/* * Copyright (C) 2007 Apple Inc. All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions * are met: * * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * 3. Neither the name of Apple Computer, Inc. ("Apple") nor the names of * its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived * from this software without specific prior written permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY APPLE AND ITS CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" AND ANY * EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED * WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE * DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL APPLE OR ITS CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY * DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES * (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; * LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND * ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT * (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF * THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ #ifndef InspectorController_h #define InspectorController_h #include "Console.h" #include "PlatformString.h" #include "StringHash.h" #include "Timer.h" #include <JavaScriptCore/JSContextRef.h> #include <wtf/HashMap.h> #include <wtf/HashSet.h> #include <wtf/Vector.h> #if ENABLE(JAVASCRIPT_DEBUGGER) #include "JavaScriptDebugListener.h" #endif namespace JSC { class Profile; class UString; } namespace WebCore { class CachedResource; class Database; class DocumentLoader; class GraphicsContext; class HitTestResult; class InspectorClient; class JavaScriptCallFrame; class Node; class Page; class ResourceRequest; class ResourceResponse; class ResourceError; class ScriptCallStack; class SharedBuffer; struct ConsoleMessage; struct InspectorDatabaseResource; struct InspectorResource; class InspectorController #if ENABLE(JAVASCRIPT_DEBUGGER) : JavaScriptDebugListener #endif { public: typedef HashMap<long long, RefPtr<InspectorResource> > ResourcesMap; typedef HashMap<RefPtr<Frame>, ResourcesMap*> FrameResourcesMap; typedef HashSet<RefPtr<InspectorDatabaseResource> > DatabaseResourcesSet; typedef enum { CurrentPanel, ConsolePanel, DatabasesPanel, ElementsPanel, ProfilesPanel, ResourcesPanel, ScriptsPanel } SpecialPanels; struct Setting { enum Type { NoType, StringType, StringVectorType, DoubleType, IntegerType, BooleanType }; Setting() : m_type(NoType) { } Type type() const { return m_type; } String string() const { ASSERT(m_type == StringType); return m_string; } const Vector<String>& stringVector() const { ASSERT(m_type == StringVectorType); return m_stringVector; } double doubleValue() const { ASSERT(m_type == DoubleType); return m_simpleContent.m_double; } long integerValue() const { ASSERT(m_type == IntegerType); return m_simpleContent.m_integer; } bool booleanValue() const { ASSERT(m_type == BooleanType); return m_simpleContent.m_boolean; } void set(const String& value) { m_type = StringType; m_string = value; } void set(const Vector<String>& value) { m_type = StringVectorType; m_stringVector = value; } void set(double value) { m_type = DoubleType; m_simpleContent.m_double = value; } void set(long value) { m_type = IntegerType; m_simpleContent.m_integer = value; } void set(bool value) { m_type = BooleanType; m_simpleContent.m_boolean = value; } private: Type m_type; String m_string; Vector<String> m_stringVector; union { double m_double; long m_integer; bool m_boolean; } m_simpleContent; }; InspectorController(Page*, InspectorClient*); ~InspectorController(); void inspectedPageDestroyed(); void pageDestroyed() { m_page = 0; } bool enabled() const; Page* inspectedPage() const { return m_inspectedPage; } const Setting& setting(const String& key) const; void setSetting(const String& key, const Setting&); String localizedStringsURL(); void inspect(Node*); void highlight(Node*); void hideHighlight(); void show(); void showPanel(SpecialPanels); void close(); bool isRecordingUserInitiatedProfile() const { return m_recordingUserInitiatedProfile; } void startUserInitiatedProfilingSoon(); void startUserInitiatedProfiling(Timer<InspectorController>* = 0); void stopUserInitiatedProfiling(); void enableProfiler(bool skipRecompile = false); void disableProfiler(); bool profilerEnabled() const { return enabled() && m_profilerEnabled; } bool windowVisible(); void setWindowVisible(bool visible = true, bool attached = false); void addMessageToConsole(MessageSource, MessageLevel, ScriptCallStack*); void addMessageToConsole(MessageSource, MessageLevel, const String& message, unsigned lineNumber, const String& sourceID); void clearConsoleMessages(); void toggleRecordButton(bool); void addProfile(PassRefPtr<JSC::Profile>, unsigned lineNumber, const JSC::UString& sourceURL); void addProfileMessageToConsole(PassRefPtr<JSC::Profile> prpProfile, unsigned lineNumber, const JSC::UString& sourceURL); void addScriptProfile(JSC::Profile* profile); const ProfilesArray& profiles() const { return m_profiles; } void attachWindow(); void detachWindow(); void setAttachedWindow(bool); void setAttachedWindowHeight(unsigned height); void toggleSearchForNodeInPage(); bool searchingForNodeInPage() { return