// // TokenRewriteStream.h // ANTLR // // Created by Alan Condit on 6/19/10. // [The "BSD licence"] // Copyright (c) 2010 Alan Condit // All rights reserved. // // Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without // modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions // are met: // 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright // notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. // 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright // notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the // documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. // 3. The name of the author may not be used to endorse or promote products // derived from this software without specific prior written permission. // // THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE AUTHOR ``AS IS'' AND ANY EXPRESS OR // IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES // OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. // IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, // INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT // NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, // DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY // THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT // (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF // THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. #import <Foundation/Foundation.h> #import "CommonTokenStream.h" #import "LinkBase.h" #import "HashMap.h" #import "MapElement.h" #import "TokenSource.h" // Define the rewrite operation hierarchy @interface RewriteOperation : CommonTokenStream { /** What rwIndex into rewrites List are we? */ NSInteger instructionIndex; /** Token buffer rwIndex. */ NSInteger rwIndex; NSString *text; } @property (getter=getInstructionIndex, setter=setInstructionIndex:) NSInteger instructionIndex; @property (assign) NSInteger rwIndex; @property (retain, getter=text, setter=setText:) NSString *text; + (RewriteOperation *) newRewriteOperation:(NSInteger)anIndex Text:(NSString *)text; - (id) initWithIndex:(NSInteger)anIndex Text:(NSString *)theText; /** Execute the rewrite operation by possibly adding to the buffer. * Return the rwIndex of the next token to operate on. */ - (NSInteger) execute:(NSString *)buf; - (NSString *)toString; - (NSInteger) indexOf:(char)aChar inString:(NSString *)aString; @end @interface ANTLRInsertBeforeOp : RewriteOperation { } + (ANTLRInsertBeforeOp *) newANTLRInsertBeforeOp:(NSInteger)anIndex Text:(NSString *)theText; - (id) initWithIndex:(NSInteger)anIndex Text:(NSString *)theText; @end /** I'm going to try replacing range from x..y with (y-x)+1 ReplaceOp * instructions. */ @interface ANTLRReplaceOp : RewriteOperation { NSInteger lastIndex; } @property (assign) NSInteger lastIndex; + (ANTLRReplaceOp *) newANTLRReplaceOp:(NSInteger)from ToIndex:(NSInteger)to Text:(NSString*)theText; - (id) initWithIndex:(NSInteger)from ToIndex:(NSInteger)to Text:(NSString *)theText; - (NSInteger) execute:(NSString *)buf; - (NSString *)toString; @end @interface ANTLRDeleteOp : ANTLRReplaceOp { } + (ANTLRDeleteOp *) newANTLRDeleteOp:(NSInteger)from ToIndex:(NSInteger)to; - (id) initWithIndex:(NSInteger)from ToIndex:(NSInteger)to; - (NSString *)toString; @end @interface TokenRewriteStream : CommonTokenStream { /** You may have multiple, named streams of rewrite operations. * I'm calling these things "programs." * Maps String (name) -> rewrite (List) */ HashMap *programs; /** Map String (program name) -> Integer rwIndex */ HashMap *lastRewriteTokenIndexes; } @property (retain, getter=getPrograms, setter=setPrograms:) HashMap *programs; @property (retain, getter=getLastRewriteTokenIndexes, setter=setLastRewriteTokenIndexes:) HashMap *lastRewriteTokenIndexes; + (TokenRewriteStream *)newTokenRewriteStream; + (TokenRewriteStream *)newTokenRewriteStream:(id<TokenSource>) aTokenSource; + (TokenRewriteStream *)newTokenRewriteStream:(id<TokenSource>) aTokenSource Channel:(NSInteger)aChannel; - (id) init; - (id)initWithTokenSource:(id<TokenSource>)aTokenSource; - (id)initWithTokenSource:(id<TokenSource>)aTokenSource Channel:(NSInteger)aChannel; - (HashMap *)getPrograms; - (void)setPrograms:(HashMap *)aProgList; - (void) rollback:(NSInteger)instructionIndex; - (void) rollback:(NSString *)programName Index:(NSInteger)anInstructionIndex; - (void) deleteProgram; - (void) deleteProgram:(NSString *)programName; - (void) insertAfterToken:(id<Token>)t Text:(NSString *)theText; - (void) insertAfterIndex:(NSInteger)anIndex Text:(NSString *)theText; - (void) insertAfterProgNam:(NSString *)programName Index:(NSInteger)anIndex Text:(NSString *)theText; - (void) insertBeforeToken:(id<Token>)t Text:(NSString *)theText; - (void) insertBeforeIndex:(NSInteger)anIndex Text:(NSString *)theText; - (void) insertBeforeProgName:(NSString *)programName Index:(NSInteger)anIndex Text:(NSString *)theText; - (void) replaceFromIndex:(NSInteger)anIndex Text:(NSString *)theText; - (void) replaceFromIndex:(NSInteger)from ToIndex:(NSInteger)to Text:(NSString *)theText; - (void) replaceFromToken:(id<Token>)indexT Text:(NSString *)theText; - (void) replaceFromToken:(id<Token>)from ToToken:(id<Token>)to Text:(NSString *)theText; - (void) replaceProgNam:(NSString *)programName Token:(id<Token>)from Token:(id<Token>)to Text:(NSString *)theText; - (void) replaceProgNam:(NSString *)programName FromIndex:(NSInteger)from ToIndex:(NSInteger)to Text:(NSString *)theText; - (void) delete:(NSInteger)anIndex; - (void) delete:(NSInteger)from ToIndex:(NSInteger)to; - (void) deleteToken:(id<Token>)indexT; - (void) deleteFromToken:(id<Token>)from ToToken:(id<Token>)to; - (void) delete:(NSString *)programName FromToken:(id<Token>)from ToToken:(id<Token>)to; - (void) delete:(NSString *)programName FromIndex:(NSInteger)from ToIndex:(NSInteger)to; - (NSInteger)getLastRewriteTokenIndex; - (NSInteger)getLastRewriteTokenIndex:(NSString *)programName; - (void)setLastRewriteTokenIndex:(NSString *)programName Index:(NSInteger)anInt; - (HashMap *) getProgram:(NSString *)name; - (HashMap *) initializeProgram:(NSString *)name; - (NSString *)toOriginalString; - (NSString *)toOriginalString:(NSInteger)start End:(NSInteger)end; - (NSString *)toString; - (NSString *)toString:(NSString *)programName; - (NSString *)toStringFromStart:(NSInteger)start ToEnd:(NSInteger)end; - (NSString *)toString:(NSString *)programName FromStart:(NSInteger)start ToEnd:(NSInteger)end; - (HashMap *)reduceToSingleOperationPerIndex:(HashMap *)rewrites; - (HashMap *)getKindOfOps:(HashMap *)rewrites KindOfClass:(Class)kind; - (HashMap *)getKindOfOps:(HashMap *)rewrites KindOfClass:(Class)kind Index:(NSInteger)before; - (NSString *)catOpText:(id)a PrevText:(id)b; - (NSMutableString *)toDebugString; - (NSMutableString *)toDebugStringFromStart:(NSInteger)start ToEnd:(NSInteger)end; @end