/* * Copyright (C) 2016 The Android Open Source Project * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ #include "Preprocessor.h" #include <err.h> #include <fcntl.h> #include <fts.h> #include <libgen.h> #include <string.h> #include <sys/stat.h> #include <sys/types.h> #include <unistd.h> #include <deque> #include <fstream> #include <string> #include <unordered_map> #include <llvm/ADT/StringRef.h> #include <llvm/ADT/Twine.h> #include <llvm/Support/FileSystem.h> #include <llvm/Support/Path.h> #include "Arch.h" #include "DeclarationDatabase.h" #include "versioner.h" using namespace std::string_literals; static DeclarationAvailability calculateRequiredGuard(const Declaration& declaration) { // To avoid redundant macro guards, the availability calculated by this function is the set // difference of 'targets marked-available' from 'targets the declaration is visible in'. // For example, a declaration that is visible always and introduced in 9 would return introduced // in 9, but the same declaration, except only visible in 9+ would return an empty // DeclarationAvailability. // This currently only handles __INTRODUCED_IN. // TODO: Do the same for __REMOVED_IN. int global_min_api_visible = 0; ArchMap<int> arch_visibility; for (const auto& it : declaration.availability) { const CompilationType& type = it.first; if (global_min_api_visible == 0 || global_min_api_visible > type.api_level) { global_min_api_visible = type.api_level; } if (arch_visibility[type.arch] == 0 || arch_visibility[type.arch] > type.api_level) { arch_visibility[type.arch] = type.api_level; } } DeclarationAvailability decl_av; if (!declaration.calculateAvailability(&decl_av)) { fprintf(stderr, "versioner: failed to calculate availability while preprocessing:\n"); declaration.dump("", stderr, 2); exit(1); } D("Calculating required guard for %s:\n", declaration.name.c_str()); D(" Declaration availability: %s\n", to_string(decl_av).c_str()); if (verbose) { std::string arch_visibility_str; for (Arch arch : supported_archs) { if (arch_visibility[arch] != 0) { arch_visibility_str += to_string(arch); arch_visibility_str += ": "; arch_visibility_str += std::to_string(arch_visibility[arch]); arch_visibility_str += ", "; } } if (!arch_visibility_str.empty()) { arch_visibility_str.resize(arch_visibility_str.size() - 2); } D(" Declaration visibility: global = %d, arch = %s\n", global_min_api_visible, arch_visibility_str.c_str()); } DeclarationAvailability result = decl_av; if (result.global_availability.introduced <= global_min_api_visible) { result.global_availability.introduced = 0; } for (Arch arch : supported_archs) { if (result.arch_availability[arch].introduced <= arch_visibility[arch]) { result.arch_availability[arch].introduced = 0; } } D(" Calculated result: %s\n", to_string(result).c_str()); D("\n"); return result; } static std::deque<std::string> readFileLines(const std::string& path) { std::ifstream is(path.c_str()); std::deque<std::string> result; std::string line; while (std::getline(is, line)) { result.push_back(std::move(line)); } return result; } static void writeFileLines(const std::string& path, const std::deque<std::string>& lines) { if (!mkdirs(dirname(path))) { err(1, "failed to create directory '%s'", dirname(path).c_str()); } std::ofstream os(path.c_str(), std::ios_base::out | std::ios_base::trunc); for (const std::string& line : lines) { os << line << "\n"; } } using GuardMap = std::map<Location, DeclarationAvailability>; static std::string generateGuardCondition(const DeclarationAvailability& avail) { // Logically orred expressions that constitute the macro guard. std::vector<std::string> expressions; static const std::vector<std::pair<std::string, std::set<Arch>>> arch_sets = { { "", supported_archs }, { "!defined(__LP64__)", { Arch::arm, Arch::mips, Arch::x86 } }, { "defined(__LP64__)", { Arch::arm64, Arch::mips64, Arch::x86_64 } }, { "defined(__mips__)", { Arch::mips, Arch::mips64 } }, }; std::map<Arch, std::string> individual_archs = { { Arch::arm, "defined(__arm__)" }, { Arch::arm64, "defined(__aarch64__)" }, { Arch::mips, "defined(__mips__) && !defined(__LP64__)" }, { Arch::mips64, "defined(__mips__) && defined(__LP64__)" }, { Arch::x86, "defined(__i386__)" }, { Arch::x86_64, "defined(__x86_64__)" }, }; auto generate_guard = [](const std::string& arch_expr, int min_version) { if (min_version == 0) { return arch_expr; } return arch_expr + " && __ANDROID_API__ >= " + std::to_string(min_version); }; D("Generating guard for availability: %s\n", to_string(avail).c_str()); if (!avail.global_availability.empty()) { for (Arch arch : supported_archs) { if (!avail.arch_availability[arch].empty()) { errx(1, "attempted to generate guard with global and per-arch values: %s", to_string(avail).c_str()); } } if (avail.global_availability.introduced == 0) { fprintf(stderr, "warning: attempted to generate guard with empty availability: %s\n", to_string(avail).c_str()); return ""; } if (avail.global_availability.introduced <= 9) { return ""; } return "__ANDROID_API__ >= "s + std::to_string(avail.global_availability.introduced); } for (const auto& it : arch_sets) { const std::string& arch_expr = it.first; const std::set<Arch>& archs = it.second; D(" Checking arch set '%s'\n", arch_expr.c_str()); int version = avail.arch_availability[*it.second.begin()].introduced; // The maximum min_version of the set. int max_min_version = 0; for (Arch arch : archs) { if (arch_min_api[arch] > max_min_version) { max_min_version = arch_min_api[arch]; } if (avail.arch_availability[arch].introduced != version) { D(" Skipping arch set, availability for %s doesn't match %s\n", to_string(*it.second.begin()).c_str(), to_string(arch).c_str()); goto skip; } } // If all of the archs in the set have a min_api that satifies version, elide the check. if (max_min_version >= version) { version = 0; } expressions.emplace_back(generate_guard(arch_expr, version)); D(" Generated expression '%s'\n", expressions.rbegin()->c_str()); for (Arch arch : archs) { individual_archs.erase(arch); } skip: continue; } for (const auto& it : individual_archs) { const std::string& arch_expr = it.second; int introduced = avail.arch_availability[it.first].introduced; if (introduced == 0) { expressions.emplace_back(arch_expr); } else { expressions.emplace_back(generate_guard(arch_expr, introduced)); } } if (expressions.size() == 0) { errx(1, "generated empty guard for availability %s", to_string(avail).c_str()); } else if (expressions.size() == 1) { return expressions[0]; } return "("s + Join(expressions, ") || (") + ")"; } // Assumes that nothing crazy is happening (e.g. having the semicolon be in a macro) static FileLocation findNextSemicolon(const std::deque<std::string>& lines, FileLocation start) { unsigned current_line = start.line; unsigned current_column = start.column; while (current_line <= lines.size()) { size_t result = lines[current_line - 1].find_first_of(';', current_column - 1); if (result != std::string::npos) { FileLocation loc = { .line = current_line, .column = unsigned(result) + 1, }; return loc; } ++current_line; current_column = 0; } errx(1, "failed to find semicolon starting from %u:%u", start.line, start.column); } // Merge adjacent blocks with identical guards. static void mergeGuards(std::deque<std::string>& file_lines, GuardMap& guard_map) { if (guard_map.size() < 2) { return; } auto current = guard_map.begin(); auto next = current; ++next; while (next != guard_map.end()) { if (current->second != next->second) { ++current; ++next; continue; } // Scan from the end of current to the beginning of next. bool in_block_comment = false; bool valid = true; FileLocation current_location = current->first.end; FileLocation end_location = next->first.start; auto nextLine = [¤t_location]() { ++current_location.line; current_location.column = 1; }; auto nextCol = [&file_lines, ¤t_location, &nextLine]() { if (current_location.column == file_lines[current_location.line - 1].length()) { nextLine(); } else { ++current_location.column; } }; // The end location will point to the semicolon, which we don't want to read, so skip it. nextCol(); while (current_location < end_location) { const std::string& line = file_lines[current_location.line - 1]; size_t line_index = current_location.column - 1; if (in_block_comment) { size_t pos = line.find("*/", line_index); if (pos == std::string::npos) { D("Didn't find block comment terminator, skipping line\n"); nextLine(); continue; } else { D("Found block comment terminator\n"); in_block_comment = false; current_location.column = pos + 2; nextCol(); continue; } } else { size_t pos = line.find_first_not_of(" \t", line_index); if (pos == std::string::npos) { nextLine(); continue; } current_location.column = pos + 1; if (line[pos] != '/') { valid = false; break; } nextCol(); if (line.length() <= pos + 1) { // Trailing