/* * Copyright (C) 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008 Apple Inc. All rights reserved. * Copyright (C) 2006 Jonas Witt <jonas.witt@gmail.com> * Copyright (C) 2006 Samuel Weinig <sam.weinig@gmail.com> * Copyright (C) 2006 Alexey Proskuryakov <ap@nypop.com> * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions * are met: * * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * 3. Neither the name of Apple Computer, Inc. ("Apple") nor the names of * its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived * from this software without specific prior written permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY APPLE AND ITS CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" AND ANY * EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED * WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE * DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL APPLE OR ITS CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY * DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES * (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; * LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND * ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT * (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF * THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ #import "EventSendingController.h" #import "DumpRenderTree.h" #import "DumpRenderTreeDraggingInfo.h" #import <Carbon/Carbon.h> // for GetCurrentEventTime() #import <WebKit/DOMPrivate.h> #import <WebKit/WebKit.h> #import <WebKit/WebViewPrivate.h> extern "C" void _NSNewKillRingSequence(); enum MouseAction { MouseDown, MouseUp, MouseDragged }; // Match the DOM spec (sadly the DOM spec does not provide an enum) enum MouseButton { LeftMouseButton = 0, MiddleMouseButton = 1, RightMouseButton = 2, NoMouseButton = -1 }; NSPoint lastMousePosition; NSPoint lastClickPosition; int lastClickButton = NoMouseButton; NSArray *webkitDomEventNames; NSMutableArray *savedMouseEvents; // mouse events sent between mouseDown and mouseUp are stored here, and then executed at once. BOOL replayingSavedEvents; @implementation EventSendingController + (void)initialize { webkitDomEventNames = [[NSArray alloc] initWithObjects: @"abort", @"beforecopy", @"beforecut", @"beforepaste", @"blur", @"change", @"click", @"contextmenu", @"copy", @"cut", @"dblclick", @"drag", @"dragend", @"dragenter", @"dragleave", @"dragover", @"dragstart", @"drop", @"error", @"focus", @"input", @"keydown", @"keypress", @"keyup", @"load", @"mousedown", @"mousemove", @"mouseout", @"mouseover", @"mouseup", @"mousewheel", @"beforeunload", @"paste", @"readystatechange", @"reset", @"resize", @"scroll", @"search", @"select", @"selectstart", @"submit", @"textInput", @"textzoomin", @"textzoomout", @"unload", @"zoom", nil]; } + (BOOL)isSelectorExcludedFromWebScript:(SEL)aSelector { if (aSelector == @selector(mouseDown:) || aSelector == @selector(mouseUp:) || aSelector == @selector(contextClick) || aSelector == @selector(mouseMoveToX:Y:) || aSelector == @selector(leapForward:) || aSelector == @selector(keyDown:withModifiers:) || aSelector == @selector(enableDOMUIEventLogging:) || aSelector == @selector(fireKeyboardEventsToElement:) || aSelector == @selector(clearKillRing) || aSelector == @selector(textZoomIn) || aSelector == @selector(textZoomOut) || aSelector == @selector(zoomPageIn) || aSelector == @selector(zoomPageOut)) return NO; return YES; } + (BOOL)isKeyExcludedFromWebScript:(const char*)name { if (strcmp(name, "dragMode") == 0) return NO; return YES; } + (NSString *)webScriptNameForSelector:(SEL)aSelector { if (aSelector == @selector(mouseDown:)) return @"mouseDown"; if (aSelector == @selector(mouseUp:)) return @"mouseUp"; if (aSelector == @selector(mouseMoveToX:Y:)) return @"mouseMoveTo"; if (aSelector == @selector(leapForward:)) return @"leapForward"; if (aSelector == @selector(keyDown:withModifiers:)) return @"keyDown"; if (aSelector == @selector(enableDOMUIEventLogging:)) return @"enableDOMUIEventLogging"; if (aSelector == @selector(fireKeyboardEventsToElement:)) return @"fireKeyboardEventsToElement"; if (aSelector == @selector(setDragMode:)) return @"setDragMode"; return nil; } - (id)init { self = [super init]; if (self) dragMode = YES; return self; } - (void)dealloc { [super dealloc]; } - (double)currentEventTime { return GetCurrentEventTime() + timeOffset; } - (void)leapForward:(int)milliseconds { if (dragMode && leftMouseButtonDown && !replayingSavedEvents) { NSInvocation *invocation = [NSInvocation invocationWithMethodSignature:[EventSendingController instanceMethodSignatureForSelector:@selector(leapForward:)]]; [invocation setTarget:self]; [invocation setSelector:@selector(leapForward:)]; [invocation setArgument:&milliseconds atIndex:2]; [EventSendingController saveEvent:invocation]; return; } timeOffset += milliseconds / 1000.0; } - (void)clearKillRing { _NSNewKillRingSequence(); } static NSEventType eventTypeForMouseButtonAndAction(int button, MouseAction action) { switch (button) { case LeftMouseButton: switch (action) { case MouseDown: return NSLeftMouseDown; case MouseUp: return NSLeftMouseUp; case MouseDragged: return NSLeftMouseDragged; } case RightMouseButton: switch (action) { case MouseDown: return NSRightMouseDown; case MouseUp: return NSRightMouseUp; case MouseDragged: return NSRightMouseDragged; } default: switch (action) { case MouseDown: return NSOtherMouseDown; case MouseUp: return NSOtherMouseUp; case MouseDragged: return NSOtherMouseDragged; } } assert(0); return static_cast<NSEventType>(0); } - (void)updateClickCountForButton:(int)buttonNumber { if (([self currentEventTime] - lastClick >= 1) || !NSEqualPoints(lastMousePosition, lastClickPosition) || lastClickButton != buttonNumber) { clickCount = 1; lastClickButton = buttonNumber; } else clickCount++; } - (void)mouseDown:(int)buttonNumber { [[[mainFrame frameView] documentView] layout]; [self updateClickCountForButton:buttonNumber]; NSEventType eventType = eventTypeForMouseButtonAndAction(buttonNumber, MouseDown); NSEvent *event = [NSEvent mouseEventWithType:eventType location:lastMousePosition modifierFlags:0 timestamp:[self currentEventTime] windowNumber:[[[mainFrame webView] window] windowNumber] context:[NSGraphicsContext currentContext] eventNumber:++eventNumber clickCount:clickCount pressure:0.0]; NSView *subView = [[mainFrame webView] hitTest:[event locationInWindow]]; if (subView) { [subView mouseDown:event]; if (buttonNumber == LeftMouseButton) leftMouseButtonDown = YES; } } - (void)textZoomIn { [[mainFrame webView] makeTextLarger:self]; } - (void)textZoomOut { [[mainFrame webView] makeTextSmaller:self]; } - (void)zoomPageIn { [[mainFrame webView] zoomPageIn:self]; } - (void)zoomPageOut { [[mainFrame webView] zoomPageOut:self]; } - (void)mouseUp:(int)buttonNumber { if (dragMode && !replayingSavedEvents) { NSInvocation *invocation = [NSInvocation invocationWithMethodSignature:[EventSendingController instanceMethodSignatureForSelector:@selector(mouseUp:)]]; [invocation setTarget:self]; [invocation setSelector:@selector(mouseUp:)]; [invocation setArgument:&buttonNumber atIndex:2]; [EventSendingController saveEvent:invocation]; [EventSendingController replaySavedEvents]; return; } [[[mainFrame frameView] documentView] layout]; NSEventType eventType = eventTypeForMouseButtonAndAction(buttonNumber, MouseUp); NSEvent *event = [NSEvent mouseEventWithType:eventType location:lastMousePosition modifierFlags:0 timestamp:[self currentEventTime] windowNumber:[[[mainFrame webView] window] windowNumber] context:[NSGraphicsContext currentContext] eventNumber:++eventNumber clickCount:clickCount pressure:0.0]; NSView *targetView = [[mainFrame webView] hitTest:[event