// // TokenRewriteStream.m // ANTLR // // Created by Alan Condit on 6/19/10. // [The "BSD licence"] // Copyright (c) 2010 Alan Condit // All rights reserved. // // Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without // modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions // are met: // 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright // notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. // 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright // notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the // documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. // 3. The name of the author may not be used to endorse or promote products // derived from this software without specific prior written permission. // // THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE AUTHOR ``AS IS'' AND ANY EXPRESS OR // IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES // OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. // IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, // INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT // NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, // DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY // THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT // (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF // THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. #import "TokenRewriteStream.h" #import "RuntimeException.h" static NSString *DEFAULT_PROGRAM_NAME = @"default"; static NSInteger PROGRAM_INIT_SIZE = 100; static NSInteger MIN_TOKEN_INDEX = 0; extern NSInteger debug; // Define the rewrite operation hierarchy @implementation RewriteOperation @synthesize instructionIndex; @synthesize rwIndex; @synthesize text; + (RewriteOperation *) newRewriteOperation:(NSInteger)anIndex Text:(NSString *)theText { return [[RewriteOperation alloc] initWithIndex:anIndex Text:theText]; } - (id) initWithIndex:(NSInteger)anIndex Text:(NSString *)theText { if ((self = [super init]) != nil) { rwIndex = anIndex; text = theText; } return self; } /** Execute the rewrite operation by possibly adding to the buffer. * Return the rwIndex of the next token to operate on. */ - (NSInteger) execute:(NSString *)buf { return rwIndex; } - (NSString *)toString { NSString *opName = [self className]; int $index = [self indexOf:'$' inString:opName]; opName = [opName substringWithRange:NSMakeRange($index+1, [opName length])]; return [NSString stringWithFormat:@"<%@%d:\"%@\">", opName, rwIndex, opName]; } - (NSInteger) indexOf:(char)aChar inString:(NSString *)aString { char indexedChar; for( int i = 0; i < [aString length]; i++ ) { indexedChar = [aString characterAtIndex:i]; if (indexedChar == aChar) { return i; } } return -1; } @end @implementation ANTLRInsertBeforeOp + (ANTLRInsertBeforeOp *) newANTLRInsertBeforeOp:(NSInteger) anIndex Text:(NSString *)theText { return [[ANTLRInsertBeforeOp alloc] initWithIndex:anIndex Text:theText]; } - (id) initWithIndex:(NSInteger)anIndex Text:(NSString *)theText { if ((self = [super initWithIndex:anIndex Text:theText]) != nil) { rwIndex = anIndex; text = theText; } return self; } - (NSInteger) execute:(NSMutableString *)buf { [buf appendString:text]; if ( ((CommonToken *)[tokens objectAtIndex:rwIndex]).type != TokenTypeEOF ) { [buf appendString:[[tokens objectAtIndex:rwIndex] text]]; } return rwIndex+1; } @end /** I'm going to try replacing range from x..y with (y-x)+1 ANTLRReplaceOp * instructions. */ @implementation ANTLRReplaceOp @synthesize lastIndex; + (ANTLRReplaceOp *) newANTLRReplaceOp:(NSInteger)from ToIndex:(NSInteger)to Text:(NSString*)theText { return [[ANTLRReplaceOp alloc] initWithIndex:from ToIndex:to Text:theText]; } - (id) initWithIndex:(NSInteger)from ToIndex:(NSInteger)to Text:(NSString *)theText { if ((self = [super initWithIndex:from Text:theText]) != nil) { lastIndex = to; } return self; } - (NSInteger) execute:(NSMutableString *)buf { if ( text!