/* * Copyright (C) 2007, 2008 Apple Inc. All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions * are met: * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY APPLE COMPUTER, INC. ``AS IS'' AND ANY * EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE * IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR * PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL APPLE COMPUTER, INC. OR * CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, * EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, * PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR * PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY * OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT * (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE * OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ #include "config.h" #if ENABLE(VIDEO) #include "HTMLMediaElement.h" #include "CSSHelper.h" #include "CSSPropertyNames.h" #include "CSSValueKeywords.h" #include "Event.h" #include "EventNames.h" #include "ExceptionCode.h" #include "HTMLDocument.h" #include "HTMLNames.h" #include "HTMLSourceElement.h" #include "HTMLVideoElement.h" #include <limits> #include "MediaError.h" #include "MediaList.h" #include "MediaQueryEvaluator.h" #include "MIMETypeRegistry.h" #include "MediaPlayer.h" #include "Page.h" #include "RenderVideo.h" #include "TimeRanges.h" #include <wtf/CurrentTime.h> #include <wtf/MathExtras.h> using namespace std; namespace WebCore { using namespace HTMLNames; HTMLMediaElement::HTMLMediaElement(const QualifiedName& tagName, Document* doc) : HTMLElement(tagName, doc) , m_loadTimer(this, &HTMLMediaElement::loadTimerFired) , m_asyncEventTimer(this, &HTMLMediaElement::asyncEventTimerFired) , m_progressEventTimer(this, &HTMLMediaElement::progressEventTimerFired) , m_defaultPlaybackRate(1.0f) , m_networkState(EMPTY) , m_readyState(DATA_UNAVAILABLE) , m_begun(false) , m_loadedFirstFrame(false) , m_autoplaying(true) , m_currentLoop(0) , m_volume(1.0f) , m_muted(false) , m_paused(true) , m_seeking(false) , m_currentTimeDuringSeek(0) , m_previousProgress(0) , m_previousProgressTime(numeric_limits<double>::max()) , m_sentStalledEvent(false) , m_bufferingRate(0) , m_loadNestingLevel(0) , m_terminateLoadBelowNestingLevel(0) , m_pausedInternal(false) , m_inActiveDocument(true) , m_player(0) { document()->registerForDocumentActivationCallbacks(this); document()->registerForMediaVolumeCallbacks(this); } HTMLMediaElement::~HTMLMediaElement() { document()->unregisterForDocumentActivationCallbacks(this); document()->unregisterForMediaVolumeCallbacks(this); } bool HTMLMediaElement::checkDTD(const Node* newChild) { return newChild->hasTagName(sourceTag) || HTMLElement::checkDTD(newChild); } void HTMLMediaElement::attributeChanged(Attribute* attr, bool preserveDecls) { HTMLElement::attributeChanged(attr, preserveDecls); const QualifiedName& attrName = attr->name(); if (attrName == srcAttr) { // // change to src attribute triggers load() if (inDocument() && m_networkState == EMPTY) scheduleLoad(); } if (attrName == controlsAttr) { if (!isVideo() && attached() && (controls() != (renderer() != 0))) { detach(); attach(); } if (renderer()) renderer()->updateFromElement(); } } bool HTMLMediaElement::rendererIsNeeded(RenderStyle* style) { return controls() ? HTMLElement::rendererIsNeeded(style) : false; } RenderObject* HTMLMediaElement::createRenderer(RenderArena* arena, RenderStyle*) { return new (arena) RenderMedia(this); } void