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// Copyright 2006-2011 Adobe Systems Incorporated
// All Rights Reserved.
// NOTICE:  Adobe permits you to use, modify, and distribute this file in
// accordance with the terms of the Adobe license agreement accompanying it.

/* $Id: //mondo/dng_sdk_1_4/dng_sdk/source/dng_info.h#1 $ */ 
/* $DateTime: 2012/05/30 13:28:51 $ */
/* $Change: 832332 $ */
/* $Author: tknoll $ */

/** \file
 * Class for holding top-level information about a DNG image.


#ifndef __dng_info__
#define __dng_info__


#include "dng_classes.h"
#include "dng_ifd.h"
#include "dng_exif.h"
#include "dng_shared.h"
#include "dng_errors.h"
#include "dng_sdk_limits.h"
#include "dng_auto_ptr.h"


/// \brief Top-level structure of DNG file with access to metadata.
/// See \ref spec_dng "DNG 1.1.0 specification" for information on member fields of this class.

class dng_info
		uint64 fTIFFBlockOffset;
		uint64 fTIFFBlockOriginalOffset;
		bool fBigEndian;
		uint32 fMagic;
		AutoPtr<dng_exif> fExif;
		AutoPtr<dng_shared> fShared;
		int32 fMainIndex;
		int32 fMaskIndex;
		uint32 fIFDCount;
		AutoPtr<dng_ifd> fIFD [kMaxSubIFDs + 1];
		uint32 fChainedIFDCount;
		AutoPtr<dng_ifd> fChainedIFD [kMaxChainedIFDs];
		uint32 fMakerNoteNextIFD;
		dng_info ();
		virtual ~dng_info ();

		/// Read dng_info from a dng_stream
		/// \param host DNG host used for progress updating, abort testing, buffer allocation, etc.
		/// \param stream Stream to read DNG data from.

		virtual void Parse (dng_host &host,
							dng_stream &stream);

		/// Must be called immediately after a successful Parse operation.

		virtual void PostParse (dng_host &host);

		/// Test validity of DNG data.
		/// \retval true if stream provided a valid DNG.

		virtual bool IsValidDNG ();
		virtual void ValidateMagic ();

		virtual void ParseTag (dng_host &host,
							   dng_stream &stream,
							   dng_exif *exif,
						 	   dng_shared *shared,
						 	   dng_ifd *ifd,
						 	   uint32 parentCode,
						 	   uint32 tagCode,
						 	   uint32 tagType,
						 	   uint32 tagCount,
						 	   uint64 tagOffset,
						 	   int64 offsetDelta);

		virtual bool ValidateIFD (dng_stream &stream,
						 	      uint64 ifdOffset,
						 	      int64 offsetDelta);

		virtual void ParseIFD (dng_host &host,
							   dng_stream &stream,
							   dng_exif *exif,
						 	   dng_shared *shared,
						 	   dng_ifd *ifd,
						 	   uint64 ifdOffset,
						 	   int64 offsetDelta,
						 	   uint32 parentCode);

		virtual bool ParseMakerNoteIFD (dng_host &host,
										dng_stream &stream,
										uint64 ifdSize,
								 	    uint64 ifdOffset,
								 	    int64 offsetDelta,
								 	    uint64 minOffset,
								 	    uint64 maxOffset,
								 	    uint32 parentCode);

		virtual void ParseMakerNote (dng_host &host,
									 dng_stream &stream,
							   		 uint32 makerNoteCount,
							   		 uint64 makerNoteOffset,
							   		 int64 offsetDelta,
							   		 uint64 minOffset,
							   		 uint64 maxOffset);
		virtual void ParseSonyPrivateData (dng_host &host,
										   dng_stream &stream,
										   uint64 count,
										   uint64 oldOffset,
										   uint64 newOffset);
		virtual void ParseDNGPrivateData (dng_host &host,
										  dng_stream &stream);

		// Hidden copy constructor and assignment operator.
		dng_info (const dng_info &info);
		dng_info & operator= (const dng_info &info);