=nil ) { [buf appendString:text]; } return lastIndex+1; } - (NSString *)toString { return [NSString stringWithFormat:@"<ANTLRReplaceOp@ %d..%d :>%@\n", rwIndex, lastIndex, text]; } @end @implementation ANTLRDeleteOp + (ANTLRDeleteOp *) newANTLRDeleteOp:(NSInteger)from ToIndex:(NSInteger)to { // super(from To:to, null); return [[ANTLRDeleteOp alloc] initWithIndex:from ToIndex:to]; } - (id) initWithIndex:(NSInteger)from ToIndex:(NSInteger)to { if ((self = [super initWithIndex:from ToIndex:to Text:nil]) != nil) { lastIndex = to; } return self; } - (NSString *)toString { return [NSString stringWithFormat:@"<DeleteOp@ %d..%d\n", rwIndex, lastIndex]; } @end @implementation TokenRewriteStream @synthesize programs; @synthesize lastRewriteTokenIndexes; + (TokenRewriteStream *)newTokenRewriteStream { return [[TokenRewriteStream alloc] init]; } + (TokenRewriteStream *)newTokenRewriteStream:(id<TokenSource>) aTokenSource { return [[TokenRewriteStream alloc] initWithTokenSource:aTokenSource]; } + (TokenRewriteStream *)newTokenRewriteStream:(id<TokenSource>) aTokenSource Channel:(NSInteger)aChannel { return [[TokenRewriteStream alloc] initWithTokenSource:aTokenSource Channel:aChannel]; } - (id) init { if ((self = [super init]) != nil) { programs = [HashMap newHashMap]; [programs addObject:[MapElement newMapElementWithName:DEFAULT_PROGRAM_NAME Node:[HashMap newHashMapWithLen:PROGRAM_INIT_SIZE]]]; lastRewriteTokenIndexes = [HashMap newHashMap]; } return self; } - (id)initWithTokenSource:(id<TokenSource>)aTokenSource { if ((self = [super init]) != nil) { programs = [HashMap newHashMap]; [programs addObject:[MapElement newMapElementWithName:DEFAULT_PROGRAM_NAME Node:[HashMap newHashMapWithLen:PROGRAM_INIT_SIZE]]]; lastRewriteTokenIndexes = [HashMap newHashMap]; tokenSource = aTokenSource; } return self; } - (id)initWithTokenSource:(id<TokenSource>)aTokenSource Channel:(NSInteger)aChannel { if ((self = [super init]) != nil) { programs = [HashMap newHashMap]; [programs addObject:[MapElement newMapElementWithName:DEFAULT_PROGRAM_NAME Node:[HashMap newHashMapWithLen:PROGRAM_INIT_SIZE]]]; lastRewriteTokenIndexes = [HashMap newHashMap]; tokenSource = aTokenSource; channel = aChannel; } return self; } - (HashMap *)getPrograms { return programs; } - (void)setPrograms:(HashMap *)aProgList { programs = aProgList; } - (void) rollback:(NSInteger)instructionIndex { [self rollback:DEFAULT_PROGRAM_NAME Index:instructionIndex]; } /** Rollback the instruction stream for a program so that * the indicated instruction (via instructionIndex) is no * longer in the stream. UNTESTED! */ - (void) rollback:(NSString *)programName Index:(NSInteger)anInstructionIndex { id object; HashMap *is; // AMutableArray *is = [programs get(programName)]; is = [self getPrograms]; object = [is getName:programName]; if ( is != nil ) { #pragma warning this has to be fixed [programs insertObject:programName atIndex:anInstructionIndex]; } } - (void) deleteProgram { [self deleteProgram:DEFAULT_PROGRAM_NAME]; } /** Reset the program so that no instructions exist */ - (void) deleteProgram:(NSString *)programName { [self rollback:programName Index:MIN_TOKEN_INDEX]; } - (void) insertAfterToken:(id<Token>)t