tlsdate should build and work on the following Operating Systems:

  Debian GNU/Linux squeeze, wheezy, jessie, sid
  Ubuntu lucid, natty, oneiric, precise, quantal
  CentOS 6.2, 6.3, 6.4
  Fedora 17, 18
  RedHat Enterprise Server 6.4
  OpenSUSE 11.2, 12.3
  FreeBSD 9.2, 10, 11
  Mac OS X 10.8.2, 10.8.3
  ChromeOS Release 25, 26, 27 and above
  Android with the Android NDK (use
  Arch Linux (Don't forget to symlink to /dev/rtc to /dev/rtc0)
  NetBSD 6.0.1
  OpenBSD 5.2
  Gentoo 20130413
  Debian GNU/kFreeBSD 7.0 (8.2-1-amd64)
  Debian GNU/Hurd

tlsdate should build and might even work on the following Operating Systems:

  Win32 with Cygwin CYGWIN_NT-6.1 1.7.18(0.263/5/3
  Win32 with MinGW
  Haiku r1alpha4

Please file a bug or email the tlsdate team if you have successfully built or
use tlsdate on a platform that is not listed. We are specifically looking for
ports of tlsdate or for tlsdate integration on the following Operating Systems:

  Windows native
  Any of the other classic unix systems

Currently porting is in progress or partially documented for:

  Plan9 (with APE)
  Debian GNU/Hurd 7.0 (GNU-Mach 1.3.99-486-dbg/Hurd-0.3)
    Currently we report "server time 0 (difference is about 1367009757 s)"
Building and install of tlsdate on GNU/Linux and FreeBSD:

  make install

Cleaning is the usual:

  make clean

On Debian Gnu/Linux sid/unstable:

  apt-get install tlsdate

On other versions of Debian GNU/Linux and with Debian backports, tlsdate may be

  apt-get install tlsdate

On recent Debian GNU/Linux and related systems, we provide a systemd service.
It will notice network changes and regularly invoke tlsdate to keep the clock
in sync. Start it like so:

  service tlsdated start

On older Debian GNU/Linux and related systems, we provide an init.d script that
controls the tlsdated daemon. It will notice network changes and regularly
invoke tlsdate to keep the clock in sync. Start it like so:

  /etc/init.d/tlsdated start

Debian GNU/Hurd does not yet support autotools bootstrapping and users must
bootstrap with `make dist` on another platform from the tlsdate git
repository. With such a release tar.gz it is the expected process:

  make install

Please note that setting time on GNU/Hurd has not yet been tested.

On ChromeOS:

 tlsdated and tlsdate are included in the ChromeOS TCB; no install needed. They
 run automatically and are the core ntp service for ChromeOS.

On Gentoo:

  emerge net-misc/tlsdate

On FreeBSD one may also use the ports system:

  cd /usr/ports/sysutils/tlsdate
  make install

On Mac OS X, we require that you have XCode installed. You may also need brew
for autoconf and automake packages:

  brew install autoconf automake libtool pkg-config

It should also be possible to install tlsdate on OS X 10.8.x with brew directly:

  brew install tlsdate

On Fedora:

  yum install tlsdate

To run tlsdated as a service on Fedora:

  systemctl enable tlsdate.service
  systemctl start tlsdate.service

On Arch Linux there is a PKGBUILD in the Arch User Repository:

Cygwin requires that the user installs openssl-dev, gcc, pkg-config, libtool, automake, autoconf:


On Plan9 the start of building might look something like this:

  ndb/dns -r
  9fs sources
  /n/sources/contrib/fgb/root/rc/bin/contrib/install fgb/openssl
  mk install

On Haiku we must use gcc4:

  export CC=/boot/develop/abi/x86/gcc4/tools/gcc4.6.3-haiku-121101/bin/gcc
  export LDFLAGS="$LDFLAGS -lbsd"
  ./configure # This includes the above exports currently

OpenBSD builds from source and is not yet in the port system:

  export AUTOCONF_VERSION=<your installed version>
  export AUTOMAKE_VERSION=<your installed version>
  make install

If you wish to make a Debian package there are several other options. It is
expected that you are building for Sid and that you are familiar with how to
build Debian packages that are for upload into Debian directly. It is expected
that you should build in a chroot if you wish to have reliable and or
reproducible builds.
  # Prep your schroot
  schroot -b -c sid -n $mysid;
  dd-schroot-cmd -c $mysid apt-get update;
  dd-schroot-cmd -c $mysid apt-get build-dep tlsdate;
  # If build-dep is building an older tlsdate, you may need these tools too:
  dd-schroot-cmd -c $mysid apt-get install git ca-certificates \
     lintian libevent-dev libseccomp-dev;
  echo "Your chroot is called: $mysid";
  schroot -r -c $mysid
  # Build tlsdate
  git clone
  cd tlsdate/
  git checkout debian-master
  dpkg-buildpackage -B "-mMyName <MyEmail>" -uc

Building without schroot should work with dpkg-buildpackage but the build
environment will have to be manually configured.

To make a Debian package with git-buildpackage is the expected build process:

  # install dependencies
  apt-get install git ca-certificates \
     lintian libevent-dev libseccomp-dev build-essential \
     autoconf dh-autoreconf dh-systemd automake autotools-dev \
     dh-apparmor libssl-dev libevent-dev libtool pkg-config \
     debhelper fakeroot hardening-wrapper git-buildpackage;
  git clone
  cd tlsdate/
  git checkout debian-master
  git-buildpackage --git-upstream-branch=master \
    --git-debian-branch=debian-master \
    --git-upstream-tree=master \

For Android:

To cross compile tlsdate for Android (tested on Linux) you must have the
Android NDK (>=r8) installed somewhere on your system, and define the
environment variable NDK_BASE to be the path to the NDK's root dir.

    export NDK_BASE=/home/user/src/android-ndk-r8d

The Android build also requires a cross-compiled OpenSSL. The Android Makefile
will attempt to build openssl, if you provide the path via the OPENSSL_ANDROID
env var.

    git clone /path/to/android-openssl
    export OPENSSL_ANDROID=/path/to/android-openssl

Once NDK_BASE and OPENSSL_ANDROID are set properly, you can cross compile tlsdate with:

    make distclean # clean any previous builds
    rm configure   # distclean doesn't remove this file
    make -f

Android NDK:
OpenSSL for Android: