<svg xmlns='http://www.w3.org/2000/svg'>
  <rect fill='blue' width='100' height='100'>
    <animateTransform attributeName="transform" type='translate' values='0,0; 10,0; 100,0' keyTimes='0; .6; 1' dur='3s' fill='freeze' />
  <rect fill='none' stroke='orange' x='10' width='100' height='100' />
  <rect fill='none' stroke='green' x='100' width='100' height='100' />
  <text x='10' y='120'>
    The rect should from 0,0 to 100,0 over 3 seconds.
    <tspan dy='20' x='10'>It should be at the orange at 2 seconds and the green at 3 seconds.</tspan>