Makefile文件  |  489行  |  16.36 KB

# Build the libchromium_net library

LOCAL_PATH := $(call my-dir)
include external/chromium/third_party/libevent/
include external/chromium/third_party/modp_b64/
include external/chromium/base/third_party/dmg_fp/

include $(CLEAR_VARS)


LOCAL_MODULE := libchromium_net
INTERMEDIATES := $(call local-intermediates-dir)

    googleurl/src/ \
    googleurl/src/ \
    googleurl/src/ \
    googleurl/src/ \
    googleurl/src/ \
    googleurl/src/ \
    googleurl/src/ \
    googleurl/src/ \
    googleurl/src/ \
    googleurl/src/ \
    googleurl/src/ \
    googleurl/src/ \
    googleurl/src/ \
    googleurl/src/ \
    googleurl/src/ \
    googleurl/src/ \
    android/content/common/ \
    android/ \
    android/jni/ \
    android/jni/ \
    android/jni/ \
    android/jni/ \
    android/net/ \
    android/ui/base/l10n/ \
    app/sql/ \
    app/sql/ \
    app/sql/ \
    app/sql/ \

ifeq ($(TARGET_ARCH),x86)

    base/ \
    base/ \
    base/ \
    base/ \
    base/ \
    base/ \
    base/ \
    base/ \
    base/ \
    base/ \
    base/ \
    base/ \
    base/ \
    base/ \
    base/ \
    base/ \
    base/ \
    base/ \
    base/ \
    base/ \
    base/ \
    base/ \
    base/ \
    base/ \
    base/ \
    base/ \
    base/ \
    base/ \
    base/ \
    base/ \
    base/ \
    base/ \
    base/ \
    base/ \
    base/ \
    base/ \
    base/ \
    base/ \
    base/ \
    base/ \
    base/ \
    base/ \
    base/ \
    base/ \
    base/ \
    base/ \
    base/ \
    base/ \
    base/ \
    base/ \
    base/debug/ \
    base/debug/ \
    base/debug/ \
    base/i18n/ \
    base/i18n/ \
    base/i18n/ \
    base/json/ \
    base/json/ \
    base/json/ \
    base/memory/ \
    base/memory/ \
    base/metrics/ \
    base/metrics/ \
    base/metrics/ \
    base/metrics/ \
    base/synchronization/ \
    base/synchronization/ \
    base/synchronization/ \
    base/synchronization/ \
    base/threading/ \
    base/threading/ \
    base/threading/ \
    base/threading/ \
    base/threading/ \
    base/threading/ \
    base/threading/ \
    base/third_party/icu/ \
    base/third_party/nspr/ \
    chrome/browser/net/ \
    crypto/ \
    crypto/ \
    crypto/ \
    crypto/third_party/nss/ \
    net/base/ \
    net/base/ \
    net/base/ \
    net/base/ \
    net/base/ \
    net/base/ \
    net/base/ \
    net/base/ \
    net/base/ \
    net/base/ \
    net/base/ \
    net/base/ \
    net/base/ \
    net/base/ \
    net/base/ \
    net/base/ \
    net/base/ \
    net/base/ \
    net/base/ \
    net/base/ \
    net/base/ \
    net/base/ \
    net/base/ \
    net/base/ \
    net/base/ \
    net/base/ \
    net/base/ \
    net/base/ \
    net/base/ \
    net/base/ \
    net/base/ \
    net/base/ \
    net/base/ \
    net/base/ \
    net/base/ \
    net/base/ \
    net/base/ \
    net/base/ \
    net/base/ \
    net/base/ \
    net/base/ \
    net/base/ \
