavigationNodeDown alloc] init]; } [self addLookahead:navigationNodeDown]; break; } case TokenTypeUP: { if (navigationNodeUp == nil) { navigationNodeUp = [[TreeNavigationNodeUp alloc] init]; } [self addLookahead:navigationNodeUp]; break; } } } #pragma mark Accessors - (CommonTree *) root { return root; } - (void) setRoot: (CommonTree *) aRoot { if (root != aRoot) { [aRoot retain]; [root release]; root = aRoot; } } @end