Text:(NSString *)theText { [self insertAfterProgNam:DEFAULT_PROGRAM_NAME Index:[t getTokenIndex] Text:theText]; } - (void) insertAfterIndex:(NSInteger)anIndex Text:(NSString *)theText { [self insertAfterProgNam:DEFAULT_PROGRAM_NAME Index:(NSInteger)anIndex Text:(NSString *)theText]; } - (void) insertAfterProgNam:(NSString *)programName Index:(NSInteger)anIndex Text:(NSString *)theText { // to insert after, just insert before next rwIndex (even if past end) [self insertBeforeProgName:programName Index:anIndex+1 Text:theText]; //addToSortedRewriteList(programName, new InsertAfterOp(rwIndex,text)); } - (void) insertBeforeToken:(id<Token>)t Text:(NSString *)theText { [self insertBeforeProgName:DEFAULT_PROGRAM_NAME Index:[t getTokenIndex] Text:theText]; } - (void) insertBeforeIndex:(NSInteger)anIndex Text:(NSString *)theText { [self insertBeforeProgName:DEFAULT_PROGRAM_NAME Index:anIndex Text:theText]; } - (void) insertBeforeProgName:(NSString *)programName Index:(NSInteger)rwIndex Text:(NSString *)theText { //addToSortedRewriteList(programName, new ANTLRInsertBeforeOp(rwIndex,text)); RewriteOperation *op = [ANTLRInsertBeforeOp newANTLRInsertBeforeOp:rwIndex Text:theText]; HashMap *rewrites = [self getProgram:programName]; op.instructionIndex = [rewrites count]; [rewrites addObject:op]; } - (void) replaceFromIndex:(NSInteger)anIndex Text:(NSString *)theText { [self replaceProgNam:DEFAULT_PROGRAM_NAME FromIndex:anIndex ToIndex:anIndex Text:theText]; } - (void) replaceFromIndex:(NSInteger)from ToIndex:(NSInteger)to Text:(NSString *)theText { [self replaceProgNam:DEFAULT_PROGRAM_NAME FromIndex:from ToIndex:to Text:theText]; } - (void) replaceFromToken:(id<Token>)anIndexT Text:(NSString *)theText { [self replaceProgNam:DEFAULT_PROGRAM_NAME FromIndex:[anIndexT getTokenIndex] ToIndex:[anIndexT getTokenIndex] Text:theText]; } - (void) replaceFromToken:(id<Token>)from ToToken:(id<Token>)to Text:(NSString *)theText { [self replaceProgNam:DEFAULT_PROGRAM_NAME FromIndex:[from getTokenIndex] ToIndex:[to getTokenIndex] Text:theText]; } - (void) replaceProgNam:(NSString *)programName Token:(id<Token>)from Token:(id<Token>)to Text:(NSString *)theText { [self replaceProgNam:programName FromIndex:[from getTokenIndex] ToIndex:[to getTokenIndex] Text:theText]; } - (void) replaceProgNam:(NSString *)programName FromIndex:(NSInteger)from ToIndex:(NSInteger)to Text:(NSString *)theText { if ( from > to || from < 0 || to < 0 || to >= [tokens count] ) { @throw [IllegalArgumentException newException:[NSString stringWithFormat:@"replace: range invalid: %d..%d size=%d\n", from, to, [tokens count]]]; } RewriteOperation *op = [ANTLRReplaceOp newANTLRReplaceOp:from ToIndex:to Text:theText]; HashMap *rewrites = (HashMap *)[lastRewriteTokenIndexes getName:programName]; op.instructionIndex = [rewrites count]; [rewrites addObject:op]; } - (void) delete:(NSInteger)anIndex { [self delete:DEFAULT_PROGRAM_NAME FromIndex:(NSInteger)anIndex ToIndex:(NSInteger)anIndex]; } - (void) delete:(NSInteger)from ToIndex:(NSInteger)to { [self delete:DEFAULT_PROGRAM_NAME FromIndex:from ToIndex:to]; } - (void) deleteToken:(id<Token>)anIndexT { [self delete:DEFAULT_PROGRAM_NAME FromIndex:[anIndexT getTokenIndex] ToIndex:[anIndexT getTokenIndex]]; } - (void) deleteFromToken:(id<Token>)from ToToken:(id<Token>)to { [self delete:DEFAULT_PROGRAM_NAME FromIndex:[from getTokenIndex] ToIndex:[to getTokenIndex]]; } - (void) delete:(NSString *)programName FromToken:(id<Token>)from ToToken:(id<Token>)to { [self replaceProgNam:programName FromIndex:[from getTokenIndex] ToIndex:[to