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// Copyright 2015 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.


#include <map>
#include <memory>
#include <string>
#include <vector>

#include "base/base_export.h"
#include "base/gtest_prod_util.h"
#include "base/macros.h"
#include "base/metrics/persistent_memory_allocator.h"
#include "base/strings/string_piece.h"
#include "base/synchronization/lock.h"

namespace base {

class FieldTrial;

// Specifies whether a given feature is enabled or disabled by default.
enum FeatureState {

// The Feature struct is used to define the default state for a feature. See
// comment below for more details. There must only ever be one struct instance
// for a given feature name - generally defined as a constant global variable or
// file static.
struct BASE_EXPORT Feature {
  constexpr Feature(const char* name, FeatureState default_state)
      : name(name), default_state(default_state) {}
  // The name of the feature. This should be unique to each feature and is used
  // for enabling/disabling features via command line flags and experiments.
  const char* const name;

  // The default state (i.e. enabled or disabled) for this feature.
  const FeatureState default_state;

// The FeatureList class is used to determine whether a given feature is on or
// off. It provides an authoritative answer, taking into account command-line
// overrides and experimental control.
// The basic use case is for any feature that can be toggled (e.g. through
// command-line or an experiment) to have a defined Feature struct, e.g.:
//   const base::Feature kMyGreatFeature {
//     "MyGreatFeature", base::FEATURE_ENABLED_BY_DEFAULT
//   };
// Then, client code that wishes to query the state of the feature would check:
//   if (base::FeatureList::IsEnabled(kMyGreatFeature)) {
//     // Feature code goes here.
//   }
// Behind the scenes, the above call would take into account any command-line
// flags to enable or disable the feature, any experiments that may control it
// and finally its default state (in that order of priority), to determine
// whether the feature is on.
// Features can be explicitly forced on or off by specifying a list of comma-
// separated feature names via the following command-line flags:
//   --enable-features=Feature5,Feature7
//   --disable-features=Feature1,Feature2,Feature3
// After initialization (which should be done single-threaded), the FeatureList
// API is thread safe.
// Note: This class is a singleton, but does not use base/memory/singleton.h in
// order to have control over its initialization sequence. Specifically, the
// intended use is to create an instance of this class and fully initialize it,
// before setting it as the singleton for a process, via SetInstance().
class BASE_EXPORT FeatureList {

  // Initializes feature overrides via command-line flags |enable_features| and
  // |disable_features|, each of which is a comma-separated list of features to
  // enable or disable, respectively. If a feature appears on both lists, then
  // it will be disabled. If a list entry has the format "FeatureName<TrialName"
  // then this initialization will also associate the feature state override
  // with the named field trial, if it exists. If a feature name is prefixed
  // with the '*' character, it will be created with OVERRIDE_USE_DEFAULT -
  // which is useful for associating with a trial while using the default state.
  // Must only be invoked during the initialization phase (before
  // FinalizeInitialization() has been called).
  void InitializeFromCommandLine(const std::string& enable_features,
                                 const std::string& disable_features);

  // Initializes feature overrides through the field trial allocator, which
  // we're using to store the feature names, their override state, and the name
  // of the associated field trial.
  void InitializeFromSharedMemory(PersistentMemoryAllocator* allocator);

  // Specifies whether a feature override enables or disables the feature.
  enum OverrideState {

  // Returns true if the state of |feature_name| has been overridden via
  // |InitializeFromCommandLine()|.
  bool IsFeatureOverriddenFromCommandLine(const std::string& feature_name,
                                          OverrideState state) const;

  // Associates a field trial for reporting purposes corresponding to the
  // command-line setting the feature state to |for_overridden_state|. The trial
  // will be activated when the state of the feature is first queried. This
  // should be called during registration, after InitializeFromCommandLine() has
  // been called but before the instance is registered via SetInstance().
  void AssociateReportingFieldTrial(const std::string& feature_name,
                                    OverrideState for_overridden_state,
                                    FieldTrial* field_trial);

  // Registers a field trial to override the enabled state of the specified
  // feature to |override_state|. Command-line overrides still take precedence
  // over field trials, so this will have no effect if the feature is being
  // overridden from the command-line. The associated field trial will be
  // activated when the feature state for this feature is queried. This should
  // be called during registration, after InitializeFromCommandLine() has been
  // called but before the instance is registered via SetInstance().
  void RegisterFieldTrialOverride(const std::string& feature_name,
                                  OverrideState override_state,
                                  FieldTrial* field_trial);

  // Loops through feature overrides and serializes them all into |allocator|.
  void AddFeaturesToAllocator(PersistentMemoryAllocator* allocator);

  // Returns comma-separated lists of feature names (in the same format that is
  // accepted by InitializeFromCommandLine()) corresponding to features that
  // have been overridden - either through command-line or via FieldTrials. For
  // those features that have an associated FieldTrial, the output entry will be
  // of the format "FeatureName<TrialName", where "TrialName" is the name of the
  // FieldTrial. Features that have overrides with OVERRIDE_USE_DEFAULT will be
  // added to |enable_overrides| with a '*' character prefix. Must be called
  // only after the instance has been initialized and registered.
  void GetFeatureOverrides(std::string* enable_overrides,
                           std::string* disable_overrides);

  // Returns whether the given |feature| is enabled. Must only be called after
  // the singleton instance has been registered via SetInstance(). Additionally,
  // a feature with a given name must only have a single corresponding Feature
  // struct, which is checked in builds with DCHECKs enabled.
  static bool IsEnabled(const Feature& feature);

  // Returns the field trial associated with the given |feature|. Must only be
  // called after the singleton instance has been registered via SetInstance().
  static FieldTrial* GetFieldTrial(const Feature& feature);

  // Splits a comma-separated string containing feature names into a vector. The
  // resulting pieces point to parts of |input|.
  static std::vector<base::StringPiece> SplitFeatureListString(
      base::StringPiece input);

  // Initializes and sets an instance of FeatureList with feature overrides via
  // command-line flags |enable_features| and |disable_features| if one has not
  // already been set from command-line flags. Returns true if an instance did
  // not previously exist. See InitializeFromCommandLine() for more details
  // about |enable_features| and |disable_features| parameters.
  static bool InitializeInstance(const std::string& enable_features,
                                 const std::string& disable_features);

  // Returns the singleton instance of FeatureList. Will return null until an
  // instance is registered via SetInstance().
  static FeatureList* GetInstance();

  // Registers the given |instance| to be the singleton feature list for this
  // process. This should only be called once and |instance| must not be null.
  // Note: If you are considering using this for the purposes of testing, take
  // a look at using base/test/scoped_feature_list.h instead.
  static void SetInstance(std::unique_ptr<FeatureList> instance);

  // Clears the previously-registered singleton instance for tests and returns
  // the old instance.
  // Note: Most tests should never call this directly. Instead consider using
  // base::test::ScopedFeatureList.
  static std::unique_ptr<FeatureList> ClearInstanceForTesting();

  // Sets a given (initialized) |instance| to be the singleton feature list,
  // for testing. Existing instance must be null. This is primarily intended
  // to support base::test::ScopedFeatureList helper class.
  static void RestoreInstanceForTesting(std::unique_ptr<FeatureList> instance);

  FRIEND_TEST_ALL_PREFIXES(FeatureListTest, CheckFeatureIdentity);

  struct OverrideEntry {
    // The overridden enable (on/off) state of the feature.
    const OverrideState overridden_state;

    // An optional associated field trial, which will be activated when the
    // state of the feature is queried for the first time. Weak pointer to the
    // FieldTrial object that is owned by the FieldTrialList singleton.
    base::FieldTrial* field_trial;

    // Specifies whether the feature's state is overridden by |field_trial|.
    // If it's not, and |field_trial| is not null, it means it is simply an
    // associated field trial for reporting purposes (and |overridden_state|
    // came from the command-line).
    const bool overridden_by_field_trial;

    // TODO(asvitkine): Expand this as more support is added.

    // Constructs an OverrideEntry for the given |overridden_state|. If
    // |field_trial| is not null, it implies that |overridden_state| comes from
    // the trial, so |overridden_by_field_trial| will be set to true.
    OverrideEntry(OverrideState overridden_state, FieldTrial* field_trial);

  // Finalizes the initialization state of the FeatureList, so that no further
  // overrides can be registered. This is called by SetInstance() on the
  // singleton feature list that is being registered.
  void FinalizeInitialization();

  // Returns whether the given |feature| is enabled. This is invoked by the
  // public FeatureList::IsEnabled() static function on the global singleton.
  // Requires the FeatureList to have already been fully initialized.
  bool IsFeatureEnabled(const Feature& feature);

  // Returns the field trial associated with the given |feature|. This is
  // invoked by the public FeatureList::GetFieldTrial() static function on the
  // global singleton. Requires the FeatureList to have already been fully
  // initialized.
  base::FieldTrial* GetAssociatedFieldTrial(const Feature& feature);

  // For each feature name in comma-separated list of strings |feature_list|,
  // registers an override with the specified |overridden_state|. Also, will
  // associate an optional named field trial if the entry is of the format
  // "FeatureName<TrialName".
  void RegisterOverridesFromCommandLine(const std::string& feature_list,
                                        OverrideState overridden_state);

  // Registers an override for feature |feature_name|. The override specifies
  // whether the feature should be on or off (via |overridden_state|), which
  // will take precedence over the feature's default state. If |field_trial| is
  // not null, registers the specified field trial object to be associated with
  // the feature, which will activate the field trial when the feature state is
  // queried. If an override is already registered for the given feature, it
  // will not be changed.
  void RegisterOverride(StringPiece feature_name,
                        OverrideState overridden_state,
                        FieldTrial* field_trial);

  // Verifies that there's only a single definition of a Feature struct for a
  // given feature name. Keeps track of the first seen Feature struct for each
  // feature. Returns false when called on a Feature struct with a different
  // address than the first one it saw for that feature name. Used only from
  // DCHECKs and tests.
  bool CheckFeatureIdentity(const Feature& feature);

  // Map from feature name to an OverrideEntry struct for the feature, if it
  // exists.
  std::map<std::string, OverrideEntry> overrides_;

  // Locked map that keeps track of seen features, to ensure a single feature is
  // only defined once. This verification is only done in builds with DCHECKs
  // enabled.
  Lock feature_identity_tracker_lock_;
  std::map<std::string, const Feature*> feature_identity_tracker_;

  // Whether this object has been fully initialized. This gets set to true as a
  // result of FinalizeInitialization().
  bool initialized_ = false;

  // Whether this object has been initialized from command line.
  bool initialized_from_command_line_ = false;


}  // namespace base