Android Simulator README
Last updated: 14-Nov-2007

See "docs/sim-layout-xml.txt" for a description of the layout.xml files
in the device directories.

The coding conventions here are generally aligned with wxWidgets' style,
which is similar to standard Windows style.  The only significant shift
from Android style is that function names are capitalized.  Note the
simulator code is not part of the "android" namespace.

===== Arguments =====

The config file for the simulator, "", can live in your
$HOME directory or in $cwd.  The copy in $cwd takes priority.  If a
config file does not exist, one will be created in your home directory.
(Note that the current directory is set by "", so if you launch
the simulator from the script it will look for the config file in your
"install" directory.)

The simulator takes the following optional arguments:

 -f <file> : specify the configuration file to use.

 -p <platform> : specify platform information.  This is usually
    something like "Linux-release" or "CYGWIN_NT-5.1-debug".

 -r : reset paths.  This causes the simulator to regenerate the paths
    based on defaults.  This is useful when copying your from
    a different system, because it updates all the local paths without
    disturbing the other options.

===== Preferences Quick Reference =====

Path preferences.  These are reset by the "-r" flag:

"debugger"            (str) Path to the debugger (usually /usr/bin/gdb).
"valgrinder"          (str) Path to valgrind (usually /usr/bin/valgrind).

Common prefs:

"auto-power-on"       (bool) Automatically start runtime on simulator start.
"debug"               (bool) Launch the runtime inside <debugger>.
"valgrind"            (bool) Launch the runtime inside <valgrinder>.
"log-*"               (various) Preferences for the log window.
"window-*"            (int) Positions and sizes of windows.
"default-device"      (str) Name of the device that opens initially.
"ld-assume-kernel"    (str) Hack to make goobuntu GDB work; use "" to disable.

Less-common prefs:

"gamma"               (float) Gamma correction factor (default 1.0).
"window-device-x"     (int) Position of device window.
"window-device-y"     (int) Position of device window.
"trap-sigint"         (bool) Catch Ctrl-C.  Kill the runtime when we do.
"refocus-on-restart"  (bool) When runtime rstarts, give focus to phone window.
"launch-command"      (str) Command to run, e.g. "xterm -e" (cmd is appended).
"launch-wrapper-args" (str) Args to launch wrapper, e.g. "-wait -output foo".

(If you prefer gnome-terminal to xterm, you can use something like
"gnome-terminal --disable-factory -x".  The "disable-factory" arg is
needed to ensure that it inherits the environment variables.)

***** NOTE *****

If you're using a non-goobuntu system, make sure "ld-assume-kernel" is ""
in your  gdb works correctly on Ubuntu 7.04 (fiesty) and 7.10
(gutsy), and the goobuntu workaround will cause shared library version
failures on startup.