 * Copyright (C) 1998, 1999 Torben Weis <weis@kde.org>
 *                     1999-2001 Lars Knoll <knoll@kde.org>
 *                     1999-2001 Antti Koivisto <koivisto@kde.org>
 *                     2000-2001 Simon Hausmann <hausmann@kde.org>
 *                     2000-2001 Dirk Mueller <mueller@kde.org>
 *                     2000 Stefan Schimanski <1Stein@gmx.de>
 * Copyright (C) 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008 Apple Inc. All rights reserved.
 * Copyright (C) 2008 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies)
 * Copyright (C) 2008 Eric Seidel <eric@webkit.org>
 * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
 * modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public
 * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
 * version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
 * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * Library General Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License
 * along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB.  If not, write to
 * the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor,
 * Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.

#ifndef Frame_h
#define Frame_h

#include "AnimationController.h"
#include "DragImage.h"
#include "EditAction.h"
#include "Editor.h"
#include "EventHandler.h"
#include "FrameLoader.h"
#include "FrameTree.h"
#include "Range.h"
#include "RenderLayer.h"
#include "ScriptController.h"
#include "SelectionController.h"
#include "TextGranularity.h"

#include "FrameWin.h"

#ifndef __OBJC__
class NSArray;
class NSDictionary;
class NSMutableDictionary;
class NSString;
typedef int NSWritingDirection;

typedef struct HBITMAP__* HBITMAP;

namespace WebCore {

class Editor;
class EventHandler;
class FrameLoader;
class FrameLoaderClient;
class FramePrivate;
class FrameTree;
class HTMLFrameOwnerElement;
class HTMLTableCellElement;
class ScriptController;
class RegularExpression;
class RenderPart;
class Selection;
class SelectionController;
class Widget;

    class UserStyleSheetLoader;

template <typename T> class Timer;

class Frame : public RefCounted<Frame> {
    static PassRefPtr<Frame> create(Page* page, HTMLFrameOwnerElement* ownerElement, FrameLoaderClient* client)
        return adoptRef(new Frame(page, ownerElement, client));
    void setView(FrameView*);

    void init();

    Page* page() const;
    HTMLFrameOwnerElement* ownerElement() const;

    void pageDestroyed();
    void disconnectOwnerElement();

    Document* document() const;
    FrameView* view() const;

    void setDOMWindow(DOMWindow*);
    DOMWindow* domWindow() const;
    void clearFormerDOMWindow(DOMWindow*);

    Editor* editor() const;
    EventHandler* eventHandler() const;
    FrameLoader* loader() const;
    SelectionController* selection() const;
    FrameTree* tree() const;
    AnimationController* animation() const;
    ScriptController* script();

    RenderView* contentRenderer() const; // root renderer for the document contained in this frame
    RenderPart* ownerRenderer() const; // renderer for the element that contains this frame
    bool isDisconnected() const;
    void setIsDisconnected(bool);
    bool excludeFromTextSearch() const;
    void setExcludeFromTextSearch(bool);

    friend class FramePrivate;

    Frame(Page*, HTMLFrameOwnerElement*, FrameLoaderClient*);
// === undecided, would like to consider moving to another class

    static Frame* frameForWidget(const Widget*);

    Settings* settings() const; // can be NULL

    void setUserStyleSheetLocation(const KURL&);
    void setUserStyleSheet(const String& styleSheetData);

    void setPrinting(bool printing, float minPageWidth, float maxPageWidth, bool adjustViewSize);

    bool inViewSourceMode() const;
    void setInViewSourceMode(bool = true);

    void keepAlive(); // Used to keep the frame alive when running a script that might destroy it.
#ifndef NDEBUG
    static void cancelAllKeepAlive();

    void setDocument(PassRefPtr<Document>);

    void clearTimers();
    static void clearTimers(FrameView*, Document*);

    void setNeedsReapplyStyles();
    bool needsReapplyStyles() const;
    void reapplyStyles();

    String documentTypeString() const;

    // This method -- and the corresponding list of former DOM windows --
    // should move onto ScriptController
    void clearDOMWindow();

    String displayStringModifiedByEncoding(const String& str) const 
        return document() ? document()->displayStringModifiedByEncoding(str) : str;

    void lifeSupportTimerFired(Timer<Frame>*);

// === to be moved into Document

    bool isFrameSet() const;

// === to be moved into EventHandler

    void sendResizeEvent();
    void sendScrollEvent();

// === to be moved into FrameView

    void forceLayout(bool allowSubtree = false);
    void forceLayoutWithPageWidthRange(float minPageWidth, float maxPageWidth, bool adjustViewSize);

    void adjustPageHeight(float* newBottom, float oldTop, float oldBottom, float bottomLimit);

    void setZoomFactor(float scale, bool isTextOnly);
    float zoomFactor() const;
    bool isZoomFactorTextOnly() const;
    bool shouldApplyTextZoom() const;
    bool shouldApplyPageZoom() const;
    float pageZoomFactor() const { return shouldApplyPageZoom() ? zoomFactor() : 1.0f; }
    float textZoomFactor() const { return shouldApplyTextZoom() ? zoomFactor() : 1.0f; }

// === to be moved into Chrome

    void focusWindow();
    void unfocusWindow();
    bool shouldClose();
    void scheduleClose();

    void setJSStatusBarText(const String&);
    void setJSDefaultStatusBarText(const String&);
    String jsStatusBarText() const;
    String jsDefaultStatusBarText() const;