getTokenIndex] Text:nil]; } - (void) delete:(NSString *)programName FromIndex:(NSInteger)from ToIndex:(NSInteger)to { [self replaceProgNam:programName FromIndex:from ToIndex:to Text:nil]; } - (NSInteger)getLastRewriteTokenIndex { return [self getLastRewriteTokenIndex:DEFAULT_PROGRAM_NAME]; } - (NSInteger)getLastRewriteTokenIndex:(NSString *)programName { #pragma warning fix this to look up the hashed name NSInteger anInt = -1; MapElement *node = [lastRewriteTokenIndexes lookup:programName Scope:0]; if ( node != nil ) { anInt = [lastRewriteTokenIndexes hash:programName]; } return anInt; } - (void)setLastRewriteTokenIndex:(NSString *)programName Index:(NSInteger)anInt { [lastRewriteTokenIndexes insertObject:programName atIndex:anInt]; } -(HashMap *) getProgram:(NSString *)name { HashMap *is = (HashMap *)[programs getName:name]; if ( is == nil ) { is = [self initializeProgram:name]; } return is; } -(HashMap *) initializeProgram:(NSString *)name { HashMap *is = [HashMap newHashMapWithLen:PROGRAM_INIT_SIZE]; [is putName:name Node:nil]; return is; } - (NSString *)toOriginalString { [super fill]; return [self toOriginalString:MIN_TOKEN_INDEX End:[tokens count]-1]; } - (NSString *)toOriginalString:(NSInteger)start End:(NSInteger)end { NSMutableString *buf = [NSMutableString stringWithCapacity:100]; for (int i = start; i >= MIN_TOKEN_INDEX && i <= end && i< [tokens count]; i++) { if ( [((CommonToken *)[lastRewriteTokenIndexes objectAtIndex:i]) type] != TokenTypeEOF ) [buf appendString:[[tokens objectAtIndex:i] text]]; } return [NSString stringWithString:buf]; } - (NSString *)toString { [super fill]; return [self toStringFromStart:MIN_TOKEN_INDEX ToEnd:[tokens count]-1]; } - (NSString *)toString:(NSString *)programName { [super fill]; return [self toString:programName FromStart:MIN_TOKEN_INDEX ToEnd:[[programs objectAtIndex:MIN_TOKEN_INDEX] count]-1]; } - (NSString *)toStringFromStart:(NSInteger)start ToEnd:(NSInteger)end { return [self toString:DEFAULT_PROGRAM_NAME FromStart:start ToEnd:end]; } - (NSString *)toString:(NSString *)programName FromStart:(NSInteger)start ToEnd:(NSInteger)end { HashMap *rewrites = (HashMap *)[programs getName:programName]; // ensure start/end are in range if ( end > [tokens count]-1 ) end = [tokens count]-1; if ( start < 0 ) start = 0; if ( rewrites == nil || [rewrites count] == 0 ) { return [self toOriginalString:start End:end]; // no instructions to execute } NSMutableString *buf = [NSMutableString stringWithCapacity:100]; // First, optimize instruction stream HashMap *indexToOp = [self reduceToSingleOperationPerIndex:rewrites]; // Walk buffer, executing instructions and emitting tokens int i = start; while ( i <= end && i < [tokens count] ) { RewriteOperation *op = (RewriteOperation *)[indexToOp objectAtIndex:i]; [indexToOp setObject:nil atIndex:i]; // remove so any left have rwIndex size-1 id<Token>t = (id<Token>) [tokens objectAtIndex:i]; if ( op == nil ) { // no operation at that rwIndex, just dump token if ( t.type != TokenTypeEOF ) [buf appendString:t.text]; i++; // move to next token } else { i = [op execute:buf]; // execute operation and skip } } // include stuff after end if it's last rwIndex in buffer // So, if they did an insertAfter(lastValidIndex, "foo"), include // foo if end==lastValidIndex. //if ( end == [tokens size]-1 ) { if ( end == [tokens count]-1 ) { // Scan any remaining operations after last token // should be included (they will be inserts). int i2 = 0; while ( i2 < [indexToOp count] - 1 ) { RewriteOperation *op = [indexToOp objectAtIndex:i2]; if ( op.rwIndex >= [tokens