Simple configuration

 If your grammar files are organized into the default locations as described in the {{{../index.html}introduction}},
 then configuring the <<<pom.xml>>> file for your project is as simple as adding this to it


 When the <<<mvn>>> command is executed all grammar files under <<<src/main/antlr3>>>, except any
 import grammars under <<<src/main/antlr3/imports>>> will be analyzed and converted to
 Java source code in the output directory <<<target/generated-sources/antlr3>>>.

 Your input files under <<<antlr3>>> should be stored in sub directories that
 reflect the package structure of your java parsers. If your grammar file <<<parser.g>>> contains:

@header {
package org.jimi.themuss;

 Then the <<<.g>>> file should be stored in: <<<src/main/antlr3/org/jimi/themuss/parser.g>>>. This way
 the generated <<<.java>>> files will correctly reflect the package structure in which they will
 finally rest as classes.