HTMLMediaElement::insertedIntoDocument() { HTMLElement::insertedIntoDocument(); if (!src().isEmpty()) scheduleLoad(); } void HTMLMediaElement::removedFromDocument() { // FIXME: pause() may invoke load() which seem like a strange thing to do as a side effect // of removing an element. This might need to be fixed in the spec. ExceptionCode ec; pause(ec); HTMLElement::removedFromDocument(); } void HTMLMediaElement::attach() { ASSERT(!attached()); HTMLElement::attach(); if (renderer()) renderer()->updateFromElement(); } void HTMLMediaElement::recalcStyle(StyleChange change) { HTMLElement::recalcStyle(change); if (renderer()) renderer()->updateFromElement(); } void HTMLMediaElement::scheduleLoad() { m_loadTimer.startOneShot(0); } void HTMLMediaElement::initAndDispatchProgressEvent(const AtomicString& eventName) { bool totalKnown = m_player && m_player->totalBytesKnown(); unsigned loaded = m_player ? m_player->bytesLoaded() : 0; unsigned total = m_player ? m_player->totalBytes() : 0; dispatchProgressEvent(eventName, totalKnown, loaded, total); if (renderer()) renderer()->updateFromElement(); } void HTMLMediaElement::dispatchEventAsync(const AtomicString& eventName) { m_asyncEventsToDispatch.append(eventName); if (!m_asyncEventTimer.isActive()) m_asyncEventTimer.startOneShot(0); } void HTMLMediaElement::loadTimerFired(Timer<HTMLMediaElement>*) { ExceptionCode ec; load(ec); } void HTMLMediaElement::asyncEventTimerFired(Timer<HTMLMediaElement>*) { Vector<AtomicString> asyncEventsToDispatch; m_asyncEventsToDispatch.swap(asyncEventsToDispatch); unsigned count = asyncEventsToDispatch.size(); for (unsigned n = 0; n < count; ++n) dispatchEventForType(asyncEventsToDispatch[n], false, true); } static String serializeTimeOffset(float time) { String timeString = String::number(time); // FIXME serialize time offset values properly (format not specified yet) timeString.append("s"); return timeString; } static float parseTimeOffset(const String& timeString, bool* ok = 0) { const UChar* characters = timeString.characters(); unsigned length = timeString.length(); if (length && characters[length - 1] == 's') length--; // FIXME parse time offset values (format not specified yet) float val = charactersToFloat(characters, length, ok); return val; } float HTMLMediaElement::getTimeOffsetAttribute(const QualifiedName& name, float valueOnError) const { bool ok; String timeString = getAttribute(name); float result = parseTimeOffset(timeString, &ok); if (ok) return result; return valueOnError; } void HTMLMediaElement::setTimeOffsetAttribute(const QualifiedName& name, float value) { setAttribute(name, serializeTimeOffset(value)); } PassRefPtr<MediaError> HTMLMediaElement::error() const { return m_error; } KURL HTMLMediaElement::src() const { return document()->completeURL(getAttribute(srcAttr)); } void HTMLMediaElement::setSrc(const String& url) { setAttribute(srcAttr, url); } String HTMLMediaElement::currentSrc() const { return m_currentSrc; } HTMLMediaElement::NetworkState HTMLMediaElement::networkState() const { return m_networkState; } float HTMLMediaElement::bufferingRate() { if (!m_player) return 0; return m_bufferingRate; //return m_player->dataRate(); } void HTMLMediaElement::load(ExceptionCode& ec) { String mediaSrc; // Loading the media resource // 1 // if an event generated during load() ends up re-entering load(), terminate previous instances m_loadNestingLevel++; m_terminateLoadBelowNestingLevel = m_loadNestingLevel; m_progressEventTimer.stop(); m_sentStalledEvent = false; m_bufferingRate = 0; m_loadTimer.stop(); // 2 if (m_begun) { m_begun = false; m_error = MediaError::create(MediaError::MEDIA_ERR_ABORTED); initAndDispatchProgressEvent(eventNames().abortEvent); if (m_loadNestingLevel < m_terminateLoadBelowNestingLevel) goto end; } // 3 m_error = 0; m_loadedFirstFrame = false; m_autoplaying = true; // 4 setPlaybackRate(defaultPlaybackRate(), ec); // 5 if (networkState() != EMPTY) { m_networkState = EMPTY; m_readyState = DATA_UNAVAILABLE; m_paused = true; m_seeking = false; if (m_player) { m_player->pause(); m_player->seek(0); } m_currentLoop = 0; dispatchEventForType(eventNames().emptiedEvent, false, true); if (m_loadNestingLevel < m_terminateLoadBelowNestingLevel) goto end; } // 6 mediaSrc = pickMedia(); if (mediaSrc.isEmpty()) { ec = INVALID_STATE_ERR; goto end; } // 7 m_networkState = LOADING; // 8 m_currentSrc = mediaSrc; // 9 m_begun = true; dispatchProgressEvent(eventNames().loadstartEvent, false, 0, 0); if (m_loadNestingLevel < m_terminateLoadBelowNestingLevel) goto end; // 10, 11, 12, 13 m_player.clear(); m_player.set(new MediaPlayer(this)); updateVolume(); m_player->load(m_currentSrc); if (m_loadNestingLevel < m_terminateLoadBelowNestingLevel) goto end; if (renderer()) renderer()->updateFromElement(); // 14 m_previousProgressTime = WTF::currentTime(); m_previousProgress = 0; if (m_begun) // 350ms is not magic, it is in the spec! m_progressEventTimer.startRepeating(0.350); end: ASSERT(m_loadNestingLevel); m_loadNestingLevel--; } void HTMLMediaElement::mediaPlayerNetworkStateChanged(MediaPlayer*) { if (!m_begun || m_networkState == EMPTY) return; m_terminateLoadBelowNestingLevel = m_loadNestingLevel; MediaPlayer::NetworkState state = m_player->networkState(); // Loading the media resource // 14 if (state == MediaPlayer::LoadFailed) { //delete m_player; //m_player = 0; // FIXME better error handling m_error = MediaError::create(MediaError::MEDIA_ERR_NETWORK); m_begun = false; m_progressEventTimer.stop(); m_bufferingRate = 0; initAndDispatchProgressEvent(eventNames().errorEvent); if (m_loadNestingLevel < m_terminateLoadBelowNestingLevel) return; m_networkState = EMPTY; if (isVideo()) static_cast<HTMLVideoElement*>(this)->updatePosterImage(); dispatchEventForType(eventNames().emptiedEvent, false, true); return; } if (state >= MediaPlayer::Loading && m_networkState < LOADING) m_networkState = LOADING; if (state >= MediaPlayer::LoadedMetaData && m_networkState < LOADED_METADATA) { m_player->seek(effectiveStart()); m_networkState = LOADED_METADATA; dispatchEventForType(eventNames().durationchangeEvent, false, true); if (m_loadNestingLevel < m_terminateLoadBelowNestingLevel) return; dispatchEventForType(eventNames().loadedmetadataEvent, false, true); if (m_loadNestingLevel < m_terminateLoadBelowNestingLevel) return; } if (state >= MediaPlayer::LoadedFirstFrame && m_networkState < LOADED_FIRST_FRAME) { m_networkState = LOADED_FIRST_FRAME; setReadyState(CAN_SHOW_CURRENT_FRAME); if (isVideo()) static_cast<HTMLVideoElement*>(this)->updatePosterImage(); if (m_loadNestingLevel < m_terminateLoadBelowNestingLevel) return; m_loadedFirstFrame = true; if (renderer()) { ASSERT(!renderer()->isImage()); static_cast<RenderVideo*>(renderer())->videoSizeChanged(); } dispatchEventForType(eventNames().loadedfirstframeEvent, false, true); if (m_loadNestingLevel < m_terminateLoadBelowNestingLevel) return; dispatchEventForType(eventNames().canshowcurrentframeEvent, false, true); if (m_loadNestingLevel < m_terminateLoadBelowNestingLevel) return; } // 15 if (state == MediaPlayer::Loaded && m_networkState < LOADED) { m_begun = false; m_networkState = LOADED; m_progressEventTimer.stop(); m_bufferingRate = 0; initAndDispatchProgressEvent(eventNames().loadEvent); } } void HTMLMediaElement::mediaPlayerReadyStateChanged(MediaPlayer*) { MediaPlayer::ReadyState state = m_player->readyState(); setReadyState((ReadyState)state); } void HTMLMediaElement::setReadyState(ReadyState state) { // The ready states if (m_readyState == state) return; bool wasActivelyPlaying = activelyPlaying(); m_readyState = state; if (state >= CAN_PLAY) m_seeking = false; if (networkState() == EMPTY) return; if (state == DATA_UNAVAILABLE) { dispatchEventForType(eventNames().dataunavailableEvent, false, true); if (wasActivelyPlaying) { dispatchEventForType(eventNames().timeupdateEvent, false, true); dispatchEventForType(eventNames().waitingEvent, false, true); } } else if (state == CAN_SHOW_CURRENT_FRAME) { if (m_loadedFirstFrame) dispatchEventForType(eventNames().canshowcurrentframeEvent, false, true); if (wasActivelyPlaying) { dispatchEventForType(eventNames().timeupdateEvent, false, true); dispatchEventForType(eventNames().waitingEvent, false, true); } } else if (state == CAN_PLAY) { dispatchEventForType(eventNames().canplayEvent, false, true); } else if (state == CAN_PLAY_THROUGH) { dispatchEventForType(eventNames().canplaythroughEvent, false, true); if (m_autoplaying && m_paused && autoplay()) { m_paused = false; dispatchEventForType(eventNames().playEvent, false, true); } } updatePlayState(); } void HTMLMediaElement::progressEventTimerFired(Timer<HTMLMediaElement>*) { ASSERT(m_player); unsigned progress = m_player->bytesLoaded(); double time = WTF::currentTime(); double timedelta = time - m_previousProgressTime; if (timedelta) m_bufferingRate = (float)(0.8 * m_bufferingRate + 0.2 * ((float)(progress - m_previousProgress)) / timedelta); if (progress == m_previousProgress) { if (timedelta > 3.0 && !m_sentStalledEvent) { m_bufferingRate = 0; initAndDispatchProgressEvent(eventNames().stalledEvent); m_sentStalledEvent = true; } } else { initAndDispatchProgressEvent(eventNames().progressEvent); m_previousProgress = progress; m_previousProgressTime = time; m_sentStalledEvent = false; } } void HTMLMediaElement::seek(float time, ExceptionCode& ec) { // Seeking // 1 if (networkState() < LOADED_METADATA) { ec = INVALID_STATE_ERR; return; } // 2 float minTime; if (currentLoop() == 0) minTime = effectiveStart(); else minTime = effectiveLoopStart(); // 3 float maxTime = currentLoop() == playCount() - 1 ? effectiveEnd() : effectiveLoopEnd(); // 4 time = min(time, maxTime); // 5 time = max(time, minTime); // 6 RefPtr<TimeRanges> seekableRanges = seekable(); if (!seekableRanges->contain(time)) { ec = INDEX_SIZE_ERR; return; } // 7 m_currentTimeDuringSeek = time; // 8 m_seeking = true; // 9 dispatchEventForType(eventNames().timeupdateEvent, false, true); // 10 // As soon as the user agent has established whether or not the media data for the new playback position is available, // and, if it is, decoded enough data to play back that position, the seeking DOM attribute must be set to false. if (m_player) { m_player->setEndTime(maxTime); m_player->seek(time); } } HTMLMediaElement::ReadyState HTMLMediaElement::readyState() const { return m_readyState; } bool HTMLMediaElement::seeking() const { return m_seeking; } // playback state float HTMLMediaElement::currentTime() const { if (!m_player) return 0; if (m_seeking) return m_currentTimeDuringSeek; return m_player->currentTime(); } void HTMLMediaElement::setCurrentTime(float time, ExceptionCode& ec) { seek(time, ec); } float HTMLMediaElement::duration() const { return m_player ? m_player->duration() : 0; } bool HTMLMediaElement::paused() const { return m_paused; } float HTMLMediaElement::defaultPlaybackRate() const { return m_defaultPlaybackRate; } void HTMLMediaElement::setDefaultPlaybackRate(float rate, ExceptionCode& ec) { if (rate == 0.0f) { ec = NOT_SUPPORTED_ERR; return; } if (m_defaultPlaybackRate != rate) { m_defaultPlaybackRate = rate; dispatchEventAsync(eventNames().ratechangeEvent); } } float HTMLMediaElement::playbackRate() const { return m_player ? m_player->rate() : 0; } void HTMLMediaElement::setPlaybackRate(float rate, ExceptionCode& ec) { if (rate == 0.0f) { ec = NOT_SUPPORTED_ERR; return; } if (m_player && m_player->rate() != rate) { m_player->setRate(rate); dispatchEventAsync(eventNames().ratechangeEvent); } } bool HTMLMediaElement::ended() const { return endedPlayback(); } bool HTMLMediaElement::autoplay() const { return hasAttribute(autoplayAttr); } void HTMLMediaElement::setAutoplay(bool b) { setBooleanAttribute(autoplayAttr, b); } void HTMLMediaElement::play(ExceptionCode& ec) { // Playing the media resource if (!m_player || networkState() == EMPTY) { ec = 0; load(ec); if (ec) return; } ExceptionCode unused; if (endedPlayback()) { m_currentLoop = 0; seek(effectiveStart(), unused); } setPlaybackRate(defaultPlaybackRate(), unused); if (m_paused) { m_paused = false; dispatchEventAsync(eventNames().playEvent); } m_autoplaying = false; updatePlayState(); } void HTMLMediaElement::pause(ExceptionCode& ec) { // Playing the media resource if (!m_player || networkState() == EMPTY) { ec = 0; load(ec); if (ec) return; } if (!m_paused) { m_paused = true; dispatchEventAsync(eventNames().timeupdateEvent); dispatchEventAsync(eventNames().pauseEvent); } m_autoplaying = false; updatePlayState(); } unsigned HTMLMediaElement::playCount() const { bool ok; unsigned count = getAttribute(playcountAttr).string().toUInt(&ok); return (count > 0 && ok) ? count : 1; } void HTMLMediaElement::setPlayCount(unsigned count, ExceptionCode& ec) { if (!count) { ec = INDEX_SIZE_ERR; return; } setAttribute(playcountAttr, String::number(count)); checkIfSeekNeeded(); } float HTMLMediaElement::start() const { return getTimeOffsetAttribute(startAttr, 0); } void HTMLMediaElement::setStart(float time) { setTimeOffsetAttribute(startAttr, time); checkIfSeekNeeded(); } float HTMLMediaElement::end() const { return getTimeOffsetAttribute(endAttr, std::numeric_limits<float>::infinity()); } void HTMLMediaElement::setEnd(float time) { setTimeOffsetAttribute(endAttr, time); checkIfSeekNeeded(); } float HTMLMediaElement::loopStart() const { return getTimeOffsetAttribute(loopstartAttr, start()); } void HTMLMediaElement::setLoopStart(float time) { setTimeOffsetAttribute(loopstartAttr, time); checkIfSeekNeeded(); } float HTMLMediaElement::loopEnd() const { return getTimeOffsetAttribute(loopendAttr, end()); } void HTMLMediaElement::setLoopEnd(float time) { setTimeOffsetAttribute(loopendAttr, time); checkIfSeekNeeded(); } unsigned HTMLMediaElement::currentLoop() const { return m_currentLoop; } void HTMLMediaElement::setCurrentLoop(unsigned