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  <h1>The Mesa 3D Graphics Library</h1>

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<h1>Off-screen Rendering</h1>

Mesa's off-screen interface is used for rendering into user-allocated memory
without any sort of window system or operating system dependencies.
That is, the GL_FRONT colorbuffer is actually a buffer in main memory,
rather than a window on your display.

The OSMesa API provides three basic functions for making off-screen
renderings: OSMesaCreateContext(), OSMesaMakeCurrent(), and
OSMesaDestroyContext().  See the Mesa/include/GL/osmesa.h header for
more information about the API functions.

The OSMesa interface may be used with any of three software renderers:
<li>llvmpipe - this is the high-performance Gallium LLVM driver
<li>softpipe - this it the reference Gallium software driver
<li>swrast - this is the legacy Mesa software rasterizer

There are several examples of OSMesa in the mesa/demos repository.

<h1>Building OSMesa</h1>

Configure and build Mesa with something like:

configure --enable-osmesa --disable-driglx-direct --disable-dri --with-gallium-drivers=swrast

Make sure you have LLVM installed first if you want to use the llvmpipe driver.

When the build is complete you should find:
lib/  (swrast-based OSMesa)
lib/gallium/  (gallium-based OSMesa)

Set your LD_LIBRARY_PATH to point to one directory or the other to select
the library you want to use.

When you link your application, link with -lOSMesa