locationInWindow]]; // FIXME: Silly hack to teach DRT to respect capturing mouse events outside the WebView. // The right solution is just to use NSApplication's built-in event sending methods, // instead of rolling our own algorithm for selecting an event target. targetView = targetView ? targetView : [[mainFrame frameView] documentView]; assert(targetView); [targetView mouseUp:event]; if (buttonNumber == LeftMouseButton) leftMouseButtonDown = NO; lastClick = [event timestamp]; lastClickPosition = lastMousePosition; if (draggingInfo) { WebView *webView = [mainFrame webView]; NSDragOperation dragOperation = [webView draggingUpdated:draggingInfo]; if (dragOperation != NSDragOperationNone) [webView performDragOperation:draggingInfo]; else [webView draggingExited:draggingInfo]; [[draggingInfo draggingSource] draggedImage:[draggingInfo draggedImage] endedAt:lastMousePosition operation:dragOperation]; [draggingInfo release]; draggingInfo = nil; } } - (void)mouseMoveToX:(int)x Y:(int)y { if (dragMode && leftMouseButtonDown && !replayingSavedEvents) { NSInvocation *invocation = [NSInvocation invocationWithMethodSignature:[EventSendingController instanceMethodSignatureForSelector:@selector(mouseMoveToX:Y:)]]; [invocation setTarget:self]; [invocation setSelector:@selector(mouseMoveToX:Y:)]; [invocation setArgument:&x atIndex:2]; [invocation setArgument:&y atIndex:3]; [EventSendingController saveEvent:invocation]; return; } NSView *view = [mainFrame webView]; lastMousePosition = [view convertPoint:NSMakePoint(x, [view frame].size.height - y) toView:nil]; NSEvent *event = [NSEvent mouseEventWithType:(leftMouseButtonDown ? NSLeftMouseDragged : NSMouseMoved) location:lastMousePosition modifierFlags:0 timestamp:[self currentEventTime] windowNumber:[[view window] windowNumber] context:[NSGraphicsContext currentContext] eventNumber:++eventNumber clickCount:(leftMouseButtonDown ? clickCount : 0) pressure:0.0]; NSView *subView = [[mainFrame webView] hitTest:[event locationInWindow]]; if (subView) { if (leftMouseButtonDown) { [subView mouseDragged:event]; if (draggingInfo) { [[draggingInfo draggingSource] draggedImage:[draggingInfo draggedImage] movedTo:lastMousePosition]; [[mainFrame webView] draggingUpdated:draggingInfo]; } } else [subView mouseMoved:event]; } } - (void)contextClick { [[[mainFrame frameView] documentView] layout]; [self updateClickCountForButton:RightMouseButton]; NSEvent *event = [NSEvent mouseEventWithType:NSRightMouseDown location:lastMousePosition modifierFlags:0 timestamp:[self currentEventTime] windowNumber:[[[mainFrame webView] window] windowNumber] context:[NSGraphicsContext currentContext] eventNumber:++eventNumber clickCount:clickCount pressure:0.0]; NSView *subView = [[mainFrame webView] hitTest:[event locationInWindow]]; if (subView) [subView menuForEvent:event]; } + (void)saveEvent:(NSInvocation *)event { if (!savedMouseEvents) savedMouseEvents = [[NSMutableArray alloc] init]; [savedMouseEvents addObject:event]; } + (void)replaySavedEvents { replayingSavedEvents = YES; while ([savedMouseEvents count]) { // if a drag is initiated, the remaining saved events will be dispatched from our dragging delegate NSInvocation *invocation = [[[savedMouseEvents objectAtIndex:0] retain] autorelease]; [savedMouseEvents removeObjectAtIndex:0]; [invocation invoke]; } replayingSavedEvents = NO; } + (void)clearSavedEvents { [savedMouseEvents release]; savedMouseEvents = nil; } - (void)keyDown:(NSString *)character withModifiers:(WebScriptObject *)modifiers { NSString *eventCharacter = character; if ([character isEqualToString:@"leftArrow"]) { const unichar ch = NSLeftArrowFunctionKey; eventCharacter = [NSString stringWithCharacters:&ch length:1]; } else if ([character isEqualToString:@"rightArrow"]) { const unichar ch = NSRightArrowFunctionKey; eventCharacter = [NSString stringWithCharacters:&ch length:1]; } else if ([character isEqualToString:@"upArrow"]) { const unichar ch = NSUpArrowFunctionKey; eventCharacter = [NSString stringWithCharacters:&ch length:1]; } else if ([character isEqualToString:@"downArrow"]) { const unichar ch = NSDownArrowFunctionKey; eventCharacter = [NSString stringWithCharacters:&ch length:1]; } else if ([character isEqualToString:@"pageUp"]) { const unichar ch = NSPageUpFunctionKey; eventCharacter = [NSString stringWithCharacters:&ch length:1]; } else if ([character isEqualToString:@"pageDown"]) { const unichar ch = NSPageDownFunctionKey; eventCharacter = [NSString stringWithCharacters:&ch length:1]; } else if ([character isEqualToString:@"home"]) { const unichar ch = NSHomeFunctionKey; eventCharacter = [NSString stringWithCharacters:&ch length:1]; } else if ([character isEqualToString:@"end"]) { const unichar ch = NSEndFunctionKey; eventCharacter = [NSString stringWithCharacters:&ch length:1]; } else if ([character isEqualToString:@"delete"]) { const unichar ch = 0x7f; eventCharacter = [NSString stringWithCharacters:&ch length:1]; } NSString *charactersIgnoringModifiers = eventCharacter; int modifierFlags = 0; if ([character length] == 1 && [character characterAtIndex:0] >= 'A' && [character characterAtIndex:0] <= 'Z') { modifierFlags |= NSShiftKeyMask; charactersIgnoringModifiers = [character lowercaseString]; } if ([modifiers isKindOfClass:[WebScriptObject class]]) for (unsigned i = 0; [[modifiers webScriptValueAtIndex:i] isKindOfClass:[NSString class]]; i++) { NSString *modifier = (NSString *)[modifiers webScriptValueAtIndex:i]; if ([modifier isEqual:@"ctrlKey"]) modifierFlags |= NSControlKeyMask; else if ([modifier isEqual:@"shiftKey"]) modifierFlags |= NSShiftKeyMask; else if ([modifier isEqual:@"altKey"]) modifierFlags |= NSAlternateKeyMask; else if ([modifier isEqual:@"metaKey"]) modifierFlags |= NSCommandKeyMask; } [[[mainFrame frameView] documentView] layout]; NSEvent *event = [NSEvent keyEventWithType:NSKeyDown location:NSMakePoint(5, 5) modifierFlags:modifierFlags timestamp:[self currentEventTime] windowNumber:[[[mainFrame webView] window] windowNumber] context:[NSGraphicsContext currentContext] characters:eventCharacter charactersIgnoringModifiers:charactersIgnoringModifiers isARepeat:NO keyCode:0]; [[[[mainFrame webView] window] firstResponder] keyDown:event]; event = [NSEvent keyEventWithType:NSKeyUp location:NSMakePoint(5, 5) modifierFlags:modifierFlags timestamp:[self currentEventTime] windowNumber:[[[mainFrame webView] window] windowNumber] context:[NSGraphicsContext currentContext] characters:eventCharacter charactersIgnoringModifiers:charactersIgnoringModifiers isARepeat:NO keyCode:0]; [[[[mainFrame webView] window] firstResponder] keyUp:event]; } - (void)enableDOMUIEventLogging:(WebScriptObject *)node { NSEnumerator *eventEnumerator = [webkitDomEventNames objectEnumerator]; id eventName; while ((eventName = [eventEnumerator nextObject])) { [(id<DOMEventTarget>)node addEventListener:eventName listener:self useCapture:NO]; } } - (void)handleEvent:(DOMEvent *)event { DOMNode *target = [event target]; printf("event type: %s\n", [[event type] UTF8String]); printf(" target: <%s>\n", [[[target nodeName] lowercaseString] UTF8String]); if ([event isKindOfClass:[DOMEvent class]]) { printf(" eventPhase: %d\n", [event eventPhase]); printf(" bubbles: %d\n", [event bubbles] ? 1 : 0); printf(" cancelable: %d\n", [event cancelable] ? 1 : 0); } if ([event isKindOfClass:[DOMUIEvent class]]) { printf(" detail: %d\n", [(DOMUIEvent*)event detail]); DOMAbstractView *view = [(DOMUIEvent*)event view]; if (view) { printf(" view: OK"); if ([view document]) printf(" (document: OK)"); printf("\n"); } } if ([event isKindOfClass:[DOMKeyboardEvent class]]) { printf(" keyIdentifier: %s\n", [[(DOMKeyboardEvent*)event keyIdentifier] UTF8String]); printf(" keyLocation: %d\n", [(DOMKeyboardEvent*)event keyLocation]); printf(" modifier keys: c:%d s:%d a:%d m:%d\n", [(DOMKeyboardEvent*)event ctrlKey] ? 