C++程序  |  25行  |  743 B

 * Copyright 2014 Google Inc.
 * Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
 * found in the LICENSE file.

#include "SkBlitMask.h"

SkBlitMask::ColorProc SkBlitMask::PlatformColorProcs(SkColorType dstCT,
                                                     SkMask::Format maskFormat,
                                                     SkColor color) {
    return NULL;

SkBlitMask::BlitLCD16RowProc SkBlitMask::PlatformBlitRowProcs16(bool isOpaque) {
    return NULL;

SkBlitMask::RowProc SkBlitMask::PlatformRowProcs(SkColorType dstCT,
                                                 SkMask::Format maskFormat,
                                                 RowFlags flags) {
    return NULL;