    net/base/ \
    net/base/ \
    net/base/ \
    net/base/ \
    net/base/ \
    net/base/ \
    net/base/ \
    net/base/ \
    net/base/ \
    net/base/ \
    net/base/ \
    net/base/ \
    net/base/ \
    net/base/ \
    net/base/ \
    net/base/ \
    net/base/ \
    net/base/ \
    net/base/ \
    net/disk_cache/ \
    net/disk_cache/ \
    net/disk_cache/ \
    net/disk_cache/ \
    net/disk_cache/ \
    net/disk_cache/ \
    net/disk_cache/ \
    net/disk_cache/ \
    net/disk_cache/ \
    net/disk_cache/ \
    net/disk_cache/ \
    net/disk_cache/ \
    net/disk_cache/ \
    net/disk_cache/ \
    net/disk_cache/ \
    net/disk_cache/ \
    net/disk_cache/ \
    net/disk_cache/ \
    net/disk_cache/ \
    net/disk_cache/ \
    net/disk_cache/ \
    net/disk_cache/ \
    net/disk_cache/ \
    net/disk_cache/ \
    net/ftp/ \
    net/http/ \
    net/http/ \
    net/http/ \
    net/http/ \
    net/http/ \
    net/http/ \
    net/http/ \
    net/http/ \
    net/http/ \
    net/http/ \
    net/http/ \
    net/http/ \
    net/http/ \
    net/http/ \
    net/http/ \
    net/http/ \
    net/http/ \
    net/http/ \
    net/http/ \
    net/http/ \
    net/http/ \
    net/http/ \
    net/http/ \
    net/http/ \
    net/http/ \
    net/http/ \
    net/http/ \
    net/http/ \
    net/http/ \
    net/http/ \
    net/http/ \
    net/http/ \
    net/http/ \
    net/http/ \
    net/http/ \
    net/http/ \
    net/http/ \
    net/http/ \
    net/http/ \
    net/http/ \
    net/http/ \
    net/proxy/ \
    net/proxy/ \
    net/proxy/ \
    net/proxy/ \
    net/proxy/ \
    net/proxy/ \
    net/proxy/ \
    net/proxy/ \
    net/proxy/ \
    net/proxy/ \
    net/proxy/ \
    net/proxy/ \
    net/proxy/ \
    net/socket/ \
    net/socket/ \
    net/socket/ \
    net/socket/ \
    net/socket/ \
    net/socket/ \
    net/socket/ \
    net/socket/ \
    net/socket/ \
    net/socket/ \
    net/socket/ \
    net/socket/ \
    net/socket/ \
    net/socket/ \
    net/socket/ \
    net/socket/ \
    net/socket/ \
    net/socket/ \
    net/spdy/ \
    net/spdy/ \
    net/spdy/ \
    net/spdy/ \
    net/spdy/ \
    net/spdy/ \
    net/spdy/ \
    net/spdy/ \
    net/spdy/ \
    net/spdy/ \
    net/url_request/ \
    net/url_request/ \
    net/url_request/ \
    net/url_request/ \
    net/url_request/ \
    net/url_request/ \
    net/url_request/ \
    net/url_request/ \
    net/url_request/ \
    net/url_request/ \
    net/url_request/ \
    net/url_request/ \
    net/url_request/ \
    net/url_request/ \
    net/url_request/ \
    net/url_request/ \
    sdch/open-vcdiff/src/ \
    sdch/open-vcdiff/src/ \
    sdch/open-vcdiff/src/ \
    sdch/open-vcdiff/src/ \
    sdch/open-vcdiff/src/ \
    sdch/open-vcdiff/src/ \
    sdch/open-vcdiff/src/ \
    sdch/open-vcdiff/src/ \
    sdch/open-vcdiff/src/ \
    sdch/open-vcdiff/src/ \
    sdch/open-vcdiff/src/ \
    sdch/open-vcdiff/src/ \