count]-1 ) { [buf appendString:op.text]; } } } return [NSString stringWithString:buf]; } /** We need to combine operations and report invalid operations (like * overlapping replaces that are not completed nested). Inserts to * same rwIndex need to be combined etc... Here are the cases: * * I.i.u I.j.v leave alone, nonoverlapping * I.i.u I.i.v combine: Iivu * * R.i-j.u R.x-y.v | i-j in x-y delete first R * R.i-j.u R.i-j.v delete first R * R.i-j.u R.x-y.v | x-y in i-j ERROR * R.i-j.u R.x-y.v | boundaries overlap ERROR * * I.i.u R.x-y.v | i in x-y delete I * I.i.u R.x-y.v | i not in x-y leave alone, nonoverlapping * R.x-y.v I.i.u | i in x-y ERROR * R.x-y.v I.x.u R.x-y.uv (combine, delete I) * R.x-y.v I.i.u | i not in x-y leave alone, nonoverlapping * * I.i.u = insert u before op @ rwIndex i * R.x-y.u = replace x-y indexed tokens with u * * First we need to examine replaces. For any replace op: * * 1. wipe out any insertions before op within that range. * 2. Drop any replace op before that is contained completely within * that range. * 3. Throw exception upon boundary overlap with any previous replace. * * Then we can deal with inserts: * * 1. for any inserts to same rwIndex, combine even if not adjacent. * 2. for any prior replace with same left boundary, combine this * insert with replace and delete this replace. * 3. throw exception if rwIndex in same range as previous replace * * Don't actually delete; make op null in list. Easier to walk list. * Later we can throw as we add to rwIndex -> op map. * * Note that I.2 R.2-2 will wipe out I.2 even though, technically, the * inserted stuff would be before the replace range. But, if you * add tokens in front of a method body '{' and then delete the method * body, I think the stuff before the '{' you added should disappear too. * * Return a map from token rwIndex to operation. */ - (HashMap *)reduceToSingleOperationPerIndex:(HashMap *)rewrites { //System.out.println("rewrites="+rewrites); if (debug > 1) NSLog(@"rewrites=%@\n", [rewrites getName:DEFAULT_PROGRAM_NAME]); // WALK REPLACES for (int i = 0; i < [rewrites count]; i++) { RewriteOperation *op = (RewriteOperation *)[rewrites objectAtIndex:i]; if ( op==nil ) continue; if ( !([[op class] isKindOfClass:[ANTLRReplaceOp class]]) ) continue; ANTLRReplaceOp *rop = (ANTLRReplaceOp *)[rewrites objectAtIndex:i]; // Wipe prior inserts within range //List inserts = getKindOfOps(rewrites, ANTLRInsertBeforeOp.class, i); HashMap *inserts = [self getKindOfOps:rewrites KindOfClass:[ANTLRInsertBeforeOp class] Index:i]; for (int j = 0; j < [inserts size]; j++) { ANTLRInsertBeforeOp *iop = (ANTLRInsertBeforeOp *)[inserts objectAtIndex:j]; if ( iop.rwIndex >= rop.rwIndex && iop.rwIndex <= rop.lastIndex ) { // delete insert as it's a no-op. [rewrites insertObject:nil atIndex:iop.instructionIndex]; } } // Drop any prior replaces contained within HashMap *prevReplaces = [self getKindOfOps:rewrites KindOfClass:[ANTLRReplaceOp class] Index:i]; for (int j = 0; j < [prevReplaces count]; j++) { ANTLRReplaceOp *prevRop = (ANTLRReplaceOp *) [prevReplaces objectAtIndex:j]; if ( prevRop.rwIndex>=rop.rwIndex && prevRop.lastIndex <= rop.lastIndex ) { // delete replace as it's a no-op. [rewrites setObject:nil atIndex:prevRop.instructionIndex]; continue; } // throw exception unless disjoint or identical BOOL disjoint = prevRop.lastIndex<rop.rwIndex || prevRop.rwIndex > rop.lastIndex; BOOL same = prevRop.rwIndex==rop.rwIndex && prevRop.lastIndex==rop.lastIndex; if ( !disjoint && !same ) { @throw [IllegalArgumentException newException: [NSString stringWithFormat:@"replace op boundaries of %@, overlap with previous %@\n", rop, prevRop]]; } } } // WALK INSERTS for (int i = 0; i < [rewrites count]; i++) { RewriteOperation *op = (RewriteOperation *)[rewrites objectAtIndex:i]; if ( op == nil ) continue; if ( !