// === to be moved into Editor

    String selectedText() const;  
    bool findString(const String&, bool forward, bool caseFlag, bool wrapFlag, bool startInSelection);

    const Selection& mark() const; // Mark, to be used as emacs uses it.
    void setMark(const Selection&);

    void computeAndSetTypingStyle(CSSStyleDeclaration* , EditAction = EditActionUnspecified);
    String selectionStartStylePropertyValue(int stylePropertyID) const;
    void applyEditingStyleToBodyElement() const;
    void removeEditingStyleFromBodyElement() const;
    void applyEditingStyleToElement(Element*) const;
    void removeEditingStyleFromElement(Element*) const;

    IntRect firstRectForRange(Range*) const;
    void respondToChangedSelection(const Selection& oldSelection, bool closeTyping);
    bool shouldChangeSelection(const Selection& oldSelection, const Selection& newSelection, EAffinity, bool stillSelecting) const;

    RenderStyle* styleForSelectionStart(Node*& nodeToRemove) const;

    unsigned markAllMatchesForText(const String&, bool caseFlag, unsigned limit);
    bool markedTextMatchesAreHighlighted() const;
    void setMarkedTextMatchesAreHighlighted(bool flag);

    PassRefPtr<CSSComputedStyleDeclaration> selectionComputedStyle(Node*& nodeToRemove) const;

    void textFieldDidBeginEditing(Element*);
    void textFieldDidEndEditing(Element*);
    void textDidChangeInTextField(Element*);
    bool doTextFieldCommandFromEvent(Element*, KeyboardEvent*);
    void textWillBeDeletedInTextField(Element* input);
    void textDidChangeInTextArea(Element*);

    DragImageRef dragImageForSelection();
// === to be moved into SelectionController

    TextGranularity selectionGranularity() const;
    void setSelectionGranularity(TextGranularity);

    bool shouldChangeSelection(const Selection&) const;
    bool shouldDeleteSelection(const Selection&) const;
    void clearCaretRectIfNeeded();
    void setFocusedNodeIfNeeded();
    void selectionLayoutChanged();
    void notifyRendererOfSelectionChange(bool userTriggered);

    void invalidateSelection();

    void setCaretVisible(bool = true);
    void paintCaret(GraphicsContext*, int tx, int ty, const IntRect& clipRect) const;  
    void paintDragCaret(GraphicsContext*, int tx, int ty, const IntRect& clipRect) const;

    bool isContentEditable() const; // if true, everything in frame is editable

    void updateSecureKeyboardEntryIfActive();

    CSSMutableStyleDeclaration* typingStyle() const;
    void setTypingStyle(CSSMutableStyleDeclaration*);
    void clearTypingStyle();

    FloatRect selectionBounds(bool clipToVisibleContent = true) const;
    void selectionTextRects(Vector<FloatRect>&, bool clipToVisibleContent = true) const;

    HTMLFormElement* currentForm() const;
    void revealSelection(const RenderLayer::ScrollAlignment& = RenderLayer::gAlignCenterIfNeeded) const;
    void revealCaret(const RenderLayer::ScrollAlignment& = RenderLayer::gAlignCenterIfNeeded) const;
    void setSelectionFromNone();

    void setUseSecureKeyboardEntry(bool);

    void caretBlinkTimerFired(Timer<Frame>*);

    SelectionController* dragCaretController() const;

    String searchForLabelsAboveCell(RegularExpression*, HTMLTableCellElement*);
    String searchForLabelsBeforeElement(const Vector<String>& labels, Element*);
    String matchLabelsAgainstElement(const Vector<String>& labels, Element*);
    VisiblePosition visiblePositionForPoint(const IntPoint& framePoint);
    Document* documentAtPoint(const IntPoint& windowPoint);


// === undecided, would like to consider moving to another class

    NSString* searchForNSLabelsAboveCell(RegularExpression*, HTMLTableCellElement*);
    NSString* searchForLabelsBeforeElement(NSArray* labels, Element*);
    NSString* matchLabelsAgainstElement(NSArray* labels, Element*);

    NSMutableDictionary* dashboardRegionsDictionary();

    NSImage* selectionImage(bool forceBlackText = false) const;
    NSImage* snapshotDragImage(Node*, NSRect* imageRect, NSRect* elementRect) const;
    NSImage* nodeImage(Node*) const;

    NSImage* imageFromRect(NSRect) const;

// === to be moved into Editor

    NSDictionary* fontAttributesForSelectionStart() const;
    NSWritingDirection baseWritingDirectionForSelectionStart() const;



    // FIXME - We should have a single version of nodeImage instead of using platform types.
    HBITMAP nodeImage(Node*) const;


    Page* m_page;
    mutable FrameTree m_treeNode;
    mutable FrameLoader m_loader;

    mutable RefPtr<DOMWindow> m_domWindow;
    HashSet<DOMWindow*> m_liveFormerWindows;

    HTMLFrameOwnerElement* m_ownerElement;
    RefPtr<FrameView> m_view;
    RefPtr<Document> m_doc;

    ScriptController m_script;

    String m_kjsStatusBarText;
    String m_kjsDefaultStatusBarText;

    float m_zoomFactor;

    TextGranularity m_selectionGranularity;

    mutable SelectionController m_selectionController;
    mutable Selection m_mark;
    Timer<Frame> m_caretBlinkTimer;
    mutable Editor m_editor;
    mutable EventHandler m_eventHandler;
    mutable AnimationController m_animationController;

    RefPtr<CSSMutableStyleDeclaration> m_typingStyle;

    Timer<Frame> m_lifeSupportTimer;

    bool m_caretVisible;
    bool m_caretPaint;
    bool m_highlightTextMatches;
    bool m_inViewSourceMode;
    bool m_needsReapplyStyles;
    bool m_isDisconnected;
    bool m_excludeFromTextSearch;

    UserStyleSheetLoader* m_userStyleSheetLoader;


} // namespace WebCore

#endif // Frame_h