m_searchingForNode; }; void mouseDidMoveOverElement(const HitTestResult&, unsigned modifierFlags); void handleMousePressOnNode(Node*); JSContextRef scriptContext() const { return m_scriptContext; }; void setScriptContext(JSContextRef context) { m_scriptContext = context; }; void inspectedWindowScriptObjectCleared(Frame*); void windowScriptObjectAvailable(); void scriptObjectReady(); void populateScriptObjects(); void resetScriptObjects(); void didCommitLoad(DocumentLoader*); void frameDetachedFromParent(Frame*); void didLoadResourceFromMemoryCache(DocumentLoader*, const CachedResource*); void identifierForInitialRequest(unsigned long identifier, DocumentLoader*, const ResourceRequest&); void willSendRequest(DocumentLoader*, unsigned long identifier, ResourceRequest&, const ResourceResponse& redirectResponse); void didReceiveResponse(DocumentLoader*, unsigned long identifier, const ResourceResponse&); void didReceiveContentLength(DocumentLoader*, unsigned long identifier, int lengthReceived); void didFinishLoading(DocumentLoader*, unsigned long identifier); void didFailLoading(DocumentLoader*, unsigned long identifier, const ResourceError&); void resourceRetrievedByXMLHttpRequest(unsigned long identifier, const JSC::UString& sourceString); #if ENABLE(DATABASE) void didOpenDatabase(Database*, const String& domain, const String& name, const String& version); #endif const ResourcesMap& resources() const { return m_resources; } void moveWindowBy(float x, float y) const; void closeWindow(); #if ENABLE(JAVASCRIPT_DEBUGGER) void enableDebugger(); void disableDebugger(); bool debuggerEnabled() const { return m_debuggerEnabled; } JavaScriptCallFrame* currentCallFrame() const; void addBreakpoint(intptr_t sourceID, unsigned lineNumber); void removeBreakpoint(intptr_t sourceID, unsigned lineNumber); bool pauseOnExceptions(); void setPauseOnExceptions(bool pause); void pauseInDebugger(); void resumeDebugger(); void stepOverStatementInDebugger(); void stepIntoStatementInDebugger(); void stepOutOfFunctionInDebugger(); #endif void drawNodeHighlight(GraphicsContext&) const; void count(const String& title, unsigned lineNumber, const String& sourceID); void startTiming(const String& title); bool stopTiming(const String& title, double& elapsed); void startGroup(MessageSource source, ScriptCallStack* callFrame); void endGroup(MessageSource source, unsigned lineNumber, const String& sourceURL); private: void focusNode(); void addConsoleMessage(JSC::ExecState*, ConsoleMessage*); void addScriptConsoleMessage(const ConsoleMessage*); void addResource(InspectorResource*); void removeResource(InspectorResource*); JSObjectRef addScriptResource(InspectorResource*); void removeScriptResource(InspectorResource*); JSObjectRef addAndUpdateScriptResource(InspectorResource*); void updateScriptResourceRequest(InspectorResource*); void updateScriptResourceResponse(InspectorResource*); void updateScriptResourceType(InspectorResource*); void updateScriptResource(InspectorResource*, int length); void updateScriptResource(InspectorResource*, bool finished, bool failed = false); void updateScriptResource(InspectorResource*, double startTime, double responseReceivedTime, double endTime); void pruneResources(ResourcesMap*, DocumentLoader* loaderToKeep = 0); void removeAllResources(ResourcesMap* map) { pruneResources(map); } #if ENABLE(DATABASE) JSObjectRef addDatabaseScriptResource(InspectorDatabaseResource*); void removeDatabaseScriptResource(InspectorDatabaseResource*); #endif JSValueRef callSimpleFunction(JSContextRef, JSObjectRef thisObject, const char* functionName) const; JSValueRef callFunction(JSContextRef, JSObjectRef thisObject, const char* functionName, size_t argumentCount, const JSValueRef arguments[], JSValueRef& exception) const; bool handleException(JSContextRef, JSValueRef exception, unsigned lineNumber) const; void showWindow(); #if ENABLE(JAVASCRIPT_DEBUGGER) virtual void didParseSource(JSC::ExecState*, const JSC::SourceCode&); virtual void failedToParseSource(JSC::ExecState*, const JSC::SourceCode&, int errorLine, const JSC::UString& errorMessage); virtual void didPause(); #endif Page* m_inspectedPage; InspectorClient* m_client; Page* m_page; RefPtr<Node> m_nodeToFocus; RefPtr<InspectorResource> m_mainResource; ResourcesMap m_resources; HashSet<String> m_knownResources; FrameResourcesMap m_frameResources; Vector<ConsoleMessage*> m_consoleMessages; ProfilesArray m_profiles; HashMap<String, double> m_times; HashMap<String, unsigned> m_counts; #if ENABLE(DATABASE) DatabaseResourcesSet m_databaseResources; #endif JSObjectRef m_scriptObject; JSObjectRef m_controllerScriptObject; JSContextRef m_scriptContext; bool m_windowVisible; #if ENABLE(JAVASCRIPT_DEBUGGER) bool m_debuggerEnabled; bool m_attachDebuggerWhenShown; #endif bool m_profilerEnabled; bool m_recordingUserInitiatedProfile; SpecialPanels m_showAfterVisible; long long m_nextIdentifier; RefPtr<Node> m_highlightedNode; unsigned m_groupLevel; bool m_searchingForNode; int m_currentUserInitiatedProfileNumber; unsigned m_nextUserInitiatedProfileNumber; ConsoleMessage* m_previousMessage; Timer<InspectorController> m_startProfiling; }; } // namespace WebCore #endif // !defined(InspectorController_h)