#!/bin/bash # Utility to build kernel headers tar/zip file # must be run from the top level of a kernel source directory # and supplied an output file name MKTEMP=0; if [[ -z ${TDIR+x} ]] || [[ ! -d "${TDIR}" ]]; then TDIR=`mktemp -d`; MKTEMP=1; fi rm -rf $TDIR/* TDIR_ABS=$( cd "$TDIR" ; pwd -P ) if [ $# -ne 1 ]; then echo "usage: makeheaders.sh <output file name>" exit 0 fi mkdir -p $TDIR_ABS/kernel-headers find arch -name include -type d -print | xargs -n1 -i: find : -type f -exec cp --parents {} $TDIR_ABS/kernel-headers/ \; find include -exec cp --parents {} $TDIR_ABS/kernel-headers/ 2> /dev/null \; tar -zcf $1 --directory=$TDIR_ABS kernel-headers zip -r $1.zip $1 rm -rf $TDIR/*; if [ $MKTEMP -eq 1 ]; then rm -rf $TDIR; fi