currentLoop) { m_currentLoop = currentLoop; } bool HTMLMediaElement::controls() const { return hasAttribute(controlsAttr); } void HTMLMediaElement::setControls(bool b) { setBooleanAttribute(controlsAttr, b); } float HTMLMediaElement::volume() const { return m_volume; } void HTMLMediaElement::setVolume(float vol, ExceptionCode& ec) { if (vol < 0.0f || vol > 1.0f) { ec = INDEX_SIZE_ERR; return; } if (m_volume != vol) { m_volume = vol; updateVolume(); dispatchEventAsync(eventNames().volumechangeEvent); } } bool HTMLMediaElement::muted() const { return m_muted; } void HTMLMediaElement::setMuted(bool muted) { if (m_muted != muted) { m_muted = muted; updateVolume(); dispatchEventAsync(eventNames().volumechangeEvent); } } bool HTMLMediaElement::canPlay() const { return paused() || ended() || networkState() < LOADED_METADATA; } String HTMLMediaElement::pickMedia() { // Location of the media resource String mediaSrc = getAttribute(srcAttr); if (mediaSrc.isEmpty()) { for (Node* n = firstChild(); n; n = n->nextSibling()) { if (n->hasTagName(sourceTag)) { HTMLSourceElement* source = static_cast<HTMLSourceElement*>(n); if (!source->hasAttribute(srcAttr)) continue; if (source->hasAttribute(mediaAttr)) { MediaQueryEvaluator screenEval("screen", document()->frame(), renderer() ? renderer()->style() : 0); RefPtr<MediaList> media = MediaList::createAllowingDescriptionSyntax(source->media()); if (!screenEval.eval(media.get())) continue; } if (source->hasAttribute(typeAttr)) { String type = source->type().stripWhiteSpace(); // "type" can have parameters after a semi-colon, strip them before checking with the type registry int semi = type.find(';'); if (semi != -1) type = type.left(semi).stripWhiteSpace(); if (!MIMETypeRegistry::isSupportedMediaMIMEType(type)) continue; } mediaSrc = source->src().string(); break; } } } if (!mediaSrc.isEmpty()) mediaSrc = document()->completeURL(mediaSrc).string(); return mediaSrc; } void HTMLMediaElement::checkIfSeekNeeded() { // Offsets into the media resource // 1 if (playCount() <= m_currentLoop) m_currentLoop = playCount() - 1; // 2 if (networkState() <= LOADING) return; // 3 ExceptionCode ec; float time = currentTime(); if (!m_currentLoop && time < effectiveStart()) seek(effectiveStart(), ec); // 4 if (m_currentLoop && time < effectiveLoopStart()) seek(effectiveLoopStart(), ec); // 5 if (m_currentLoop < playCount() - 1 && time > effectiveLoopEnd()) { seek(effectiveLoopStart(), ec); m_currentLoop++; } // 6 if (m_currentLoop == playCount() - 1 && time > effectiveEnd()) seek(effectiveEnd(), ec); updatePlayState(); } void HTMLMediaElement::mediaPlayerTimeChanged(MediaPlayer*) { if (readyState() >= CAN_PLAY) m_seeking = false; if (m_currentLoop < playCount() - 1 && currentTime() >= effectiveLoopEnd()) { ExceptionCode ec; seek(effectiveLoopStart(), ec); m_currentLoop++; dispatchEventForType(eventNames().timeupdateEvent, false, true); } if (m_currentLoop == playCount() - 1 && currentTime() >= effectiveEnd()) { dispatchEventForType(eventNames().timeupdateEvent, false, true); dispatchEventForType(eventNames().endedEvent, false, true); } updatePlayState(); } void HTMLMediaElement::mediaPlayerRepaint(MediaPlayer*) { if (renderer()) renderer()->repaint(); } PassRefPtr<TimeRanges> HTMLMediaElement::buffered() const { // FIXME real ranges support if (!m_player || !m_player->maxTimeBuffered()) return TimeRanges::create(); return TimeRanges::create(0, m_player->maxTimeBuffered()); } PassRefPtr<TimeRanges> HTMLMediaElement::played() const { // FIXME track played return TimeRanges::create(); } PassRefPtr<TimeRanges> HTMLMediaElement::seekable() const { // FIXME real ranges support if (!m_player || !m_player->maxTimeSeekable()) return TimeRanges::create(); return TimeRanges::create(0, m_player->maxTimeSeekable()); } float HTMLMediaElement::effectiveStart() const { if (!m_player) return 0; return min(start(), m_player->duration()); } float HTMLMediaElement::effectiveEnd() const { if (!m_player) return 0; return min(max(end(), max(start(), loopStart())), m_player->duration()); } float HTMLMediaElement::effectiveLoopStart() const { if (!m_player) return 0; return min(loopStart(), m_player->duration()); } float HTMLMediaElement::effectiveLoopEnd() const { if (!m_player) return 0; return min(max(start(), max(loopStart(), loopEnd())), m_player->duration()); } bool HTMLMediaElement::activelyPlaying() const { return !paused() && readyState() >= CAN_PLAY && !endedPlayback(); // && !stoppedDueToErrors() && !pausedForUserInteraction(); } bool HTMLMediaElement::endedPlayback() const { return networkState() >= LOADED_METADATA && currentTime() >= effectiveEnd() && currentLoop() == playCount() - 1; } void HTMLMediaElement::updateVolume() { if (!m_player) return; Page* page = document()->page(); float volumeMultiplier = page ? page->mediaVolume() : 1; m_player->setVolume(m_muted ? 0 : m_volume * volumeMultiplier); if (renderer()) renderer()->updateFromElement(); } void HTMLMediaElement::updatePlayState() { if (!m_player) return; if (m_pausedInternal) { if (!m_player->paused()) m_player->pause(); return; } m_player->setEndTime(currentLoop() == playCount() - 1 ? effectiveEnd() : effectiveLoopEnd()); bool shouldBePlaying = activelyPlaying() && currentTime() < effectiveEnd(); if (shouldBePlaying && m_player->paused()) m_player->play(); else if (!shouldBePlaying && !m_player->paused()) m_player->pause(); if (renderer()) renderer()->updateFromElement(); } void HTMLMediaElement::setPausedInternal(bool b) { m_pausedInternal = b; updatePlayState(); } void HTMLMediaElement::documentWillBecomeInactive() { // Loading the media resource // 14 if (m_begun) { // For simplicity cancel the incomplete load by deleting the player m_player.clear(); m_progressEventTimer.stop(); m_error = MediaError::create(MediaError::MEDIA_ERR_ABORTED); m_begun = false; initAndDispatchProgressEvent(eventNames().abortEvent); if (m_networkState >= LOADING) { m_networkState = EMPTY; m_readyState = DATA_UNAVAILABLE; dispatchEventForType(eventNames().emptiedEvent, false, true); } } m_inActiveDocument = false; // Stop the playback without generating events setPausedInternal(true); if (renderer()) renderer()->updateFromElement(); } void HTMLMediaElement::documentDidBecomeActive() { m_inActiveDocument = true; setPausedInternal(false); if (m_error && m_error->code() == MediaError::MEDIA_ERR_ABORTED) { // Restart the load if it was aborted in the middle by moving the document to the page cache. // This behavior is not specified but it seems like a sensible thing to do. ExceptionCode ec; load(ec); } if (renderer()) renderer()->updateFromElement(); } void HTMLMediaElement::mediaVolumeDidChange() { updateVolume(); } void HTMLMediaElement::defaultEventHandler(Event* event) { if (renderer() && renderer()->isMedia()) static_cast<RenderMedia*>(renderer())->forwardEvent(event); if (event->defaultHandled()) return; HTMLElement::defaultEventHandler(event); } } #endif