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firmware_directories /etc/firmware/ /odm/firmware/ /vendor/firmware/ /firmware/image/
uevent_socket_rcvbuf_size 16M

subsystem graphics
    devname uevent_devpath
    dirname /dev/graphics

subsystem drm
    devname uevent_devpath
    dirname /dev/dri

subsystem input
    devname uevent_devpath
    dirname /dev/input

subsystem sound
    devname uevent_devpath
    dirname /dev/snd

# ueventd can only set permissions on device nodes and their associated
# sysfs attributes, not on arbitrary paths.
# format for /dev rules: devname mode uid gid
# format for /sys rules: nodename attr mode uid gid
# shortcut: "mtd@NN" expands to "/dev/mtd/mtdNN"

/dev/null                 0666   root       root
/dev/zero                 0666   root       root
/dev/full                 0666   root       root
/dev/ptmx                 0666   root       root
/dev/tty                  0666   root       root
/dev/random               0666   root       root
/dev/urandom              0666   root       root
# Make HW RNG readable by group system to let EntropyMixer read it.
/dev/hw_random            0440   root       system
/dev/ashmem               0666   root       root
/dev/binder               0666   root       root
/dev/hwbinder             0666   root       root
/dev/vndbinder            0666   root       root

/dev/pmsg0                0222   root       log

# kms driver for drm based gpu
/dev/dri/*                0666   root       graphics

# these should not be world writable
/dev/uhid                 0660   uhid       uhid
/dev/uinput               0660   uhid       uhid
/dev/rtc0                 0640   system     system
/dev/tty0                 0660   root       system
/dev/graphics/*           0660   root       graphics
/dev/input/*              0660   root       input
/dev/v4l-touch*           0660   root       input
/dev/snd/*                0660   system     audio
/dev/bus/usb/*            0660   root       usb
/dev/mtp_usb              0660   root       mtp
/dev/usb_accessory        0660   root       usb
/dev/tun                  0660   system     vpn

# CDMA radio interface MUX
/dev/ppp                  0660   radio      vpn

# sysfs properties
/sys/devices/platform/trusty.*      trusty_version        0440  root   log
/sys/devices/virtual/input/input*   enable      0660  root   input
/sys/devices/virtual/input/input*   poll_delay  0660  root   input
/sys/devices/virtual/usb_composite/*   enable      0664  root   system
/sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu*   cpufreq/scaling_max_freq   0664  system system
/sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu*   cpufreq/scaling_min_freq   0664  system system