1 : 0, [(DOMKeyboardEvent*)event shiftKey] ? 1 : 0, [(DOMKeyboardEvent*)event altKey] ? 1 : 0, [(DOMKeyboardEvent*)event metaKey] ? 1 : 0); printf(" keyCode: %d\n", [(DOMKeyboardEvent*)event keyCode]); printf(" charCode: %d\n", [(DOMKeyboardEvent*)event charCode]); } if ([event isKindOfClass:[DOMMouseEvent class]]) { printf(" button: %d\n", [(DOMMouseEvent*)event button]); printf(" clientX: %d\n", [(DOMMouseEvent*)event clientX]); printf(" clientY: %d\n", [(DOMMouseEvent*)event clientY]); printf(" screenX: %d\n", [(DOMMouseEvent*)event screenX]); printf(" screenY: %d\n", [(DOMMouseEvent*)event screenY]); printf(" modifier keys: c:%d s:%d a:%d m:%d\n", [(DOMMouseEvent*)event ctrlKey] ? 1 : 0, [(DOMMouseEvent*)event shiftKey] ? 1 : 0, [(DOMMouseEvent*)event altKey] ? 1 : 0, [(DOMMouseEvent*)event metaKey] ? 1 : 0); id relatedTarget = [(DOMMouseEvent*)event relatedTarget]; if (relatedTarget) { printf(" relatedTarget: %s", [[[relatedTarget class] description] UTF8String]); if ([relatedTarget isKindOfClass:[DOMNode class]]) printf(" (nodeName: %s)", [[(DOMNode*)relatedTarget nodeName] UTF8String]); printf("\n"); } } if ([event isKindOfClass:[DOMMutationEvent class]]) { printf(" prevValue: %s\n", [[(DOMMutationEvent*)event prevValue] UTF8String]); printf(" newValue: %s\n", [[(DOMMutationEvent*)event newValue] UTF8String]); printf(" attrName: %s\n", [[(DOMMutationEvent*)event attrName] UTF8String]); printf(" attrChange: %d\n", [(DOMMutationEvent*)event attrChange]); DOMNode *relatedNode = [(DOMMutationEvent*)event relatedNode]; if (relatedNode) { printf(" relatedNode: %s (nodeName: %s)\n", [[[relatedNode class] description] UTF8String], [[relatedNode nodeName] UTF8String]); } } if ([event isKindOfClass:[DOMWheelEvent class]]) { printf(" clientX: %d\n", [(DOMWheelEvent*)event clientX]); printf(" clientY: %d\n", [(DOMWheelEvent*)event clientY]); printf(" screenX: %d\n", [(DOMWheelEvent*)event screenX]); printf(" screenY: %d\n", [(DOMWheelEvent*)event screenY]); printf(" modifier keys: c:%d s:%d a:%d m:%d\n", [(DOMWheelEvent*)event ctrlKey] ? 1 : 0, [(DOMWheelEvent*)event shiftKey] ? 1 : 0, [(DOMWheelEvent*)event altKey] ? 1 : 0, [(DOMWheelEvent*)event metaKey] ? 1 : 0); printf(" isHorizontal: %d\n", [(DOMWheelEvent*)event isHorizontal] ? 1 : 0); printf(" wheelDelta: %d\n", [(DOMWheelEvent*)event wheelDelta]); } } // FIXME: It's not good to have a test hard-wired into this controller like this. // Instead we need to get testing framework based on the Objective-C bindings // to work well enough that we can test that way instead. - (void)fireKeyboardEventsToElement:(WebScriptObject *)element { if (![element isKindOfClass:[DOMHTMLElement class]]) { return; } DOMHTMLElement *target = (DOMHTMLElement*)element; DOMDocument *document = [target ownerDocument]; // Keyboard Event 1 DOMEvent *domEvent = [document createEvent:@"KeyboardEvent"]; [(DOMKeyboardEvent*)domEvent initKeyboardEvent:@"keydown" canBubble:YES cancelable:YES view:[document defaultView] keyIdentifier:@"U+000041" keyLocation:0 ctrlKey:YES altKey:NO shiftKey:NO metaKey:NO]; [target dispatchEvent:domEvent]; // Keyboard Event 2 domEvent = [document createEvent:@"KeyboardEvent"]; [(DOMKeyboardEvent*)domEvent initKeyboardEvent:@"keypress" canBubble:YES cancelable:YES view:[document defaultView] keyIdentifier:@"U+000045" keyLocation:1 ctrlKey:NO altKey:YES shiftKey:NO metaKey:NO]; [target dispatchEvent:domEvent]; // Keyboard Event 3 domEvent = [document createEvent:@"KeyboardEvent"]; [(DOMKeyboardEvent*)domEvent initKeyboardEvent:@"keyup" canBubble:YES cancelable:YES view:[document defaultView] keyIdentifier:@"U+000056" keyLocation:0 ctrlKey:NO altKey:NO shiftKey:NO metaKey:NO]; [target dispatchEvent:domEvent]; } @end