([[op class] isKindOfClass:[ANTLRInsertBeforeOp class]]) ) continue; ANTLRInsertBeforeOp *iop = (ANTLRInsertBeforeOp *)[rewrites objectAtIndex:i]; // combine current insert with prior if any at same rwIndex HashMap *prevInserts = (HashMap *)[self getKindOfOps:rewrites KindOfClass:[ANTLRInsertBeforeOp class] Index:i]; for (int j = 0; j < [prevInserts count]; j++) { ANTLRInsertBeforeOp *prevIop = (ANTLRInsertBeforeOp *) [prevInserts objectAtIndex:j]; if ( prevIop.rwIndex == iop.rwIndex ) { // combine objects // convert to strings...we're in process of toString'ing // whole token buffer so no lazy eval issue with any templates iop.text = [self catOpText:iop.text PrevText:prevIop.text]; // delete redundant prior insert [rewrites setObject:nil atIndex:prevIop.instructionIndex]; } } // look for replaces where iop.rwIndex is in range; error HashMap *prevReplaces = (HashMap *)[self getKindOfOps:rewrites KindOfClass:[ANTLRReplaceOp class] Index:i]; for (int j = 0; j < [prevReplaces count]; j++) { ANTLRReplaceOp *rop = (ANTLRReplaceOp *) [prevReplaces objectAtIndex:j]; if ( iop.rwIndex == rop.rwIndex ) { rop.text = [self catOpText:iop.text PrevText:rop.text]; [rewrites setObject:nil atIndex:i]; // delete current insert continue; } if ( iop.rwIndex >= rop.rwIndex && iop.rwIndex <= rop.lastIndex ) { @throw [IllegalArgumentException newException:[NSString stringWithFormat:@"insert op %d within boundaries of previous %d", iop, rop]]; } } } // System.out.println("rewrites after="+rewrites); HashMap *m = [HashMap newHashMapWithLen:15]; for (int i = 0; i < [rewrites count]; i++) { RewriteOperation *op = (RewriteOperation *)[rewrites objectAtIndex:i]; if ( op == nil ) continue; // ignore deleted ops if ( [m objectAtIndex:op.rwIndex] != nil ) { @throw [RuntimeException newException:@"should only be one op per rwIndex\n"]; } //[m put(new Integer(op.rwIndex), op); [m setObject:op atIndex:op.rwIndex]; } //System.out.println("rwIndex to op: "+m); if (debug > 1) NSLog(@"rwIndex to op %d\n", (NSInteger)m); return m; } - (NSString *)catOpText:(id)a PrevText:(id)b { NSString *x = @""; NSString *y = @""; if ( a != nil ) x = [a toString]; if ( b != nil ) y = [b toString]; return [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@%@",x, y]; } - (HashMap *)getKindOfOps:(HashMap *)rewrites KindOfClass:(Class)kind { return [self getKindOfOps:rewrites KindOfClass:kind Index:[rewrites count]]; } /** Get all operations before an rwIndex of a particular kind */ - (HashMap *)getKindOfOps:(HashMap *)rewrites KindOfClass:(Class)kind Index:(NSInteger)before { HashMap *ops = [HashMap newHashMapWithLen:15]; for (int i = 0; i < before && i < [rewrites count]; i++) { RewriteOperation *op = (RewriteOperation *)[rewrites objectAtIndex:i]; if ( op == nil ) continue; // ignore deleted if ( [op isKindOfClass:(Class)kind] ) [ops addObject:op]; } return ops; } - (NSMutableString *)toDebugString { return [self toDebugStringFromStart:MIN_TOKEN_INDEX ToEnd:[tokens count]-1]; } - (NSMutableString *)toDebugStringFromStart:(NSInteger)start ToEnd:(NSInteger)end { NSMutableString *buf = [NSMutableString stringWithCapacity:100]; for (int i = start; i >= MIN_TOKEN_INDEX && i <= end && i < [tokens count]; i++) { [buf appendString:[[tokens objectAtIndex:i] text]]; } return [NSString stringWithString:buf]; } @end