# AutoFill++ source files.
    android/autofill/ \
    android/autofill/ \
    android/autofill/ \
    base/ \
    base/ \
    base/ \
    chrome/browser/autofill/ \
    chrome/browser/autofill/ \
    chrome/browser/autofill/ \
    chrome/browser/autofill/ \
    chrome/browser/autofill/ \
    chrome/browser/autofill/ \
    chrome/browser/autofill/ \
    chrome/browser/autofill/ \
    chrome/browser/autofill/ \
    chrome/browser/autofill/ \
    chrome/browser/autofill/ \
    chrome/browser/autofill/ \
    chrome/browser/autofill/ \
    chrome/browser/autofill/ \
    chrome/browser/autofill/ \
    chrome/browser/autofill/ \
    chrome/browser/autofill/ \
    chrome/browser/autofill/ \
    chrome/browser/autofill/ \
    chrome/browser/autofill/ \
    chrome/browser/autofill/ \
    chrome/browser/autofill/ \
    chrome/browser/autofill/ \
    chrome/common/ \
    chrome/common/ \
    chrome/common/ \
    chrome/common/net/ \
    chrome/common/net/ \
    third_party/libjingle/overrides/talk/xmllite/ \
    third_party/libjingle/source/talk/xmllite/ \
    third_party/libjingle/source/talk/xmllite/ \
    third_party/libjingle/source/talk/xmllite/ \
    third_party/libjingle/source/talk/xmllite/ \
    third_party/libjingle/source/talk/xmllite/ \
    third_party/libjingle/source/talk/xmllite/ \
    webkit/glue/ \

    $(LOCAL_PATH) \
    $(LOCAL_PATH)/chrome \
    $(LOCAL_PATH)/chrome/browser \
    $(LOCAL_PATH)/sdch/open-vcdiff/src \
    $(LOCAL_PATH)/third_party/libevent/compat \
    external/expat \
    external/icu4c/common \
    external/icu4c/i18n \
    external/openssl/include \
    external/skia \
    external/sqlite/dist \
    external/webkit/Source/WebKit/chromium \
    external/zlib \
    external \
    $(LOCAL_PATH)/base/third_party/dmg_fp \
    $(LOCAL_PATH)/third_party/icu/public/common \
    $(LOCAL_PATH)/third_party/libevent/android \
    $(LOCAL_PATH)/third_party/libevent \
    $(LOCAL_PATH)/third_party/libjingle/overrides \
    $(LOCAL_PATH)/third_party/libjingle/source \

# Chromium uses several third party libraries and headers that are already
# present on Android, but in different include paths. Generate a set of
# forwarding headers in the location that Chromium expects.

SCRIPT := $(LOCAL_PATH)/android/

GEN := $(THIRD_PARTY)/expat/files/lib/expat.h
	perl $(SCRIPT) $@ "lib/expat.h"

GEN := $(THIRD_PARTY)/skia/include/core/SkBitmap.h
	perl $(SCRIPT) $@ "include/core/SkBitmap.h"

GEN := $(THIRD_PARTY)/WebKit/Source/WebKit/chromium/public/WebFormControlElement.h
	perl $(SCRIPT) $@ "public/WebFormControlElement.h"

GEN := $(THIRD_PARTY)/WebKit/Source/WebKit/chromium/public/WebRegularExpression.h
	perl $(SCRIPT) $@ "public/WebRegularExpression.h"

GEN := $(THIRD_PARTY)/WebKit/Source/WebKit/chromium/public/WebString.h
	perl $(SCRIPT) $@ "public/WebString.h"

LOCAL_CPPFLAGS := -Wno-sign-promo -Wno-missing-field-initializers

# Just a few definitions not provided by bionic.
LOCAL_CFLAGS += -include "android/prefix.h"

# external/chromium/android is a directory to intercept stl headers that we do
# not support yet.
	$(LOCAL_PATH)/android \

LOCAL_WHOLE_STATIC_LIBRARIES += libevent modp_b64 dmg_fp libcutils
LOCAL_SHARED_LIBRARIES = libstlport libexpat libcrypto libssl libz libicuuc libicui18n libsqlite libcutils libdl


# Including this will modify the include path
include external/stlport/