slash at the end of a line? D("Trailing slash at end of line\n"); valid = false; break; } if (line[pos + 1] == '/') { // C++ style comment nextLine(); } else if (line[pos + 1] == '*') { // Block comment nextCol(); in_block_comment = true; D("In a block comment\n"); } else { // Garbage? D("Unexpected output after /: %s\n", line.substr(pos).c_str()); valid = false; break; } } } if (!valid) { D("Not merging blocks %s and %s\n", to_string(current->first).c_str(), to_string(next->first).c_str()); ++current; ++next; continue; } D("Merging blocks %s and %s\n", to_string(current->first).c_str(), to_string(next->first).c_str()); Location merged = current->first; merged.end = next->first.end; DeclarationAvailability avail = current->second; guard_map.erase(current); guard_map.erase(next); bool dummy; std::tie(current, dummy) = guard_map.insert(std::make_pair(merged, avail)); next = current; ++next; } } static void rewriteFile(const std::string& output_path, std::deque<std::string>& file_lines, const GuardMap& guard_map) { for (auto it = guard_map.rbegin(); it != guard_map.rend(); ++it) { const Location& loc = it->first; const DeclarationAvailability& avail = it->second; std::string condition = generateGuardCondition(avail); if (condition.empty()) { continue; } std::string prologue = "\n#if "s + condition + "\n"; std::string epilogue = "\n#endif /* " + condition + " */\n"; file_lines[loc.end.line - 1].insert(loc.end.column, epilogue); file_lines[loc.start.line - 1].insert(loc.start.column - 1, prologue); } if (verbose) { printf("Preprocessing %s...\n", output_path.c_str()); } writeFileLines(output_path, file_lines); } bool preprocessHeaders(const std::string& dst_dir, const std::string& src_dir, HeaderDatabase* database) { std::unordered_map<std::string, GuardMap> guards; std::unordered_map<std::string, std::deque<std::string>> file_lines; for (const auto& symbol_it : database->symbols) { const Symbol& symbol = symbol_it.second; for (const auto& decl_it : symbol.declarations) { const Location& location = decl_it.first; const Declaration& decl = decl_it.second; if (decl.no_guard) { // No guard required. continue; } DeclarationAvailability macro_guard = calculateRequiredGuard(decl); if (!macro_guard.empty()) { guards[location.filename][location] = macro_guard; } } } // Copy over the original headers before preprocessing. char* fts_paths[2] = { const_cast<char*>(src_dir.c_str()), nullptr }; std::unique_ptr<FTS, decltype(&fts_close)> fts(fts_open(fts_paths, FTS_LOGICAL, nullptr), fts_close); if (!fts) { err(1, "failed to open directory %s", src_dir.c_str()); } while (FTSENT* ent = fts_read(fts.get())) { llvm::StringRef path = ent->fts_path; if (!path.startswith(src_dir)) { err(1, "path '%s' doesn't start with source dir '%s'", ent->fts_path, src_dir.c_str()); } if (ent->fts_info != FTS_F) { continue; } std::string rel_path = path.substr(src_dir.length() + 1); std::string dst_path = dst_dir + "/" + rel_path; llvm::StringRef parent_path = llvm::sys::path::parent_path(dst_path); if (llvm::sys::fs::create_directories(parent_path)) { errx(1, "failed to ensure existence of directory '%s'", parent_path.str().c_str()); } if (llvm::sys::fs::copy_file(path, dst_path)) { errx(1, "failed to copy '%s/%s' to '%s'", src_dir.c_str(), path.str().c_str(), dst_path.c_str()); } } for (const auto& file_it : guards) { file_lines[file_it.first] = readFileLines(file_it.first); } for (auto& file_it : guards) { llvm::StringRef file_path = file_it.first; GuardMap& orig_guard_map = file_it.second; // The end positions given to us are the end of the declaration, which is some point before the // semicolon. Fix up the end positions by scanning for the next semicolon. GuardMap guard_map; for (const auto& it : orig_guard_map) { Location loc = it.first; loc.end = findNextSemicolon(file_lines[file_path], loc.end); guard_map[loc] = it.second; } // TODO: Make sure that the Locations don't overlap. // TODO: Merge adjacent non-identical guards. mergeGuards(file_lines[file_path], guard_map); if (!file_path.startswith(src_dir)) { errx(1, "input file %s is not in %s\n", file_path.str().c_str(), src_dir.c_str()); } // rel_path has a leading slash. llvm::StringRef rel_path = file_path.substr(src_dir.size(), file_path.size() - src_dir.size()); std::string output_path = (llvm::Twine(dst_dir) + rel_path).str(); rewriteFile(output_path, file_lines[file_path], guard_map); } return true; }