
 The ANTLR 3 plugin for Maven can generate parsers for any number of grammars in
 your project.

* Compiling Grammars into Parsers

 By default, the <<<{{{./antlr-mojo.html}antlr}}>>> goal will search for grammar
 files in the directory <<<$\{basedir\}/src/main/antlr3>>> and any additional
 <<<.tokens>>> files in the directory <<<$\{basedir\}/src/main/antlr3/imports>>>.
 This can be configured to search other directories using the plugin configuration
 parameters as described in the <<<{{{./antlr-mojo.html}antlr}}>>> goal

 The following figure shows the expected layout of files for the default
 configuration of this plugin.

      +--- antlr3/...       .g files organized in the required package structure
             +--- imports/  user-created .tokens files and .g files that are imported by other grammars

 The next step is to configure your POM to call the plugin. The goals will
 normally run during the generate-sources phase of the build. Examples of how to
 configure your POM can be found on the various examples pages, reachable via
 the page menu. If you stick with the default values, the snippet below will


 Note that you can create multiple executions, and thus build some grammars with
 different options to others (such as setting the <<<debug>>> option for