# bluetooth subsystem
type bluetooth, domain, domain_deprecated;


# Data file accesses.
allow bluetooth bluetooth_data_file:dir create_dir_perms;
allow bluetooth bluetooth_data_file:notdevfile_class_set create_file_perms;

# Socket creation under /data/misc/bluedroid.
type_transition bluetooth bluetooth_data_file:sock_file bluetooth_socket;
allow bluetooth bluetooth_socket:sock_file create_file_perms;

# bluetooth factory file accesses.
r_dir_file(bluetooth, bluetooth_efs_file)

allow bluetooth { uhid_device hci_attach_dev }:chr_file rw_file_perms;

# sysfs access.
allow bluetooth sysfs_bluetooth_writable:file rw_file_perms;
allow bluetooth self:capability net_admin;
allow bluetooth self:capability2 wake_alarm;

# tethering
allow bluetooth self:packet_socket create_socket_perms;
allow bluetooth self:capability { net_admin net_raw net_bind_service };
allow bluetooth self:tun_socket create_socket_perms;
allow bluetooth tun_device:chr_file rw_file_perms;
allow bluetooth efs_file:dir search;

# proc access.
allow bluetooth proc_bluetooth_writable:file rw_file_perms;

# Allow write access to bluetooth specific properties
set_prop(bluetooth, bluetooth_prop)
set_prop(bluetooth, pan_result_prop)

allow bluetooth audioserver_service:service_manager find;
allow bluetooth bluetooth_service:service_manager find;
allow bluetooth drmserver_service:service_manager find;
allow bluetooth mediaserver_service:service_manager find;
allow bluetooth radio_service:service_manager find;
allow bluetooth surfaceflinger_service:service_manager find;
allow bluetooth app_api_service:service_manager find;
allow bluetooth system_api_service:service_manager find;

# Bluetooth Sim Access Profile Socket to the RIL
unix_socket_connect(bluetooth, sap_uim, rild)

# already open bugreport file descriptors may be shared with
# the bluetooth process, from a file in
# /data/data/com.android.shell/files/bugreports/bugreport-*.
allow bluetooth shell_data_file:file read;

# Access to /data/media.
# This should be removed if sdcardfs is modified to alter the secontext for its
# accesses to the underlying FS.
allow bluetooth media_rw_data_file:dir create_dir_perms;
allow bluetooth media_rw_data_file:file create_file_perms;

### Neverallow rules
### These are things that the bluetooth app should NEVER be able to do

# Superuser capabilities.
# bluetooth requires net_{admin,raw,bind_service} and wake_alarm and block_suspend.
neverallow bluetooth self:capability ~{ net_admin net_raw net_bind_service };
neverallow bluetooth self:capability2 ~{ wake_alarm block_suspend };