 * This file is part of the render object implementation for KHTML.
 * Copyright (C) 1999 Lars Knoll (knoll@kde.org)
 *           (C) 1999 Antti Koivisto (koivisto@kde.org)
 * Copyright (C) 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006 Apple Computer, Inc.
 * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
 * modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public
 * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
 * version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
 * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * Library General Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License
 * along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB.  If not, write to
 * the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor,
 * Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.

#include "config.h"
#include "RenderInline.h"

#include "FloatQuad.h"
#include "RenderArena.h"
#include "RenderBlock.h"
#include "RenderView.h"
#include "VisiblePosition.h"

namespace WebCore {

RenderInline::RenderInline(Node* node)
    : RenderFlow(node)


void RenderInline::styleDidChange(RenderStyle::Diff diff, const RenderStyle* oldStyle)
    RenderFlow::styleDidChange(diff, oldStyle);


    // Ensure that all of the split inlines pick up the new style. We
    // only do this if we're an inline, since we don't want to propagate
    // a block's style to the other inlines.
    // e.g., <font>foo <h4>goo</h4> moo</font>.  The <font> inlines before
    // and after the block share the same style, but the block doesn't
    // need to pass its style on to anyone else.
    RenderFlow* currCont = continuation();
    while (currCont) {
        if (currCont->isInline()) {
            RenderFlow* nextCont = currCont->continuation();
        currCont = currCont->continuation();

    m_lineHeight = -1;

    // Update pseudos for :before and :after now.
    if (!isAnonymous() && document()->usesBeforeAfterRules()) {

bool RenderInline::isInlineContinuation() const
    return m_isContinuation;

static inline bool isAfterContent(RenderObject* child)
    if (!child)
        return false;
    if (child->style()->styleType() != RenderStyle::AFTER)
        return false;
    // Text nodes don't have their own styles, so ignore the style on a text node.
    if (child->isText() && !child->isBR())
        return false;
    return true;

void RenderInline::addChildToFlow(RenderObject* newChild, RenderObject* beforeChild)
    // Make sure we don't append things after :after-generated content if we have it.
    if (!beforeChild && isAfterContent(lastChild()))
        beforeChild = lastChild();

    if (!newChild->isInline() && !newChild->isFloatingOrPositioned()) {
        // We are placing a block inside an inline. We have to perform a split of this
        // inline into continuations.  This involves creating an anonymous block box to hold
        // |newChild|.  We then make that block box a continuation of this inline.  We take all of
        // the children after |beforeChild| and put them in a clone of this object.
        RefPtr<RenderStyle> newStyle = RenderStyle::create();

        RenderBlock* newBox = new (renderArena()) RenderBlock(document() /* anonymous box */);
        RenderFlow* oldContinuation = continuation();

        // Someone may have put a <p> inside a <q>, causing a split.  When this happens, the :after content
        // has to move into the inline continuation.  Call updateBeforeAfterContent to ensure that our :after
        // content gets properly destroyed.
        bool isLastChild = (beforeChild == lastChild());
        if (document()->usesBeforeAfterRules())
        if (isLastChild && beforeChild != lastChild())
            beforeChild = 0; // We destroyed the last child, so now we need to update our insertion
                             // point to be 0.  It's just a straight append now.

        splitFlow(beforeChild, newBox, newChild, oldContinuation);

    RenderContainer::addChild(newChild, beforeChild);


RenderInline* RenderInline::cloneInline(RenderFlow* src)
    RenderInline* o = new (src->renderArena()) RenderInline(src->element());
    o->m_isContinuation = true;
    return o;

void RenderInline::splitInlines(RenderBlock* fromBlock, RenderBlock* toBlock,
                                RenderBlock* middleBlock,
                                RenderObject* beforeChild, RenderFlow* oldCont)
    // Create a clone of this inline.
    RenderInline* clone = cloneInline(this);

    // Now take all of the children from beforeChild to the end and remove
    // them from |this| and place them in the clone.
    RenderObject* o = beforeChild;
    while (o) {
        RenderObject* tmp = o;
        o = tmp->nextSibling();
        clone->addChildToFlow(removeChildNode(tmp), 0);

    // Hook |clone| up as the continuation of the middle block.

    // We have been reparented and are now under the fromBlock.  We need
    // to walk up our inline parent chain until we hit the containing block.
    // Once we hit the containing block we're done.
    RenderFlow* curr = static_cast<RenderFlow*>(parent());
    RenderFlow* currChild = this;
    // FIXME: Because splitting is O(n^2) as tags nest pathologically, we cap the depth at which we're willing to clone.
    // There will eventually be a better approach to this problem that will let us nest to a much
    // greater depth (see bugzilla bug 13430) but for now we have a limit.  This *will* result in
    // incorrect rendering, but the alternative is to hang forever.
    unsigned splitDepth = 1;
    const unsigned cMaxSplitDepth = 200; 
    while (curr && curr != fromBlock) {
        if (splitDepth < cMaxSplitDepth) {
            // Create a new clone.
            RenderInline* cloneChild = clone;
            clone = cloneInline(curr);

            // Insert our child clone as the first child.
            clone->addChildToFlow(cloneChild, 0);

            // Hook the clone up as a continuation of |curr|.
            RenderFlow* oldCont = curr->continuation();

            // Someone may have indirectly caused a <q> to split.  When this happens, the :after content
            // has to move into the inline continuation.  Call updateBeforeAfterContent to ensure that the inline's :after
            // content gets properly destroyed.
            if (document()->usesBeforeAfterRules())

            // Now we need to take all of the children starting from the first child
            // *after* currChild and append them all to the clone.
            o = currChild->nextSibling();
            while (o) {
                RenderObject* tmp = o;
                o = tmp->nextSibling();
                clone->addChildToFlow(curr->removeChildNode(tmp), 0);
        // Keep walking up the chain.
        currChild = curr;
        curr = static_cast<RenderFlow*>(curr->parent());

    // Now we are at the block level. We need to put the clone into the toBlock.

    // Now take all the children after currChild and remove them from the fromBlock
    // and put them in the toBlock.
    o = currChild->nextSibling();
    while (o) {
        RenderObject* tmp = o;
        o = tmp->nextSibling();

void RenderInline::splitFlow(RenderObject* beforeChild, RenderBlock* newBlockBox,
                             RenderObject* newChild, RenderFlow* oldCont)
    RenderBlock* pre = 0;
    RenderBlock* block = containingBlock();
    // Delete our line boxes before we do the inline split into continuations.
    bool madeNewBeforeBlock = false;
    if (block->isAnonymousBlock() && (!block->parent() || !block->parent()->createsAnonymousWrapper())) {
        // We can reuse this block and make it the preBlock of the next continuation.
        pre = block;
        block = block->containingBlock();
    } else {
        // No anonymous block available for use.  Make one.
        pre = block->createAnonymousBlock();
        madeNewBeforeBlock = true;

    RenderBlock* post = block->createAnonymousBlock();

    RenderObject* boxFirst = madeNewBeforeBlock ? block->firstChild() : pre->nextSibling();
    if (madeNewBeforeBlock)
        block->insertChildNode(pre, boxFirst);
    block->insertChildNode(newBlockBox, boxFirst);
    block->insertChildNode(post, boxFirst);
    if (madeNewBeforeBlock) {
        RenderObject* o = boxFirst;
        while (o) {
            RenderObject* no = o;
            o = no->nextSibling();

    splitInlines(pre, post, newBlockBox, beforeChild, oldCont);

    // We already know the newBlockBox isn't going to contain inline kids, so avoid wasting
    // time in makeChildrenNonInline by just setting this explicitly up front.

    // We don't just call addChild, since it would pass things off to the
    // continuation, so we call addChildToFlow explicitly instead.  We delayed
    // adding the newChild until now so that the |newBlockBox| would be fully
    // connected, thus allowing newChild access to a renderArena should it need
    // to wrap itself in additional boxes (e.g., table construction).
    newBlockBox->addChildToFlow(newChild, 0);

    // Always just do a full layout in order to ensure that line boxes (especially wrappers for images)
    // get deleted properly.  Because objects moves from the pre block into the post block, we want to
    // make new line boxes instead of leaving the old line boxes around.

void RenderInline::paint(PaintInfo& paintInfo, int tx, int ty)
    paintLines(paintInfo, tx, ty);

void RenderInline::absoluteRects(Vector<IntRect>& rects, int tx, int ty, bool topLevel)
    for (InlineRunBox* curr = firstLineBox(); curr; curr = curr->nextLineBox())
        rects.append(IntRect(tx + curr->xPos(), ty + curr->yPos(), curr->width(), curr->height()));

    for (RenderObject* curr = firstChild(); curr; curr = curr->nextSibling()) {
        if (curr->isBox()) {
            RenderBox* box = toRenderBox(curr);
            curr->absoluteRects(rects, tx + box->x(), ty + box->y(), false);

    if (continuation() && topLevel)
                                      tx - containingBlock()->x() + continuation()->x(),
                                      ty - containingBlock()->y() + continuation()->y(),

void RenderInline::absoluteQuads(Vector<FloatQuad>& quads, bool topLevel)
    for (InlineRunBox* curr = firstLineBox(); curr; curr = curr->nextLineBox()) {
        FloatRect localRect(curr->xPos(), curr->yPos(), curr->width(), curr->height());
    for (RenderObject* curr = firstChild(); curr; curr = curr->nextSibling()) {
        if (!curr->isText())
            curr->absoluteQuads(quads, false);

    if (continuation() && topLevel)
        continuation()->absoluteQuads(quads, topLevel);

int RenderInline::offsetLeft() const
    int x = RenderFlow::offsetLeft();
    if (firstLineBox())
        x += firstLineBox()->xPos();
    return x;

int RenderInline::offsetTop() const
    int y = RenderFlow::offsetTop();
    if (firstLineBox())
        y += firstLineBox()->yPos();
    return y;

const char* RenderInline::renderName() const
    if (isRelPositioned())
        return "RenderInline (relative positioned)";
    if (isAnonymous())
        return "RenderInline (generated)";
    if (isRunIn())
        return "RenderInline (run-in)";
    return "RenderInline";

bool RenderInline::nodeAtPoint(const HitTestRequest& request, HitTestResult& result,
                                int x, int y, int tx, int ty, HitTestAction hitTestAction)
    return hitTestLines(request, result, x, y, tx, ty, hitTestAction);

