Google Chrome v89.0.4389.82 正式版发布

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Chrome v89.0.4389.82 正式版(2021-03-06)

谷歌浏览器v89正式版主要更新,修复了一个零日漏洞,建议用户尽快更新。优化了对WebHID、WebNFC和Web Serial等适用于HID设备API的支持,此外NFC和串行设备也被认为可以投入生产使用。还初步为WebRTC添加了对AV1编码的支持。此外桌面端还带来了Web Share和Web Share Target支持以及其他增强功能。

谷歌浏览器v88正式版主要更新,改进深色主题支持,优化深色模式,覆盖设置、书签、历史、新标签页等更多内部页面的滚动条。停止对FTP的支持,无法使用Chrome作为FTP客户端,不再支持ftp://开头的地址。停止对Mac OS Yosemite的支持,结束对旧版浏览器附加组件的支持,减少请求许可干扰,优化适用于Chrome OS的浅色和深色模式。



Chrome v89.0.4389.72,此更新包括47个安全修复程序。

[$10000][1171049] High CVE-2021-21159: Heap buffer overflow in TabStrip. Reported by Khalil Zhani on 2021-01-27

[$7500][1170531] High CVE-2021-21160: Heap buffer overflow in WebAudio. Reported by Aleksandar Nikolic of Cisco Talos on 2021-01-25

[$7500][1173702] High CVE-2021-21161: Heap buffer overflow in TabStrip. Reported by Khalil Zhani on 2021-02-02

[$5000][1172054] High CVE-2021-21162: Use after free in WebRTC. Reported by Anonymous on 2021-01-29

[$TBD][1111239] High CVE-2021-21163: Insufficient data validation in Reader Mode. Reported by Alison Huffman, Microsoft Browser Vulnerability Research on 2020-07-30

[$TBD][1164846] High CVE-2021-21164: Insufficient data validation in Chrome for iOS. Reported by Muneaki Nishimura (nishimunea) on 2021-01-11

[$TBD][1174582] High CVE-2021-21165: Object lifecycle issue in audio. Reported by Alison Huffman, Microsoft Browser Vulnerability Research on 2021-02-04

[$TBD][1177465] High CVE-2021-21166: Object lifecycle issue in audio. Reported by Alison Huffman, Microsoft Browser Vulnerability Research on 2021-02-11

[$10000][1161144] Medium CVE-2021-21167: Use after free in bookmarks. Reported by Leecraso and Guang Gong of 360 Alpha Lab on 2020-12-22

[$5000][1152226] Medium CVE-2021-21168: Insufficient policy enforcement in appcache. Reported by Luan Herrera (@lbherrera_) on 2020-11-24

[$5000][1166138] Medium CVE-2021-21169: Out of bounds memory access in V8. Reported by Bohan Liu (@P4nda20371774) of Tencent Security Xuanwu Lab on 2021-01-13

[$3000][1111646] Medium CVE-2021-21170: Incorrect security UI in Loader. Reported by David Erceg on 2020-07-31

[$3000][1152894] Medium CVE-2021-21171: Incorrect security UI in TabStrip and Navigation. Reported by Irvan Kurniawan (sourc7) on 2020-11-25

[$1000][1150810] Medium CVE-2021-21172: Insufficient policy enforcement in File System API. Reported by Maciej Pulikowski on 2020-11-19

[$500][1154250] Medium CVE-2021-21173: Side-channel information leakage in Network Internals. Reported by Tom Van Goethem from imec-DistriNet, KU Leuven on 2020-12-01

[$500][1158010] Medium CVE-2021-21174: Inappropriate implementation in Referrer. Reported by Ashish Gautam Kamble on 2020-12-11

[$TBD][1146651] Medium CVE-2021-21175: Inappropriate implementation in Site isolation. Reported by Jun Kokatsu, Microsoft Browser Vulnerability Research on 2020-11-07

[$TBD][1170584] Medium CVE-2021-21176: Inappropriate implementation in full screen mode. Reported by Luan Herrera (@lbherrera_) on 2021-01-26

[$TBD][1173879] Medium CVE-2021-21177: Insufficient policy enforcement in Autofill. Reported by Abdulrahman Alqabandi, Microsoft Browser Vulnerability Research on 2021-02-03

[$TBD][1174186] Medium CVE-2021-21178: Inappropriate implementation in Compositing. Reported by Japong on 2021-02-03

[$TBD][1174943] Medium CVE-2021-21179: Use after free in Network Internals. Reported by Anonymous on 2021-02-05

[$TBD][1175507] Medium CVE-2021-21180: Use after free in tab search. Reported by Abdulrahman Alqabandi, Microsoft Browser Vulnerability Research on 2021-02-07

[$TBD][1177875] Medium CVE-2020-27844: Heap buffer overflow in OpenJPEG. Reported by Sean Campbell at Tableau on 2021-02-12

[$TBD][1182767] Medium CVE-2021-21181: Side-channel information leakage in autofill. Reported by Xu Lin (University of Illinois at Chicago), Panagiotis Ilia (University of Illinois at Chicago), Jason Polakis (University of Illinois at Chicago) on 2021-02-26

[$1000][1049265] Low CVE-2021-21182: Insufficient policy enforcement in navigations. Reported by Luan Herrera (@lbherrera_) on 2020-02-05

[$1000][1105875] Low CVE-2021-21183: Inappropriate implementation in performance APIs. Reported by Takashi Yoneuchi (@y0n3uchy) on 2020-07-15

[$1000][1131929] Low CVE-2021-21184: Inappropriate implementation in performance APIs. Reported by James Hartig on 2020-09-24

[$TBD][1100748] Low CVE-2021-21185: Insufficient policy enforcement in extensions. Reported by David Erceg on 2020-06-30

[$TBD][1153445] Low CVE-2021-21186: Insufficient policy enforcement in QR scanning. Reported by dhirajkumarnifty on 2020-11-28

[$TBD][1155516] Low CVE-2021-21187: Insufficient data validation in URL formatting. Reported by Kirtikumar Anandrao Ramchandani on 2020-12-04

[$N/A][1161739] Low CVE-2021-21188: Use after free in Blink. Reported by Woojin Oh(@pwn_expoit) of STEALIEN on 2020-12-24

[$TBD][1165392] Low CVE-2021-21189: Insufficient policy enforcement in payments. Reported by Khalil Zhani on 2021-01-11

[$TBD][1166091] Low CVE-2021-21190: Uninitialized Use in PDFium. Reported by Zhou Aiting(@zhouat1) of Qihoo 360 Vulcan Team on 2021-01-13

[1183883] Various fixes from internal audits, fuzzing and other initiatives






Google Chrome v89.0.4389.82 官方正式版 离线安装包(无更新组件)64位\_OTyvPLnCx9WHQ\_89.0.4389.82/89.0.4389.82\_chrome\_installer.exe\_OTyvPLnCx9WHQ\_89.0.4389.82/89.0.4389.82\_chrome\_installer.exe\_OTyvPLnCx9WHQ\_89.0.4389.82/89.0.4389.82\_chrome\_installer.exe

Google Chrome v89.0.4389.82 官方正式版 离线安装包(无更新组件)32位\_89.0.4389.82/89.0.4389.82\_chrome\_installer.exe\_89.0.4389.82/89.0.4389.82\_chrome\_installer.exe\_89.0.4389.82/89.0.4389.82\_chrome\_installer.exe

Google Chrome v89.0.4389.82 官方正式版 离线安装包(含更新组件)64位

Google Chrome v89.0.4389.82 官方正式版 离线安装包(含更新组件)32位

Google Chrome 官方正式版 离线安装包(含更新组件)新版及历史版本 提取码:36oz

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