VisiblePosition RenderInline::positionForCoordinates(int x, int y)
    // Translate the coords from the pre-anonymous block to the post-anonymous block.
    RenderBlock* cb = containingBlock();
    int parentBlockX = cb->x() + x;
    int parentBlockY = cb->y() + y;
    for (RenderFlow* c = continuation(); c; c = c->continuation()) {
        RenderFlow* contBlock = c;
        if (c->isInline())
            contBlock = c->containingBlock();
        if (c->isInline() || c->firstChild())
            return c->positionForCoordinates(parentBlockX - contBlock->x(), parentBlockY - contBlock->y());

    return RenderFlow::positionForCoordinates(x, y);

IntRect RenderInline::linesBoundingBox() const
    IntRect result;
    // See <rdar://problem/5289721>, for an unknown reason the linked list here is sometimes inconsistent, first is non-zero and last is zero.  We have been
    // unable to reproduce this at all (and consequently unable to figure ot why this is happening).  The assert will hopefully catch the problem in debug
    // builds and help us someday figure out why.  We also put in a redundant check of lastLineBox() to avoid the crash for now.
    ASSERT(!firstLineBox() == !lastLineBox());  // Either both are null or both exist.
    if (firstLineBox() && lastLineBox()) {
        // Return the width of the minimal left side and the maximal right side.
        int leftSide = 0;
        int rightSide = 0;
        for (InlineRunBox* curr = firstLineBox(); curr; curr = curr->nextLineBox()) {
            if (curr == firstLineBox() || curr->xPos() < leftSide)
                leftSide = curr->xPos();
            if (curr == firstLineBox() || curr->xPos() + curr->width() > rightSide)
                rightSide = curr->xPos() + curr->width();
        result.setWidth(rightSide - leftSide);
        result.setHeight(lastLineBox()->yPos() + lastLineBox()->height() - firstLineBox()->yPos());

    return result;

IntRect RenderInline::clippedOverflowRectForRepaint(RenderBox* repaintContainer)
    // Only run-ins are allowed in here during layout.
    ASSERT(!view() || !view()->layoutStateEnabled() || isRunIn());

    if (!firstLineBox() && !continuation())
        return IntRect();

    // Find our leftmost position.
    IntRect boundingBox(linesBoundingBox());
    int left = boundingBox.x();
    int top = boundingBox.y();

    // Now invalidate a rectangle.
    int ow = style() ? style()->outlineSize() : 0;
    // We need to add in the relative position offsets of any inlines (including us) up to our
    // containing block.
    RenderBlock* cb = containingBlock();
    for (RenderObject* inlineFlow = this; inlineFlow && inlineFlow->isRenderInline() && inlineFlow != cb; 
         inlineFlow = inlineFlow->parent()) {
         if (inlineFlow->style()->position() == RelativePosition && inlineFlow->hasLayer())
            toRenderBox(inlineFlow)->layer()->relativePositionOffset(left, top);

    IntRect r(-ow + left, -ow + top, boundingBox.width() + ow * 2, boundingBox.height() + ow * 2);
    if (cb->hasColumns())

    if (cb->hasOverflowClip()) {
        // cb->height() is inaccurate if we're in the middle of a layout of |cb|, so use the
        // layer's size instead.  Even if the layer's size is wrong, the layer itself will repaint
        // anyway if its size does change.
        int x = r.x();
        int y = r.y();
        IntRect boxRect(0, 0, cb->layer()->width(), cb->layer()->height());
        cb->layer()->subtractScrolledContentOffset(x, y); // For overflow:auto/scroll/hidden.
        IntRect repaintRect(x, y, r.width(), r.height());
        r = intersection(repaintRect, boxRect);
    ASSERT(repaintContainer != this);
    cb->computeRectForRepaint(r, repaintContainer);

    if (ow) {
        for (RenderObject* curr = firstChild(); curr; curr = curr->nextSibling()) {
            if (!curr->isText()) {
                IntRect childRect = curr->rectWithOutlineForRepaint(repaintContainer, ow);

        if (continuation() && !continuation()->isInline()) {
            IntRect contRect = continuation()->rectWithOutlineForRepaint(repaintContainer, ow);

    return r;

} // namespace WebCore